Example sentences of "the [noun sg] [unc] [noun sg] the " in BNC.

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1 Much to the prince 's disgust the captain of the Du Teillay refused to join in the action for fear of endangering his passenger 's life , but the Elisabeth suffered 57 killed and 176 wounded and such serious damage that she had to be sent back to Brest , taking with her her precious cargo of arms and French volunteers .
2 From the Board 's viewpoint the negative factors relating to evening courses were concerned mainly with the instructors , who might well be tired after a day 's work and might also be anxious about a long journey home afterwards .
3 For the first time in the PS 's history the congress ended without agreement on a basic political programme .
4 We 've got in the new format sixty of the new new format but what we have been able to do is take elements of the new re-fitted stores and put those for instance erm Pronto we 've managed to take those and re-fit them separately but the actual new concept stores sits at about sixty-odd stores and currently what we 're doing is to check the that we have had a a re-fits this year erm where we 've taken space for other sub-lets where put the new concept back to but as far as the go in majority of the chain now we have most of the major elements i.e an upholstery area bed area Pronto representation and indeed the re-fit that was discussed in the Chairman 's statement the kitchen and bedroom re-fit erm was applicable to all stores so all of the stores have got new kitchens and bedrooms in
5 Suppose also that at the time of the buyer 's liquidation the buyer owed £500 to the seller under another contract .
6 Lastly , arrange with the buyer 's conveyancer the manner of completion — whether by post or by credit transfer or by CHAPS .
7 Others again have taken as the play 's essence the need to reconcile not truth and falsehood but competing truths .
8 When DIY comes under the psychologist 's scrutiny The good , bad and the mucky Do It Yourself .
9 In order to save the stranger 's life the letters had to be good .
10 On the other hand , public authorities do not usually commit illegal acts deliberately , and if an atmosphere of opinion were created in which compensation for illegality were seen as being simply compensation for loss and not as carrying any stigma of fault or as being designed to perform the function of deterring illegal conduct , public authorities might be able to put the chance of an award out of their mind in deciding the applicant 's case the second time round .
11 Even on the applicant 's argument the immunity against questioning is overridden by the Act during this interval .
12 For in the mind 's eye the harvest field is peopled by busy farm folk from the neighbourhood I knew .
13 A mile above the shepherd 's hut the hillsides ceased their upward rolling and curved together to form a dead-end valley of broad-breasted slopes five miles from the nearest tarmac road , hidden deep in the folds of the moors .
14 ( So crucial was the bike in everyday life that throughout the first two years of the Club 's existence the Committee discussed the erection of a permanent bike shed more than any other matter ) .
15 During the poet 's lifetime the vicar of the town was Thomas Bowles [ Baker , 1 , 576 ] , a classicist whose preaching betrays some pedantry :
16 The Revenue has raised an assessment charging tax in excess of £20,000 and has refused retirement relief on the sale of the milk quota because no land was sold ; farming continued after the sale ( in the Revenue 's view the provisions of s 53(2)TA88 mean that when a farmer changes the nature of his farming there is a continuation of the old trade and that the old and the new are equally applicable for CGT purposes ) ; the sales of the herd and milk quota were not effected at the same time .
17 Claiming to possess within the sonnet 's language the truth of the youth 's beauty is now to admit an absent centre .
18 Acknowledging the plan 's failure the then Finance Minister , Maílson Ferreira da Nóbrega , on June 16 reintroduced an official daily indexation factor , the National Fiscal Treasury Bond ( BTNF ) , to act as a stable point of reference for financial operations .
19 From the ant 's perspective the only snag in this excellent scheme is the quality of its diet .
20 However , when a particularly successful foster placement led to the girl 's adoption the girl changed considerably .
21 The Harewood House charity auction , hosted by the Queen 's cousin the Earl of Harewood , is in aid of a new children 's day hospital in Leeds .
22 MR ASHDOWN , the Liberal Democrat leader , stressed yesterday that without a commitment to proportional representation in the Queen 's Speech the Liberal Democrats would seek to vote it down and force a second general election .
23 I hoped that in the Queen 's Speech the Government would set out a programme that showed that we were prepared to play our part in removing the scourge of poverty , of short life and of environmental destruction which is the lot of so many people in the world .
24 The Delight was met with opposition at St John 's Harbour from the mixed fishing community , but on sight of the queen 's commission the squadron was admitted and Gilbert went through the ceremony of annexing Newfoundland to England and issuing passes to non-English vessels to fish there .
25 In the Council 's experience the most effective way to mitigate the social and economic consequences of major plant closures is to secure a new operator for all or part of the redundant assets .
26 Here , G is the gravitational constant , c the speed of light , and M is the mass of the star , so the crucial radius , called the Schwadschild radius , depends only on the collapsing star 's mass ; for a star of the Sun 's mass the Schwarzschild radius equals about 3 kilometres .
27 There was a strange car in the consultant 's slot the following day .
28 At the time of the campaign 's suspension the base remained in Karen hands .
29 On top of the gag , he forced into the trooper 's mouth the trooper 's own filthy handkerchief .
30 on the boy 's neck the sign the god
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