Example sentences of "the [adj] [verb] [to-vb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The Eleven agreed to proceed by qualified majority vote on health and safety , working conditions , information and consultation of workers , equality at work between men and women , and integration of persons excluded from the labour market .
2 The rich began to build along the sides of Windermere , and fitted out boats with cannon ; salvoes were fired in order to ‘ enjoy the echoes ’ .
3 And since the rich tend to sit in their own gardens , public parks help redistribute enjoyment towards the poor .
4 The rich tend to want to be away from the poor , but the poor want to be in the same jurisdiction as the rich .
5 Other navies might stick to the old tactics of trying to board enemy ships and capture them , or concentrate on firing at the masts and rigging in the hope that successful shooting would disable the other side , but the English preferred to shoot into the hulls of their enemies because they knew that with enough time and enough shot they would destroy their opponents .
6 This was the policy the British intended to pursue at Chicago , much to US chagrin .
7 The British tend to sneer at American house-building methods .
8 A reaction against the occupation by the British began to develop after an incident in December 1813 when the then British commander , Major-General Gordon , condemned to death a British soldier for insubordination and the murder of a sergeant .
9 The British had to wait until the end of the 1930s for that luxury .
10 Fantastic though it may seem , in retrospect , the British proceeded to apply to India the Canadian model , complete with its Burkeian fallacy , that liberty equals empire , and with its federalist corollary .
11 Thus encouraged , the French began to assemble in November 1743 an army , variously estimated at 6–10,000 strong , at Dunkirk , under the command of Marshal Maurice Saxe [ or de Saxe ] , one of the ablest generals in Europe .
12 As a result the DST is able to operate a huge computerised identity-card system associated with equally large and efficient telephone-tapping centres which the French appear to tolerate without concern about their civil liberties .
13 Mr Jose-Maria Mendiluce , special envoy of the United Nations High Commission for Refugees , was one of the few permitted to pass through Zvornik in a white Jeep bearing the organisation 's flag .
14 Forster got Delaney back into the boat , leaving the gruesome remains to continue on their grinning journey .
15 Partly because of French opposition to closer US-European links , the US abandoned this plan at the end of 1964 and in December the Six managed to agree on an important element of the CAP common cereal prices .
16 The Japanese prefer to work at ground level .
17 War was in fact never declared ; the Japanese continued to refer to the ‘ China Incident ’ .
18 ( In fact , as Lord Goff , dissenting , said in Court , Faulkner v Talbot is a case on indecent assault , in which in most cases the sole mental element will be intention : did the accused intend to assault in indecent circumstances ? )
19 Examples of an article ‘ intended ’ for use as an offensive weapon include a dart which the accused intends to throw in a football crowd or a pocket full of stones which the accused intends to throw at members of a rival demonstration .
20 Examples of an article ‘ intended ’ for use as an offensive weapon include a dart which the accused intends to throw in a football crowd or a pocket full of stones which the accused intends to throw at members of a rival demonstration .
21 And are n't most mothers in the 90s planning to return to some form of work outside the home by the time their youngest child is at school full-time ?
22 The mighty continue to fall at the Stockholm Open .
23 By showing the authority of the apostolic see to judge in such matters the pope therefore showed his authority to decide on rulers .
24 The survey data also allow us to explore whether , after allowing for other identifiable differences in the characteristics of male and female workers , the labour market during the 1970s appeared to discriminate against young women compared to their male contemporaries .
25 On the other hand , the ordinary and the extraordinary seemed to coincide at the same point .
26 Well , I think cu , er cause suffering whatever it happens , but , surely why , I mean the elderly had to suffer through the wars so why should they have to suffer again now ?
27 Meanwhile the elderly have to rely on their families for support .
28 In effect Washington was subsidizing the Wilson government to pursue policies which the latter wished to pursue in any case .
29 Particular emphasis is placed at this point on the distinction between issue-oriented and issueless riots , the latter tending to occur in the absence of any justificatory rationale ( Marx , 1972 ) .
30 Police and army vehicles were interspersed with civilians ' traps and tradesmen 's carts , the latter having to submit to careful scrutiny before being allowed to enter the Barracks square .
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