Example sentences of "the [adj] be [verb] for " in BNC.

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1 Michael and Anne Heseltine were at either end of a large table of their constituents ; attending to the annual ritual whereby the faithful are rewarded for a year spent addressing envelopes and running bazaars .
2 When the British were attacked for their role in the Boer War , Hyndman and Quelch for the British Social Democratic Federation prepared a dossier on the crimes of other imperial powers as the basis for condemning all — and so exonerating the British as no worse than the rest .
3 Of course , this does not mean that accommodation problems for the old are solved for all time .
4 The Japanese are commended for making sure that everything they produce is strictly kosher .
5 ( j ) A point sometimes missed by students is that the deception need not relate to the reason why the accused is paying for a service .
6 The new presumption of guilt is most explicit in the 1985 Wildlife and Countryside Act : ‘ If , in any proceedings for an offence , there is evidence from which it could reasonably be concluded that the accused was digging for a badger , he shall be presumed to have been digging for a badger unless the contrary is shown . ’
7 If the usual cap is not put on , the following is made for a man : it is of flannel , cut exactly like an infant 's foundling cap .
8 The following is issued for the guidance of persons attending to a weighing carried out on a weighbridge made available for use by the public and for which a charge is made : —
9 This process of control is called civilisation , and to fit into the theory of the Created God , is reduced to a series of events which are designated good , evil and neutral , only the good being used for the substance of the Created God .
10 It is he who draws the moral , declaring that the low-life characters are no worse than the corrupt ruling class , the only difference being that the poor are punished for their vices .
11 For example , planners in China do not seem aware of the cohort structure their population might have in decades to come if the drastic reductions in fertility introduced in the 1970s are maintained for 20 or 30 years .
12 The latter is meant for weaving and , if knitted , will make the garment twist so that one knits a parallelogram instead of a square .
13 The former provides accommodation for breeding pairs or trios or up to five adult mice while the latter is used for up to 25 stock mice depending on their size .
14 The latter are awarded for the fact of deprivation — a substantial loss in itself , whether the plaintiff is aware of it or not .
15 Two of the latter were fighting for possession of a rather inebriated seaman on the quayside by Venturous one afternoon , an unusual entertainment but one we could have well done without .
16 England suffered to some extent from a similar gulf between her real power and her ceremonial status during the Interregnum of 1649 – 60 , a gulf in this case deepened by the widespread hostility aroused by the execution of Charles I. For several years the standing of the representatives abroad of the various Commonwealth governments was seriously weakened by the disappearance of the monarchy : in 1654 , for example , the Danish ambassador in Sweden claimed precedence over his English equivalent since the latter was acting for Cromwell , a mere protector , not for an anointed king .
17 Figure 6 shows the extent of the two Regional Parks in the Auvergne — Parc des Volcans d'Auvergne and Livradois-Forez ( the latter being proposed for extension ) , both of which cover extensive uplands and forests .
18 The honour of being the first Hearts player to captain Scotland since Dave Mackay in the Fifties was tarnished for Craig Levein when he gifted Germany the opening goal of the game after 19 minutes .
19 Claims that verge on the outrageous are made for this material — but very many fishkeepers will vouch for its effectiveness .
20 The first are planned for the Royal Brompton and if these look promising the treatment could soon be tested further in Edinburgh and then around the world . ’
21 It will support a BT Scottish Ensemble island festival each summer — the first is planned for Skye in June 1994 and will involve multi-media and community projects , concerts and recitals .
22 The first is to drill for and locate hot water ( having first mapped the geothermal gradient of the ground since conditions vary considerably ) .
23 Trial for the 16 was set for 11 , 18 , 21 and 22 June .
24 The former are intended for large areas , the latter for corridors and stairs .
25 The former 's designed for competition climbing , the latter a more robust version of the popular Black Master which now has improved racking .
26 The former is organized for the protection of rights , mainly rights to pecuniary gain .
27 And so it was reasonable for Crane and Winters , who in the twenties was reaching for this style in his own poems , to call such writing ‘ imagist ’ .
28 Means and 95% confidence intervals ( CI ) for the mean are used for descriptive statistics and graphs .
29 Halfway through the tour Ollie Campbell , who was holidaying in New Zealand at the time , made the comment that the Irish were under-prepared for the speed and physical impact of the game as practised by the stronger New Zealand sides .
30 The total cost of the part and the percentage of the total cost it represents is entered in the last two columns and the same is done for the function costs in the bottom three rows .
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