Example sentences of "the [noun sg] [verb] have [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The rival claims of the two departments never became a contentious matter among the ‘ boy labour ’ group of reformers , though the majority appear to have favoured the Board of Trade .
2 The sit-in appeared to have scored a victory , but the ultimate outcome , i.e. whether the laboratories were moved , was not clear .
3 Forty of the escapees were killed by local hunters but the remainder appear to have survived by hiding in inaccessible rocky areas and adapted to the local terrain , which is similar to their natural habitat in sub-Saharan Africa .
4 But the Prince seems to have forgotten his youthful adventures .
5 At the end there must be recommendations or opinions — an expression of what the writer considers has happened , will happen , or should happen .
6 The National Assistance Act seemed to turn its back on this doctrines yet it failed to jettison the view entirely and it failed to provide financial resources sufficient to enable the Board to avoid having to distinguish between the claims made by applicants , particularly as regards their more unusual needs .
7 The Board has had to weather its own political upheavals and adjust to changing circumstances .
8 It is nonetheless a matter of deep regret that the Board has had to depart from this project and that the first of these care centres on Whalsay , which would have been opened in November nineteen ninety one had the agreement been left unaltered , was still not open at the beginning of this month .
9 The board seems to have learned nothing about how the people of Arbroath feel for their own hospital .
10 The position taken by the protestant churches , and the newspaper articles and television debates which preceded the referendum appear to have affected public opinion .
11 The lack of sponsors has meant the taxpayer has had to foot more of the bill .
12 ‘ Yeah , ’ Lee laughs , ‘ most people in the know seem to have sussed that one .
13 The tannoy seemed to have gone to sleep .
14 In fact the opposite seems to have occurred because Grevy 's zebra is in other ways a very different animal from the common zebra and it appears that in their stripes the two species have converged rather than diverged , over a long period of time .
15 Theodora suspected that this was not an exercise that either the Bishop or the Archdeacon had had to perform before .
16 The experience seems to have rendered all women 's attractions null and void .
17 It was as though she were in some sort of a trance , a pallid undertone to the sun-dark skin , the nostrils of that straight nose slightly flared ; even the jaw seemed to have lost some of its determined thrust .
18 For years the Department of Transport argued that it was not its role to promote cycling , but recently the men from the ministry seem to have had a change of heart .
19 City had not won a League game at Portman Road for 30 years , and had not scored in their last seven visits , but the jinx looked to have come to an end when Gary Flitcroft 's first senior goal for the club gave them a 37th minute lead .
20 I was surprised when we went on past this , because the camp seemed to have ended .
21 The recession seemed to have hit Harvest Festival rather badly , I thought .
22 The trail appears to have gone cold and it would be difficult now to resurrect it successfully , but the incomplete notes are available as received if anyone would like to look at them .
23 Complete silence , for the rain had ceased and for the moment the storm seemed to have moved away .
24 At last he said , ‘ The storm appears to have passed , but the rain will be coming soon .
25 Outside , the rain which had been falling when they entered the building seemed to have eased .
26 Like the wooden chancel rail on which countless hands awaiting the sacrament had laid a patina , and the memorial stones in the floor of the aisle worn smooth over the centuries , the very fabric of the building seemed to have distilled and preserved some essence of generations of worshippers .
27 It is useful to bear in mind the sharp distinction between those artefacts which , to use , the user needs to have to hand , and those which can be used remotely .
28 Since then his disenchantment with the West appears to have grown .
29 It is often necessary to drive with close attention to the car in front , especially if the driver appears to have had a little too much wine or is having a highly excited conversation with his fellow passengers and waving his arms about .
30 Something of the kind seems to have happened in the case of the European communist parties ; thus Santiago Carrillo ( 1977 ) , in the passage quoted earlier , says plainly that ‘ the political system established in Western Europe … is in essentials valid ’ , and this is far removed from the outlook of some earlier Marxists — and of the members of a few left-wing groupuscules even today — who talk about ‘ smashing the bourgeois state ’ .
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