Example sentences of "the [noun sg] [conj] [noun] i " in BNC.

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1 In my first article I wrote of the ingenuity and imagination I saw in children 's play in Asia .
2 ‘ As you said , you could have worked from the literature and specifications I had in the apartment . ’
3 At first I found the ceremonial rather strange , but once I realised the significance of the ceremony and ritual I appreciated the service to the full and was able to add my services to the whole — as each member of the congregation can take a very definite part in the service if he or she has the will , and knows what is meant by the different ceremonies performed .
4 A problem , because I do n't want a full-blooded plant-growing lighting set-up — in fact I could n't fit one in on the budget and in any case the undergravel and media I 'm using might not be conducive to growth .
5 It is not so much the face as the figure and deportment I consider of paramount concern . ’
6 The shooting and fishing I enjoyed , but I soon looked forward even more to being with my uncle .
7 She would have liked to deny me the gin and vermouth I was craving , but I would soon be a married woman and she could n't .
8 By the time I 've paid for my room at the YWCA and bought all the make-up and clothes I need there never seems to be anything left over .
9 During the shelling and mortaring I had heard nothing from Sid 's trench .
10 If you then take the point that it 's beyond the greenbelt , again you 've limited the area of search and if we take the point that Mr I think put across so well that it 's consistent with sub-regional policy , you already immediately then rule out that part of the erm area round Greater York that would have greatest impact on the Leeds Conurbation .
11 Impersonal , yes , but quite practical , though of course lacking the warmth and atmosphere I enjoyed at home .
12 Up the brae , and o'er the top and doon the , eh er , up the brae and o'er the top and doon again and up the brae and o'er the top and doon I drop and that the day and there I stop .
13 The tackle and techniques I used were exactly the same as I use for pike in the UK .
14 ‘ There were things I loved about the area and things I hated , ’ she said .
15 But — although this is very rare — you do sometimes come across one or two who seem to have a genuine interest and ‘ feel ’ for the birds ; then , obviously , I try to give them all the advice and encouragement I can .
16 In fact I have a bill somewhere where the next door to me at at the shop on Street was papered from top to bottom and the total bill for the paper and labour I think is under three pounds and that included el e e e eleven rolls for a staircase .
17 I yearn for the love and affection I once had , ’ she cried passionately .
18 They were not very young , and from the back-slapping and laughter I could see through the glass rear doors in fine form .
19 The rage and hatred I felt as I wrote this letter was terrifying , like a sudden , violent illness .
20 The poem and novel I have attributed to them respectively can also , for certain purposes , be attributed to them both .
21 The M and M I did n't like This trick I obtained from Paul Daniels , and my sister the Amazing Avril uses it in her children 's shows .
22 In these circumstances I feel it is perfectly reasonable to ask for the full refund of £29.50 , not to mention compensation for all the vexation and trouble I have been caused .
23 While I do not dismiss the care and treatment I have received during those admissions , I did not have to spend many weeks in the ‘ old bins ’ to become aware of their shortcomings as therapeutic environments .
24 When I heard about the business of measuring and weighing I realised that all the care and effort I had put into keeping my secret had probably been a complete waste of time .
25 I was very impressed by the care and attention I received in labour and the concerned approach of the consultant and all the junior staff to things that I felt wrong with my first delivery .
26 Send me , through your Holy Spirit , the strength and courage I need to live out your Gospel each day .
27 Since downloading the file I 've had severe difficulty tearing myself away from this game , such is the enjoyment and frustration I 've had from it .
28 I remember the excitement and relief I felt when I read it for the first time as a very young nun .
29 All the painting and drawing I did at Tintagel Primary culminated in my ‘ masterpiece ’ , of which I was quite proud .
30 I 'm working with ideas , still writing songs , so I have my personal input from that , plus I 'm always interested in the input and suggestions I get from the letters I receive from all over the world .
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