Example sentences of "the [noun sg] [noun] [conj] they " in BNC.

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1 Under the agreement the opposition would withdraw from the unity government if they were opposed to the President 's choice of prime minister .
2 All relevant factors are taken into account by the funding councils when they decide how to allocate resources .
3 IT Division is organising the 1991 JFIT Conference at UMIST on the 9th–11th July with the primary aim of discussing objectives of the JFIT programmes and they way in which they are meeting the requirements of users .
4 I think the key to it has been in the past that if we can establish a platform with the front five and get our back row really involved with the support play that they can produce , Bath going backwards certainly do n't look as strong as when they are coming at us .
5 Mr Clive Ponting 's acquittal by a jury in February 1985 , after he had admitted to passing official Government papers to a person not authorised to receive them , the very essence of section 2 of the Official Secrets Act 1911 , and despite the most explicit summing up by the trial judge that they should convict , raises the question of what motivated the jury .
6 The jury were directed by the trial judge that they could find him guilty only as actor , whereas the true position was that he could be found guilty either as actor or on the basis of art and part .
7 But these are not organised , structured animal societies — they are abnormal explosions of the locust population and they carry with them the seeds of their own downfall , as do modern human populations that are heading in the same direction .
8 Duchy have deferred development of the cinema site until they had established the strengths and weaknesses of the hotel and considered the commercial possibilities of the site .
9 He kept the other galleys heaving and hauling at it till the tide rose and they could pull it off the rocks .
10 Sometimes children must wait for an empty chair at the milk table before they can sit down .
11 Therefore monetarists have resorted to the claim that governments can exert control over the money stock if they are determined enough , and in so doing will bring about the desired effect on money incomes and prices .
12 In a modern economy , banknotes and coins clearly form part of the money supply as they are generally acceptable in the settlement of all transactions .
13 Maybe they ca n't pay the the 'leccy bill and they 're in rent arrears and you know it 's Christmas and the kids want everything they see on the television .
14 Some join Chaos but others attack the Chaos armies as they pass .
15 These could either take the form of specific questions on the material contained in the case studies or they may be used to provide the base for students to be set exercises involving library research .
16 In recent years , however , there has been a move towards more intensive farming : altering the lambing season so they are born at different times of the year ; bringing lambs indoors and using special feed to make them grow bigger .
17 From today members of the parleg public will be able to learn all about the lambing process and they 'll even be allowed to watch as some of the rare sheep kept there give birth .
18 Between shows the girls dressed in sweatshirts and jogging shorts ; some of them stayed in the dressing rooms and stretched out to sleep or read , others went to another room in the basement complex where they could watch TV .
19 Across the small table in the basement club where they now sat , Rune 's light eyes challenged her statement .
20 When this happens , cells stay much longer in the progress zone than they normally would , and very few cells leave the progress zone at early stages .
21 Wendy will do the computer bit and they 'll do the counting bit .
22 I could hardly believe that there 's nobody on level three mm and you see we done the Easter eggs and they ca n't join in , I have to say no , it 's a shame you know the
23 A return visit will be made by Convent pupils during the Easter holidays when they will spend their time in the French school and exploring the attractive medieval town of Dinan .
24 He had keyed up all the radar stations and they would be alerted the moment anything significant was plotted .
25 Cutter crews based in the north usually see Fair Isle as a faint blur through misty rain or flying spray , or in darkness and fog as a characteristic shape on the radar screen as they try to beat the next gale to Shetland , or conversely , back to Orkney .
26 Stress is quite a problem among the teaching staff since they are still overstretched , and it takes very little extra pressure to produce a minor crisis .
27 The Sheriff Principal , in referring to the views of the Sheriff , expressed some doubt as to the entitlement of the pursuers to recover 75 per cent of the contract price if they had no legal justification for refusing to complete the installation .
28 It was held that the contract requirement that they be packed in cases of 30 was part of the contract description .
29 These creatures are the heavy armoured tanks of the insect world and they spend a great deal of their time on the ground , barging their way through the vegetable litter , scrabbling in the soil or gnawing into wood .
30 The basis of the parties ' appeal to the country is the election manifestos that they issue .
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