Example sentences of "the [adj] [noun pl] [conj] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 But it ran with each school area , you know , Berry , Grimness , Marketthorpe and so on , and now of course the total areas as one but I think perhaps it would be permissible to somebody with local parentage maybe not resident in the area .
2 They work for those and algebra just follows , so it just follows the normal rules that we 're using for the numbers that we know .
3 The secrecy of the League was primarily due to its connection with the White Knights of Britain , or the Hooded Men as they were sometimes called .
4 Manager , Roy Coyle , is confident of reaching the semi-final stages but he had praise for Rovers after their two League performances against the Brandywell side during the season .
5 Too late , and the ciné-weave ends before we can bring the pipper to bear . ’
6 In the long term , that might be a more effective way of encouraging investment than some of the short-term proposals that we have heard today .
7 If output could be expanded up to the point unc where price equals marginal cost , there would be an extensive gain in social welfare , namely the shaded area. , Making the simplifying assumptions that there are no income effects and that any effects on the distribution of income are unimportant , this area may stand for the true change in social welfare .
8 And he said it was difficult for the jury to isolate the narrow questions that they were going to have to decide , which is whether these officers had er fabricated notes of an interview with one of the Birmingham Six , from all the information that they had .
9 Pitt-Rivers studied the processes involved when ditches were abandoned and silted up , and the broad conclusions that he reached have been verified by later experiments .
10 The latter two may be the attractions prompting the former , but where the countryside or environmental features are the foci of interest , large influxes of people and the attendant services that they require can bring about environmental change .
11 Having done everything in your tank preparations to avoid new tank syndrome , you can still set in motion some of the attendant problems if you start your new stock off on the wrong fin .
12 Another name can be crossed firmly off the IBM Corp list : John Sculley , chairman of Apple Computer Inc has now gone on the record saying ‘ I would like to respond to the persistent rumours that I might leave Apple and go to IBM — I have told Apple 's board of directors and our executive management team that I am not available or interested in being chief executive of IBM ; I believe Apple has a tremendous opportunity to be extremely successful in the years ahead , and Apple will be the most important innovator and leader in the industry ; 10 years ago this April I signed up to do a job , and there is still a lot that I would like to accomplish with all of us ; ‘ I hope this statement will put to rest the speculation that I might go to IBM , and also serve as a clear message of the confidence that I have in Apple , ’ he declared .
13 Another name can be crossed firmly off the IBM Corp list : John Sculley , chairman of Apple Computer Inc has now gone on the record saying ‘ I would like to respond to the persistent rumours that I might leave Apple and go to IBM — I have told Apple 's board of directors and our executive management team that I am not available or interested in being chief executive of IBM ; I believe Apple has a tremendous opportunity to be extremely successful in the years ahead , and Apple will be the most important innovator and leader in the industry ; 10 years ago this April I signed up to do a job , and there is still a lot that I would like to accomplish with all of us ; I hope this statement will put to rest the speculation that I might go to IBM , and also serve as a clear message of the confidence that I have in Apple , ’ he declared .
14 , Maud Edith ( 1866–1953 ) , Irish nationalist , was born 21 December 1866 in Tongham , Surrey , the elder daughter ( there were no sons ) of Captain Thomas Gonne of the 17th Lancers and his wife Edith , daughter of William Cooke , London merchant .
15 A There is no need to have your hair cut short to get rid of the bleached highlights before you have your hair coloured back to its natural shade .
16 We have to face the European proposals and we shall tackle them as we tackle all other European proposals — in the interests of British farmers and British consumers .
17 As my honourable friend said from the front bench , the Labour party is absolutely firmly committed now both by the voices of the leadership and the votes and the resolutions at our party conference that we are in favour of a proportional representation system for the European parliament and I hope that when the elections come Mr Deputy Speaker , and people will be arguing about why they 're voting for Europe on June the ninth in one boundary as opposed to another and why they 've got erm erm different rules for this election of course as indeed for the last European election because the registration will be different , allowing all kinds of erm how can I put it foreigners in inverted commas , to vote in our elections in this country because it is the European elections that we will actually put the point across that er for the future there will be different arrangements made indeed .
18 It 's wrong , Mr Deputy Speaker , if they 're living in this country erm on a semi-permanent basis and happen to have been here last October they 'll have a vote so will any everybody else who 's a citizen of the European union , so will peers of the realm who happen to be living elsewhere whether they 're in this country or outside this country under these regulations and previous regulations , have a vote in the European elections and I think it 's wholly wrong that erm citizens of other European countries namely France because that 's the one and it 's remarkable is it not that France is the one that 's gon na be the cause of this whole edifice collapsing if we do n't submit to their extra demands but citizens of France who are citizens living in their colonies , as I 've said in South America , the West Indies and the Pacific , will have a vote in the European elections on June the ninth and yet we have got citizens for whom we are responsible for in this house , we can not shirk it onto anyone else , we deny them the responsibility and I think it 's about time the house addressed this matter .
19 The uniformed officers and their ladies stepped delicately in the dancing line , they bowed and curtseyed .
20 This corn-coloured type has been formed in the last 20 or 30 years by absorbing several of the Pyrenean breeds and it was recognised as a breed in its own right in 1962 .
21 A good exhibit is that which commemorates the Pyrenean climbers and their notable ascents , such figures as Count Henry Russell or Ramond de Carbonnières , who was the first into the field and made thirty five separate ascents of the Pic du Midi de Bigorre between the years 1787 and 1810 .
22 We were then able to find our way home by the friendly beacons until we reached the searchlight cone at Oakington .
23 I saw the Rabbit Grounds again , and the flaming bodies as they jumped and sped .
24 You have things like heredity , marriages , divorces , erm some way of life which has to do with Islamic doctrine that you do and some dispute happens , you take it to the Islamic courts and they have religious judges who take it in that context and they go according to the laws of Islam .
25 Fulfilment of their legal obligation , would send a powerful message to the contestants : to the Palestinians of the occupied territories that they can hope for protection , and to Israel that it can not disobey international law with impunity .
26 Talks with the ultimate aim of arranging elections among Palestinians in the occupied territories and which had started in May 1989 [ see p. 36670 ] had become increasingly convoluted .
27 We are deeply concerned by what is happening in the occupied territories and we are urging the Government of Israel to negotiate sensibly with the Palestinians within the occupied territories .
28 Cos we 're not supposed to have the strong glues and it 's so much easier
29 People identified with the ‘ adult heartache ’ lyrical content coupled with the strong melodies and your R&B rhythm section …
30 One of the strong impressions that I took away from the secondment was the ability of C&P managers at all levels to use various diagrammatic models to help them not only explain the workings of the company , but to help them analyse problems and synthesize solutions .
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