Example sentences of "the [noun sg] [noun sg] that run " in BNC.

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1 Blanche yawned and leant back against the aluminium bar that ran round the inside of the lift .
2 It was an idea she had thought of in a vague way yesterday , when she had seen the extent of the gravel ridge that ran beneath the two estates .
3 The deeper problem for doctors going into research is the antiscience culture that runs deeper in medicine than many would care to admit .
4 Many of them were predictably connected with the murder at the Turk 's Head and what he had seen , or thought he had seen , one night on the railway embankment that ran behind it .
5 Bedfellow of the road is the railway line that runs from European Russia to the desert lands of Kazakhstan .
6 We lived in the tenement block that ran its whole length in a top-storey room and kitchen with no bathroom and an outside toilet shared with several other families and reached by an open staircase .
7 And he had no inclination to spend his off-duty time working in the jam factory that ran cheek by jowl with the camp ; he was n't in need of extra money .
8 In any case , the breakwater extension would be located south of the line-of-sight to the shipping channel that runs south of Inchgarvie and should therefore be well clear of transmissions .
9 After all , she and the Queen had always happily nattered away for hours while out riding around the castle estate that runs along the River Dee .
10 When it bombed , despite all the planning , market research , and design that had gone into it , Ford realized that something was happening in the automobile market that ran counter to the basic assumptions on which GM and everyone else had been designing and marketing cars .
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