Example sentences of "the [adj] [noun pl] by the " in BNC.

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1 The MT term results from the scattering of the normal quasiparticles by the superconducting fluctuations and is small when ‘ pair-breaking ’ effects are large .
2 The front of the house was protected from the prevailing south-westerlies by the low hill and there were no loopholes at the back for the northerly gales to penetrate .
3 In meetings with President Vaclav Havel and other government leaders Major also expressed strong support for Czechoslovakia 's accession to the European Communities by the end of the decade .
4 United Kingdom Prime Minister John Major met Hungarian government leaders during a visit to Budapest on 28 May , and in a joint statement expressed strong support for Hungary 's accession to the European Communities by the end of the decade .
5 The Grace , 180 tons fully loaded , nosed her way through the low arches by the Middlesex bank , where there was no room for other craft , passing , or surpassing , all the shipping there .
6 The three winners of the block plan designs ‘ were the greatest sufferers by the dismemberment ’ , it claimed .
7 Prior to the technical innovations by the Coal Board , miners had been used to working in small autonomous groups or teams .
8 When remarking that it was to have an entrance from Whitehall Road , we may recall the strenuous objections by the Corporation when the B.E.T .
9 Whether it 's simply the right songs by the right band at the right time , who knows .
10 It was formed over the seventeenth to the nineteenth centuries by the Princes zu Salm-Reifferscheidt-Dyck , and displayed at Schloss Dyck , their picturesque Rhineland ‘ water-castle ’ in the north-west of the country near Düsseldorf .
11 This unwillingness to exert strong leadership was to lead to an eventual decline of the Labour churches by the end of the century .
12 A mutiny over pay arrears had spread to several sections of the armed forces by the end of July , sparked off by troops of the Nyanga Battalion who erected road-blocks in the Manhica area .
13 Mr Cristiani has promised to remove all guilty officers from command posts by June 30th and from the armed services by the end of the year .
14 His attention was drawn away from the rain-streaked windows by the sound of Gilbert 's voice , again nervously asking questions of Rohmer .
15 He distinguished the cultural sciences by the fact that their ‘ objects of study ’ are humanly made , that someone observing them is observing processes in which he himself necessarily participates , and that different methods of establishing evidence and interpretations are then inevitable .
16 The weekly reports by the joint Intelligence Committee , seen by only the five senior politicians in the land are delivered to Buckingham Palace unexpurgated .
17 It is one of the tasks of the inquiry by the West Yorkshire Police , supervised by the authority , to discover how many of the 754 arrests by the squad since January 1986 may have resulted in convictions from fabricated confessions .
18 If we were naughty or disobedient the nursemaid would threaten us with this man who , she said , hid at night in the high bushes by the gate , and would know what we had done and come and get us .
19 Since Ferguson is not ranked among the top contenders by the IBF , that organisation would declare the title vacant should he win .
20 There existed at that time , a real threat of an invasion of the British Isles by the French forces under Napoleon , so militia groups were formed and Martello Towers were erected around the more vulnerable coast line , to ward off and give warning of any sign of an invading fleet .
21 Many Abyssinians were convinced that the Central Powers would win the war , a conviction strengthened by the British defeats by the Turks at Kut and the Dardanelles ; they felt in consequence that it was prudent to keep on good terms with the Germans and Turks .
22 I urge my right hon. Friend to study the interesting proposals by the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors .
23 The table shows the frequency with which the 15 items of information occurred in the letters and the comparison of the importance given to the different items by the psychiatrists and the general practitioners .
24 Two tests for merchantability emerged from the survey of the old authorities by the House of Lords .
25 He said : ‘ Many of the problems concerning the children in Orkney would have been solved in the old days by the pressure of the community .
26 The spatial complexity and dramatic lighting of the staircase at Windsor had been achieved by May on a smaller scale at the earlier Eltham Lodge , Kent , one of the quintessential Restoration houses , built in 1664 for Sir John Shaw , and one of the few buildings by the architect to survive .
27 It was as if he said it not to me , but equally to everything around us ; as if she stood listening , in the dark shadows by the doors ; as if the telling of his past had reminded him of some great principle he was seeing freshly again .
28 Someone , something , moved in the dark shadows by the empty fire-grate , filled in summer with a copper jug stuffed full of artificial flowers .
29 She crossed the floor , climbed the carpeted steps by the cloakroom , and pushed through the double-doors into the main entrance corridor .
30 They spent much of the winter , from Palm Sunday until late August , in the centre of a chilly and miserable bay at what is now Puerto San Julián — a winter made doubly wretched by an appalling mutiny and the consequent executions and maroonings that Magellan ordered ; by the stranding and wrecking of the Santiago , which the Captain-General had sent on a sounding expedition ; and by the realization of the dreadful damage done to the remaining ships by the constant chomping and feasting of those plank-gourmets of the seas , the teredo worms .
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