Example sentences of "the [noun sg] [conj] [modal v] [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 Discounting is based on the recognition that money received one year hence is worth less than money received today because of the income that could have been earned by investing the capital now .
2 It snowed for three days without stopping , great cotton wool flakes , falling from a dark sky and swirling so thickly and blindingly that Mr Evans actually said the children need not use the privy in the yard in the daytime but could go up to the bathroom whenever they needed to .
3 If possible , the building should not encroach on the park and should harmonize with later buildings to be built in the area .
4 A government spokesman said : " Giving food to the people should also improve the relationship between the people and the park and should reduce illegal poaching . "
5 The dragon roared in defiance , but pulled out of the dive that would have removed Rincewind 's head , and flapped ponderously back to the tree .
6 Newcastle-upon-Tyne City Council has been found guilty of maladministration leading to injustice by the ombudsman and must pay £1,250 compensation for failing to assess and design adaptations to the home of a disabled man .
7 At least if they kept going towards the sunset they were going away from the Ridgery and would arrive somewhere .
8 ‘ It is only where the words are absolutely incapable of a construction which will accord with the apparent intention of the provision and will avoid a wholly unreasonable result that the words of the enactment must prevail . ’
9 Modifications to the waveguide that could influence biosurface immunoefficiency are listed .
10 The changes in child benefit advocated here illustrate the nature of the change that will occur .
11 Covenants existing at the time of the 1988 Budget are not affected by the change and can continue as before until their expiry .
12 This is not the support that might have been expected for fellow Germans stuck on the communist side after 1945 .
13 They seldom seem aware of the support that might come from other levels , and emphasize instead the difference of their problems and environment .
14 They 're obsessed by the shit out of which we 're shaped ( surgery ) , the shit that could befall us ( horrible accidents ) , the shit in our souls ( the drives and impulses we suppress and expel in order to constitute ourselves as normal , but which sometimes break free in perversion or psychosis ) .
15 Alice would have an action for breach of contract against the retailer and could utilise the Sale of Goods Act 1979 , ss. 14(2) and 14(3) .
16 There is , as anyone in the racket knows , a kind of trap between the printer and the writer that will box things up if possible , in spite of the best efforts on both sides .
17 As well as the nastiness being endlessly stirred up by her mother , who whispered lies about him , saying he only wanted Sien for the posing and would drop her back in the gutter when he was done , there was Sien 's wretched pimp of a brother to contend with .
18 The variations are so wide that it would contravene both the principle of fair labelling ( see Chapter 3.3 ( 1 ) ) and the principle of maximum certainty ( see Chapter 3.3 ( i ) ) if there were just a single offence of non-fatal harm and a single offence of sexual assault : this would often leave little to be decided at the trial and would transfer the effective decision to the sentencing stage .
19 Sixth former David , 16 , is one of six UK students to win the award and will represent Wales at the International Student Forum in the US next month .
20 Well can I , can I , can we leave it perhaps that erm we , that the chief executive has received the er good advice of the board and will negotiate on the basis of the surrender of the
21 Her loose silk smock had been raised , while the elastic waistband of her matching trousers had been lowered a few inches so that her pale abdomen , not yet beginning to swell with the new life inside her , was ready to be smeared lightly with the gel that would facilitate the task of finding the tiny heartbeat .
22 The second reading debate then dealt with the principle of the measure and could go on as long as members wished to speak , the government soon sensing whether it could proceed or whether modifications were needed .
23 The little heart has been put in a square frame , as any other shape would leave too much background space around the heart that would have to be filled .
24 Caffeine has stimulant effects on the heart and may cause a mild increase in blood pressure or heart rate .
25 Mir Jafar , who was made Nawab , had an adequate claim to the throne and might have been a good ruler under other circumstances , but it was quite clear that he was on the throne simply because the Company had decided to put him there .
26 These can be useful for the company as the money that would have gone into the pension fund can be used to boost profitability ( particularly useful during a takeover bid ) , or for the financing of projects .
27 Because insufficient allowances were allocated , the union argues , the local education authorities used much of the money that should have been paid in incentive allowances to classroom teachers to pay the senior staff their incentive entitlements .
28 It 's WBO super-middleweight champion Eubank 's ninth world title fight in just 22 months — and there 's to be no let-up in his quest to earn the money that can give him retirement in the next year .
29 Many people within those marvellous specialist services in London believe that attracting patients from around the country , and the money that will come with them as the reforms develop , will strengthen those outstanding services .
30 He says you 've got one that would join at the money and can do the job
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