Example sentences of "the [adj] [noun] with which " in BNC.

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1 Second , Iago 's terrible silence once his deceptions have been exposed : ‘ Demand me nothing , what you know , you know , /From this time forth I never will speak word ’ ( V.ii.304f. ) : this refusal of language is the logical outcome of the destructive egoism with which Iago has put himself outside , and in his own eyes above , society .
2 Listening to her talk about the make of corset she wore and the neckline shape that best suited her , speaking on these matters with the kind of solemnity they would only have brought to bear on the country 's economic situation or the future of the United Nations , they regarded her with the polite incomprehension with which they would have looked at a Martian .
3 He noted the rapid , undignified scramble by which the culprit extricated himself from the ropes on the river path , followed by ominous little trickles of loose earth ; and the exaggerated dignity with which he compensated as soon as he was clear , his slender back turned upon the voice that blasted him out of danger , his crest self-consciously reared in affected disregard of sounds which could not possibly be directed at him .
4 A coal fell out of the fire , making them both start , and Breeze replaced it with the exaggerated care with which we perform these trivial tasks , when our thoughts are far away .
5 The Imams do not have the authority to change anything in the divine revelation of the Koran , but they are able to interpret it , through the divine guidance with which they are endowed .
6 Those improvements depend on a successful macro-economic policy and the way in which that is run by the Government and the European Community with which we are now closely connected .
7 Destroy the sedate poise with which you pour
8 Or perhaps the subtle energy with which the place is charged will encourage the growth of a tree or the thickening of a hedge .
9 Despite this , when we first learn about her it is her ‘ bossy female voice ’ which is brought to our attention , as well as the low esteem with which the boys apparently regard her , ‘ Faff off Audrey Parton ’ .
10 The low frequency with which accidents occur at specific locations means that statistical comparison of incidents or evaluation of counter-measures is fraught with difficulty .
11 Reaction even against the political system with which it was so closely integrated was muted .
12 The increasing switch to populist methods , and the threats to public order and the political anti-semitism with which this became associated in the public mind , meant that Mosley 's movement went increasingly beyond the pale .
13 At the end of the day , the efficacy of Charles 's control over his local agents must be gauged from the political action with which the rest of this book is mainly concerned .
14 THE unquestioning awe with which the West once gazed on Japanese financial markets has gone : the natural laws which apply in New York and London have finally been seen to apply to Tokyo too .
15 In the same way he lauded the pilots , calling them ‘ some of the bravest people I 've ever met in my life ’ , apparently not noticing that much of their fortitude was required simply to fly the shocking aircraft and the hapless missions with which he had entrusted them .
16 With the admirable thoroughness with which he approaches each role , Dustin took a crash course in Italian .
17 The technical accomplishment with which she plays the music is startling enough , but there is an even more surprising maturity and musicality in her interpretation .
18 What I am arguing is that we should be trying to rescue the market economy from the libertarian philosophy with which it has become entangled and regrettably identified .
19 He stopped short of understanding Christianity because when he thought about that , he laid aside the receptive imagination with which he allowed himself to appreciate myth and became rigidly narrow and empiricist .
20 The dominant male of the period , like Kenneth More or Michael Dennison , was sexless , full of ‘ common sense ’ , above all , decent : the exaggerated nature of the Edwardians ' dress , its appropriation from middle-class roots , and the obsessional nature with which they pursued it , all spoke of people who did not know their place .
21 Other infantrymen were irked by the impersonal casualness with which the heavy gunners crews emerged from their comfortable shelters to fire at targets they could not see , ‘ appearing to be much less concerned than about the soup or the bucket of wine which had just been brought ’
22 Then we shall show that this more subtle procedure is a valid way of estimating a macroeconomic model which incorporates rational expectations and that it allows us to test rational expectations conditional on the economic model with which it is combined .
23 Do you use the right tone and the right words with which to express yourself or do you find yourself tongue-tied ?
24 To the lay reader the revelation of Clark 's memoirs is the complete self-assurance with which the effective influence of No. 10 over what does and does not appear in the national media is assumed , whatever slips may occur between cup and lip .
25 The advantage of such a system to trainees building a career lies in the complete flexibility with which they can gain qualifications .
26 The complete incomprehension with which the inexperienced cavalry lieutenant views the depredations of the reservation-breaking Apaches in Robert Aldrich 's powerful Ulzana 's Raid ( 1972 ) reflected the inability of Americans to understand an alien — i.e. Vietnamese — culture .
27 The Commission — and the private foresters with which it was closely associated — was strongly disinclined to believe anything that environmentalists said .
28 I do not wish to take up much time other than to remind the Minister of the five-point agenda with which the NFU would like him to be armed in the poker games of Europe .
29 These three principles were originally spelt out in the working document with which this initiative was launched ( reproduced in Cmnd. 8616 as appendix 3 ) Each department was required to develop and define a plan which on completion was to be sent to the Treasury and the Management and Personnel Office ( MPO ) .
30 The Constituent Assembly , inaugurated on June 28 , adopted in August the 1966 Constitution as the working document with which to formulate a new charter .
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