Example sentences of "the [noun sg] [prep] be in " in BNC.

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1 Yeah , really it 's a frustrating end of it , but working for Time gives me the opportunity to be in these countries and to do a good photoreportage on the country , even though it 's very rarely published .
2 It has the advantage of being in the context of a ‘ normal ’ worshipping congregation , where it is possible to develop and maintain the vital art of good relationships between clergy , organist and choir .
3 ‘ Spinnerette manufacturers keep their cards very close to their chests and it is unusual for two companies in the field to be in a position to reach a collaboration agreement . ’
4 You can certainly do group suggestive therapy and here we touch on another point that erm Joy reminds us of and Freud makes quite a bit on the book the parallel between being in a group and being hypnotized , because the , the , the role of the hypnotist is to take over completely
5 I liked the experience of being in a room full of people you did n't know , and knowing by the end of the evening you would all be bosom buddies
6 For their authentication , they required the experience of being in the situation in which they were part of the ordered life .
7 It is possible that we will see a further slowing of the ageing process as time goes on so that in the next century the experience of being in one 's eighties is more like the experience of being in one 's seventies at the moment .
8 It is possible that we will see a further slowing of the ageing process as time goes on so that in the next century the experience of being in one 's eighties is more like the experience of being in one 's seventies at the moment .
9 I 've the experience of being in a political party that says one man , one vote , release Mandela , and all these things that we were nearly shot for .
10 The contrast between being in the lady 's charitable care and now in the officious hands of the workhouse staff is an important dynamic .
11 He will cease to be in charge where some intervening act occurs to remove the responsibility for being in charge from him .
12 She always came home with the others at night , preferring the protection of being in a group .
13 Twenty-two out of these 29 said they would prefer the sufferer to be in institutional care ; the remainder said they would like increased care at home .
14 At first interview half the carers said they would prefer the sufferer to be in institutional care , and it was overwhelmingly from among these who wanted the sufferer to remain at home that those who did remain at home for the year were to be found .
15 Penalosa did not arrive in Britain until the weekend , apparently because of visa problems , while McAuley is disgruntled because he wanted the fight to be in Belfast , where it was originally arranged until he suffered an injury .
16 Young women married to salesmen , for once , took an interest in where their husbands would be on the great day ; the older men , who ricocheted between various business interests , were lectured steadily , any time they put in an appearance at home , on the necessity of being in Tollemarche at this time ; and those males who were doomed to spend their lives in Tollemarche found themselves with intolerable lists of jobs to be done , from laying out backyard skating rinks to pinning up the hems on their female relatives ' costumes .
17 The tension of being in his company had to be getting to her .
18 There are further work opportunities on the horizon in Kuwait , where Wimpey expects the future to be in joint ventures .
19 Legitimacy : ( a ) of a government or the title of a sovereign : the condition of being in accordance with law or principle … ( b ) conformity to a rule or principle ; lawfulness .
20 The movement is the condition of being in time : and the most sustained metaphor for this process of profiting in grace , that of the journey to Jerusalem , is one with immediate connotations for the medieval reader .
21 But two weeks later a friend in the motor trade serviced it for him and proclaimed the car to be in sound condition and a good deal .
22 Up until the Seventies conventional playing of the spinners dictated that the batsman should be over the ball by dint of footwork or the bat smothering the spin by being in front of the front pad .
23 All rabbits carry fleas and it is most significant that does , as the result of being in recent contact with a nest , always appear to have the greatest infestations .
24 In 1959 he applied for the headship of another minor public school , which had the disadvantage of being in Northumberland .
25 My first feeling was one of excitement : I was getting all the pleasure of being in a conspiracy without having to take any of the responsibility for it .
26 I joked ; ‘ It is n't every day I have the pleasure of being in a lady 's bedroom . ‘
27 In this example Robert is being removed from a highly specific type of reward — the pleasure of being in bed with his mum and dad .
28 Meh'Lindi commenced some isometric combat exercises as if to repel the oppression of being in the warp , which at times could generate a spiritual migraine , an ache of the soul .
29 In figure 8.2 , the effect of being in the service class on the chances of attending selective secondary school is denoted b 1 , and the effect of being in the intermediate class is denoted b 2 .
30 In figure 8.2 , the effect of being in the service class on the chances of attending selective secondary school is denoted b 1 , and the effect of being in the intermediate class is denoted b 2 .
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