Example sentences of "the [noun sg] [noun] [noun pl] who " in BNC.

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1 Their line will be , ’ Do n't worry : we are the money milch cows who will provide the cash for the future . ’
2 No , Cubillas was not an exotic mixer but the striker Teofilio Cubillas who , in the world cup in Argentina , pricked the inflated hopes of Ally 's Tartan Army with a majestic thirty-yard shot .
3 At the frontline are the specialists — the college radio trainspotters who area really beginning to make their influence felt .
4 At the frontline are the specialists — the college radio trainspotters who area really beginning to make their influence felt .
5 For example among the action sample carers who reported increased strain was Miss Wainwright 's sister ( mentioned above ) , who in discussing the effect on her , said :
6 After the murder female employees who had previously used Castlemeads were allowed to park directly outside their office in places normally reserved for senior members of staff .
7 The facts are well known and involved the defendant seed merchants who agreed , in December 1973 , to supply the plaintiff farmers with 30 pounds of Dutch winter cabbage seed for £192 .
8 It can perhaps be said that the bereavement care teams who usually now come to help at such times are the public recognition of this phenomenon .
9 The accounting policy makers who determine them
10 They come together regularly to discuss standards of recruitment and recruits in the area , as well as the standards of the management committee members who are involved with them in the interviewing process .
11 The Germans had no illusions about the military effectiveness of their principal ally , and at first they agreed to accept only a few divisions of the Alpini , the specialist mountain troops who could hold their own with any in Europe .
12 Some of these factors can be found in the descriptions provided by Robins ( 1966 ) of the childhood histories of the child guidance patients who later developed psychiatric problems .
13 On their return to the beach , an hour 's flashing of torches was needed to catch the attention of the landing craft crews who had withdrawn too far from the beach according to one report .
14 In this , Ahmed Ashraf named two of the security police officers who had tortured him .
15 He was the son of James Six ( 1695–1743 ) and his wife Ester , daughter of Louis Ducaufour , and descended from the Huguenot refugee families who came to Britain in the sixteenth century and settled in Canterbury , where they engaged in the silk-weaving trade .
16 Friends like the Post Office workers who have kindly agreed to deliver this leaflet for nothing … .
17 I know it sounds crackers but we preferred it , " said one of the pit brow lasses who started working at the pit when she was fourteen and finished when the women 's work was abolished after nationalisation .
18 With special affection I remember the metro railway enthusiasts who , confronted by rigorous structuralist films or scenes of sexual and scatalogical excess , walked out of the cinema in baffled confusion during the first NFT International Underground Film Festival and indignantly demanded their money back after having booked for a whole season of what seemed like fascinating specialist delights : German Underground , American Underground , Italian Underground .
19 Some sort of dress rehearsal was clearly required for the Cypriot police officers who were only just coming to grips with wiretap technology , and , right on cue , one of Hurley 's informants passed the word that Abou Daod , a Lebanese drugs trafficker , was coming to Cyprus to set up a deal .
20 It is the Night Goblin shamans who brew up the Mad Cap mushroom brew which sends the Goblin Fanatics drink into a whirling frenzy .
21 they 're the baby boom babies who were n't breast fed
22 At the other end of the age range employees who have not taken advantage of the incentives to contract out of the State Earnings Related Pension Scheme ( SERPS ) should do so before they dwindle away altogether .
23 My thanks to all of the Area Council Members who all worked to make the event the success that it was , and to Ciaran Ryan , who took time out from a series of meetings to make the presentations .
24 There is a nice link in this in that this year 's efforts have been started by one of the exam prize winners who has passed his prize back to be donated to Save the Children .
25 He had been apprehensive but had gone along with her idea all the same and now the small room was a regular haunt of the local foremen and managers , as well as a meeting-place for the trade union officials who held impromptu meetings over mugs of steaming hot tea and bacon sandwiches .
26 We know that there are hon. Members on the Government Back Benches who would have supported the proposal that the discount be increased from 25 per cent .
27 The Air force types who never fly ,
28 In America sales have doubled … putting the boot into the training shoe companies who 're predicting a dramatic downturn in sales .
29 The Dart Valley Light Railway plc have , therefore , decided on a new policy for the future which it feels will keep faith with the Volunteer Association Members who are keen to develop and maintain the Buckfast-Totnes line as a typical GWR branch line operating as a non-profit making charitable trust and at the same time to satisfy its shareholders who have patiently waited for a dividend for many years .
30 The split between " knowledge workers " and the rest is prefigured in the highly trained professional nurses ( whom Project 2000 authors call " knowledgeable doer[s] " ) , expensive and therefore fewer in number , and the health care assistants who do most of the basic physical tasks of care .
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