Example sentences of "the [adj] [noun] to which " in BNC.

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1 I also attended a number of the introductory workshops to which potential recruits are invited .
2 This ‘ piece of social arithmetic ’ , as he modestly called it , was published in 1889 and was addressed to the problem of understanding the exaggerated lengths to which many tribesmen were reported to go in avoiding their in-laws .
3 In any case , I believe Eliot admired the thrillers of the prolific E. Phillips Oppenheim , who was published in the yellow-backed series to which he more than once referred as a possible source of inspiration .
4 Its elegant architecture is based on Les Invalides in Paris — as befits the European tradition to which it belongs .
5 Nothing in the Environmental Protection Act 1990 relates to the European directives to which his question refers .
6 What is meant by quantitative restrictions and measures having equivalent effect in Article 30 of the Treaty has been the subject of a whole series of decisions of the European Court to which the attention of the Court of Appeal ought to have been drawn .
7 They can succeed only if they fit in with similar international plans ; in the Netherlands ' case , with the standards agreed by the European Community to which it belongs , and that applies particularly to vehicles .
8 I can not answer in the unconstrained sense in which my hon. Friend asked the question , but , clearly , we are prepared to play our part — bilaterally through the provision of know-how and technical assistance in appropriate matters and , of course , through the European Community to which we are a substantial subscriber .
9 My concern is with the nature of his reputation , and the striking extent to which both his admirers and his detractors are unable to agree on what kind of writer Derrida is , or even what he is actually saying .
10 Anyway , the implication of my argument , and of the neurological experiments to which I have referred , is that the functions of the left side of the brain have been developed in a very special way in the human species and that this specialization is reflected in the universals of human culture , including the general structure of language , all of which are reflections of the fact that the left side of the brain operates in binary logic .
11 Perhaps these were the monoliths worshipped by the aboriginal Gaunches to which they offered sacrifices of milk , honey and sheep fat .
12 It needs a foundation not only of shared values but also of shared experience , so that people identify with the political system to which they belong , and can trust its procedures and their outcomes .
13 It was their duty to permit themselves a swift handshake and a kindly word to those , less august than themselves , whose long evenings on the ‘ knocker ’ , canvassing for the party , sustained them in the political positions to which they had become all too easily accustomed .
14 The policy of withholding funds for investment in the reconstruction of the Basque Country , Catalonia and Asturias was a deliberate , punitive gesture , as well as a precautionary measure , lest too rapid or too successful economic recovery should lead to agitation for the political autonomy to which they had aspired — and , in the case of the Basque Country and Catalonia , enjoyed — under the Republic .
15 It was such men who had to be galvanised into action by a pressing personal letter from the leader of the political interest to which they adhered , and , as Panmure was advised , it was ‘ getting such good friends to take a troublesome jaunt on them ’ which would ‘ save a sett of friends from being either affronted or over run ’ .
16 Were those friends to suffer humiliation , it would be seen as a defeat for the political interest to which they belonged , and if the politician had attempted to avoid a commitment , that abstention would merely add the resentment of his friends to the consequences of the defeat .
17 The tiara was in essence a white cap , having two bands at the back like a mitre , but it had incorporated in it a coronet round the lower rim to which was added a second coronet under Pope Boniface VIII at the end of the thirteenth century , symbolizing sacerdotal and regal powers .
18 It is one of the greatest subjects to which a university can call its students .
19 When , in March 1858 , the need to cope with the technical questions to which emancipation gave rise led to the creation of two new sections within the ministry — the Land Department and the Statistical Department — it was hardly surprising that Lanskoi and Miliutin staffed them with people who combined specialist knowledge with liberal sympathies .
20 This is by no means the end of the matter , but enough has been stated to show the breadth of the definition of development and the technical complexities to which it can give rise .
21 The economic sanctions to which the international community resorted did not prove successful as a means of inducing Iraq to withdraw .
22 ‘ If ’ , argues Conklin ( 1977 : 94 ) , ‘ businessmen feel ideologically deprived by government regulation because they think that the law is unfair and unduly restrictive of the economic forces to which they have a strong commitment , they may violate the law ’ .
23 Planning can remove the economic insecurity to which capitalism is prone .
24 The economic dependence to which she refers is not a facet of marriage as such , but a facet of marriage in which the wife is not employed .
25 The aim is to discover , for example by estimating ‘ reaction functions ’ what were the economic indicators to which policymakers in fact responded .
26 I shall certainly look with interest at the specific matters to which my hon. Friend has drawn attention .
27 Sue Goss , chair of Southwark 's Women 's Committee between 1982 and 1986 , claimed that because ‘ of the specific roles to which women are constrained , they have a specific relationship to local government service provision , employment and political representation ’ ( Goss 1984 : 122 ) .
28 I should say I hardly recognised him but scarcely is the word I have picked up in the strange places to which Sebastian and I have journeyed .
29 From the regressive , infantile phantasy of the omniscient parent comes the very common paranoid delusion of always being watched which , in the totalitarian state , achieves an all too real fulfilment in the extensive surveillance to which all its citizens are subjected .
30 Paul Bouchet , head of the National Control Commission on Security Intercepts , said in a statement : ‘ It is clear that … the wiretaps were a severe violation not only of the victims ’ private lives but also of the professional secrecy to which journalists and lawyers are entitled in a democratic society . ’
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