Example sentences of "the [noun sg] [prep] it 's " in BNC.

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1 Still well I mean I know the majority of it 's wood and there 's three large windows in it , and a door and erm the roof is this erm stuff it 's just like er plastic moulding but it 's double glazed bloody oven in there !
2 But listings , plus music , plus music ads were the backbone of It 's success in that period .
3 What I 'll do when I 'm , if all the if signs and buts are covered , I will put the mike on it 's stand when I 'm working tomorrow , put it on the desk and put the recorder in the , in my briefcase underneath the little desk
4 Yeah the board in it 's wisdom looking at the financial situation decided to take on a policy which actually prohibited the use of the studio theatre by professional companies and I think that 's reduced the actual use of that facility .
5 no , because the point is that Labour has not changed it 's course , which is recognizing that at the heart of it 's policies we have to show that we know the world has changed , and we 've got a message to women , which is that we know that you are essential in your role in the family , but we know you 're also essential in the economy ,
6 and the inevitable happened it it got hit and the next time we saw it it was it was galloping across the field with it 's one of his front paws
7 Yeah , put the light on it 's getting a bit
8 And the future of it 's beers like Old Speckled Hen and Morland 's Original would be reviewed .
9 What you open the window for it 's cold in here !
10 It 's pretty good cos when the lights go off I can see me and Marie in the window like it 's a mirror — and then when the lights come on , we disappear .
11 The catholicism of McGrath 's tastes , coupled with the contacts of Miles and his wife Sue Miles , and the input of Trocchi , Moore — whom McGrath had introduced to Haynes — and Hopkins were the core of It 's initial success .
12 and puts it with a pound of Philadelphia cheese into the cavity of the chicken outside it 's just lightly rubbed with oil
13 Gloucester city council meets tonight to decide on the fate of it 's controversial plans to raise council house rents by 45 per cent and to close Gloucester law centre .
14 From the moment of it 's birth , in fact poss er , even before it 's actual birth , not long after it 's conception , now that that babe has a will of it 's own , and it will exercise it and will use it .
15 Oh I , I think one had to consider erm , I , I 'd have to ask them the size of the room , what , what sort of a room it was , er , it was no use getting the fitting which erm was either far too big for the room in it 's , in it 's physical size
16 Rachel fidgets round the room like it 's a hotel we got to leave by ten .
17 Now can you imagine a circumstance where the moon in it 's journey around the earth the moon is directly in the way of the sun yes ?
18 Then he said , " In fairness to the Old Man , all the rest of it 's true ; I mean he did say you could come back to Drummonds later , for you to have fifty out of petty cash — which was where I was going to get it from to pay myself back "
19 Well also the rest of it 's going to look a bit weird at the bottom is n't it ?
20 He said the rest of it 's on schedule .
21 and the rest of it 's up That is something that you 'd have to find out
22 the rest of it 's like this here he runs into the water and he 's into the water like Him and Bobby used
23 But this 'll tell you if you 're veering that way , so you can go , ooh , and perhaps spend one day a week on that , just to get into it , and the rest of it 's going to be managing my practice .
24 Soldiers , right , stab her and they 're all dying and then you see the head like it 's just all dressed up in these things and it 's Arnie underneath it and he takes the head off
25 A BIRDS EYE VIEW : Visitors make the most of the sideshows while waiting for the start of It 's a Knockout and Superstars .
26 Originally they offered to take measures to blend in the mast with it 's surroundings ; now the company seems to be softening its attitude .
27 Hidden deep beneath the ground is the breeder , your task is to blast your way passed the smaller attacking insects and laser beam enhanced security cameras and confront the beast in it 's nest .
28 The Conservative Group do indeed congratulate the Government for it 's far-sighted legislation to make our schools more accountable to the people they serve .
29 Bracing his feet against the gate post , he applied his full strength to the bar and pulled the gate off it 's hinges !
30 Well look at the size of it 's trunk .
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