Example sentences of "the [adj] [noun] from which " in BNC.

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1 And the sample should exhibit these characteristics and variations in much the same proportions as in the total population from which the sample has been drawn .
2 This sample must be " representative " ie exhibit characteristics and variations in attitude , behaviour , purchasing capability ( etc ) ( i ) relevant to the line of market research enquiry ; ( ii ) in much the same proportions as the total population from which the sample is drawn .
3 It can be seen , therefore , that there has been a nucleated village at Wharram Percy for only 400 years or so out of at least 2000 years , and that , in effect , the village as a form of settlement was an aberration , the single farm being the normal settlement from which the land was worked .
4 Instead of taking up the normal position from which to look at Los Angeles — which would be that of a driver — Adams adopts the role of a botanist , or perhaps a botanical historian looking for traces of the Eden that Southern California is well attested to have been 80 years ago : " live oaks on the hills , orchards across the valleys , and ornamental cypress , palms , and eucalyptus lining the roads " .
5 Two hours ' climbing brought us to the narrow ledge from which one entered Antony 's cave through a cleft in the cliff-face .
6 All these matters can and should be tackled in the partnership agreement in a way that , whilst not excluding sufficient flexibility to make the particular arrangements fit the precise circumstances of a partner 's departure , at any rate eliminates doubt as to the broad basis from which negotiations should start .
7 On Saturday Mrs Totteridge had ridden in the morning and then at lunchtime had checked her goat with the attendant events from which the whole enquiry had followed .
8 His first objective was to restore the authority of Soviet socialism by economic reform and political democratisation ; the second , much more ambitious objective was to reposition Soviet communism in relation to the European tradition from which it had originally emerged , seeking to build up a coalition of working class , religious , ecological , youth and other forces which could unite around the slogan of peace and social justice , if not necessarily Marxism-Leninism .
9 In 1773 Scott was sent as a sickly child to stay with his grandparents at Sandyknowe farm , below the rocky plinth from which rises a fortalice with sturdy walls and gun-loops .
10 But , given the low base from which the Liberal Democrat party began its struggle for recognition , he has achieved a great deal .
11 Given the low base from which much UK industry starts , this implies substantial job generation for technical experts who can develop competence in selling and marketing .
12 To do this , you connect a music source , that is either a disc or cassette player , to the second channel of the audio mixer , the combined output from which is fed to the record machine as before .
13 The consequences of the emancipation were to be even more remarkable than the political process from which the statutes emerged .
14 All its problems arise directly from the political situation from which it springs , from the urgent need felt by the Government to distance themselves from the poll tax and the equal need to placate those internal supporters of the poll tax who will choke over any support for a property tax .
15 The individual paper by-products may have particularist historical value , but their dispersed character makes it unlikely that their meaning could be reconstructed without the aggregate data from which they were derived .
16 This is not to say , though , that the interests of the local population were entirely ignored ; for , if one of the primary purposes of fortifications was to guard the necessary physical organs of tax recording and collection and the necessary officials , then a secondary purpose may possibly be glimpsed in the simultaneous protection of some of the economic base from which many of the tax payments were derived ; hence the inclusion of markets , shops , workshops and houses .
17 Now that Europe and Japan have caught the economic disease from which America is beginning to recover , the same considerations could put a big dent in IBM 's large systems business .
18 However , without access to the transforming experience from which those symbols spring they remain impenetrable . ’
19 Perhaps John 's best game for us was the FA Cup 3rd round replay at Nottingham Forest in last January 1991 , when he provided the cross from the right wing from which Ian Wright volleyed our opener , and then scored our last-gasp equaliser , which showed considerable vision and no little technique , to catch the Forest goalkeeper off his line with a dipping , curling shot from some 45 yards ' range .
20 They became involved in sustaining the feudal superiorities from which they profited in a small way .
21 Some married well , but most married back into the working class from which they had come .
22 In his speech , the Prime Minister set out the weak position from which he negotiates on economic and monetary union .
23 It is a front-row unit which has provided the solid battlements from which the enterprising Wallaby backs have taken world rugby by storm .
24 Accordingly , the cells and , for convenience , the parental line from which the mutant line was derived , were maintained in DMEM supplemented with 10% fetal calf serum ( FCS ) , pyruvate and uridine .
25 But George Dunbar , whose renegade 's knowledge of his countrymen and their terrain King Henry had seen fit to use where it could be most effective , on the Scottish march from which he derived his title , had counselled the waiting game , and Northumberland had come down upon his side .
26 She was making her way happily toward the roped-in square from which the fancy-dress competitors were to start their parade when suddenly a big black alsatian dog bounded up to her .
27 It can not offer any greater insight into the object , the circumstances of its manufacture , or the cultural framework from which it derived .
28 Nor did this brief fashion for working-class subjects derive directly from their critical campaigns , except insofar as Richardson had directed Look Back in Anger on the stage in 1956 , and that production marked the cultural watershed from which a fashion for ‘ realism ’ seemed to flow .
29 The one who was doctrinaire was Williams , who regarded the iambic measure as a chief curse of the English legacy from which American poetry must free itself if it was ever to stand on its own .
30 The favourite place from which to view and sketch them is a clump of trees on the banks of the River Skell , about one-eighth of a mile from the ruins .
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