Example sentences of "the [adj] [noun] in which " in BNC.

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1 And as to the over-imaginative way in which papers have so often treated her , she added simply : ‘ Because I 'm only young , and have lived such a short and normal life , they run out of things to say about me . ’
2 This idea links closely both to Donaldson 's notion of embedded and disembedded thought and to Vygotsky 's demand that we look at the total context in which information is exchanged and understood .
3 She in fact demonstrated what I have elsewhere argued ( Watson 1987 : 14 – 16 ) is at the basis of all education worthy of the name — a quality of five-fold respect , namely for oneself — a proper self-affirmation ; for all other people as persons like oneself ; for the total environment in which we find ourselves , both natural and cultural ; for beauty , delighting in experiencing a sense of awe and wonder ; and finally respect for truth which , however difficult to attain , needs to be like a beacon beckoning us forward .
4 He sees it as : a matter of individuals attempting , incompletely , to make sense of the total environment in which they find themselves and to respond rightly to it .
5 We seek to make such discussions as different as possible from the normal way in which we work .
6 We shall pay for the borrowing by borrowing — that is the normal way in which one pays for it .
7 Inheritance was the normal form in which individual rights over land ( or other resources , such as water ) were obtained : sale of land was unknown in both Polynesia and Micronesia , and in most parts of Melanesia too .
8 It is perhaps audacious , given the undeniable uncertainty in which we find ourselves in thinking of consciousness , but it may be possible to regard this mutual dependency as a matter of nomic correlation of one of the kinds specified earlier ( 1.5 ) , although nomic connection of a uniquely primitive character .
9 It 's just possible Mr Deputy Speaker , it 's just possible I may not be selected for all kinds of reasons but if I was selected it might at least give the people of that lovely part of the world the chance of having the referendum they never had over Maastricht because of the shameful way in which the Labour party was not willing to allow the people to have their say on that vital issue .
10 The shameful manner in which adult humans have forced religious rubbish into the minds of their children will one day dawn on the human race , and it will be horrified .
11 The interrelationships between these concepts involve a shift from the descriptive framework in which thoughts and memories can be described as conscious , preconscious or unconscious — and feelings as either conscious or unconscious , but not preconscious — to a more dynamic framework of the psychic life of human beings .
12 160 , the visitors observed that Lord Denning was not using the word ‘ delegate ’ in the narrow sense in which it is sometimes used today any more than Lord Mansfield had when he used the same word in a similar context in Rex v. Benchers of Gray 's Inn , 1 Doug .
13 There has been little support from independent black defence organizations and authentic community groups whose actions go far beyond the narrow categories in which antiracism can operate .
14 It is intended to illustrate the broad direction in which modelling might be developed to build bridges between financial and strategic analysis .
15 The CDP had welcomed the broad direction in which the CNAA 's discussions had been going in 1975 , but liked little or nothing in the Partnership in Validation document .
16 The broad sense in which I shall be using homophobia is loosely descriptive of a manifest phenomenon : the hatred , fear , and persecution of , the raging at , homosexuality and homosexuals .
17 Syntax ( in the broad sense in which it is commonly used today ) is the level of lexico-grammatical form which mediates between the levels of sound and meaning .
18 That framework shapes the broad conditions in which they operate and more specifically lays down both what is expected of them and under what circumstances and with what resources they go about achieving those goals .
19 But the liquid form in which the high-level waste is currently maintained at Sellafield also has another unique feature : as its radioactive components decay , they constantly generate heat .
20 And I heard enough about the grisly ways in which he like to make sure his questions were answered .
21 The second was the collaborative approach in which the main objective is to bring together the skills and concepts of predetermined subject areas .
22 The Leeds local data pointed up a mismatch between predominantly individualized learning tasks and the collaborative setting in which children were expected to undertake them .
23 AIRBUS Industrie , the European venture in which British Aerospace has a stake , is cutting production of its 150-seat A320 airliner by 27 in 1993 and 1994 because customers have asked for delivery delays .
24 The subtle way in which Fleming conveys the emotional development of this character is immensely impressive .
25 In other words , Leavis is proposing that English be transformed into the study of culture based on " a sense of the subtle ways in which , in a concrete cultural situation , the spiritual and the material are related " .
26 The friendly manner in which he enacted these fooled nobody .
27 Much of the rest of his life was dedicated to opposing British financial policy and the monetary straitjacket in which it placed British industry .
28 Where rights ( at least in the strong sense in which he uses the term ) are in play , they operate like political trumps to defeat arguments founded on appeals to general social utility which would normally be accepted as a sufficient justification for overriding the wishes of an individual .
29 The miller down the ages has made his own peculiar contribution to the low esteem in which he was held .
30 Delamont and Galton ( 1987 ) think that arts teachers may be attempting to overcome the low esteem in which their work is held by other teachers by adopting even more rigorous practices of pupil work assignment and evaluation than is to be observed in the practices of teachers in other areas of study thereby establishing their academic credibility .
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