Example sentences of "the [adj] [modal v] not [be] " in BNC.

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1 Now the political can not be imposed .
2 Similarly , the principle of the Law of Jubilee was that the rich should not be allowed to accumulate all property rights .
3 The wasteful and destructive life-styles of the rich can not be maintained at the cost of the lives and livelihood of the poor , and of nature .
4 Unless there is growth , it is argued , the rich will not be able to provide the money and technological resources needed to counter climate change globally .
5 The council statement said Coun Harvison and leader of the Labour group Arthur Taylor appreciated that paying for training was normal , ‘ but were concerned that the unemployed would not be able to apply for one of the 70 part-time instructors ’ jobs .
6 But people said to me , ‘ Well , the English wo n't be a lot of good to you if you do a science degree and you 'll find it difficult to split your time between the arts and the sciences ’ .
7 The siege lasted almost a year , ; Philip VI put in an appearance with a relieving army at the beginning of August 1347 but he came to the conclusion that the English could not be dislodged and went away again .
8 Here is a most revealing instance of the way a difference within the same , teleologically construed , can make a great deal of difference : in effect a difference of degree can be as real as a difference of kind but in a different way : the lesser is inferior and thereby inimical in a way the antithetical can not be , and the same becomes more ditferent than difference itself .
9 The British must not be allowed to discuss bilaterally what properly lay within the province of Nato .
10 If and when Britain wants sterling to re-enter the mechanism , the British will not be able to dictate terms .
11 The best allied intelligence insisted that the French would not be ready till July , and that their attack would advance through Mons , not Charleroi .
12 They say that the French can not be trusted to maintain safety at a plant which , though on French soil , is surrounded by Belgium .
13 But the shaming should not be of a ‘ stigmatizing ’ nature which will tend to exclude them from being accepted members of the community ; it should be of a kind which serves to reintegrate them within it , by getting them to accept that they have done wrong while encouraging others to readmit them to society .
14 As I am 61 , does this mean the over-60s can not be retrained ?
15 Both small-town stations and large city stations proved amenable to this treatment , and it had some influence in Canada , but still the picturesque could not be stopped in its tracks .
16 If the owner agrees to the appropriation , the accused may not be dishonest .
17 The accused would not be present , and misunderstandings sometimes arose between judge and counsel , or between counsel and client , resulting in the accused often receiving a sentence which they thought they had not bargained for .
18 If no lease was in existence at the time when the accused made the false representation , it is believed that the accused would not be guilty under s.15 of obtaining possession of the land by deception because he would not have the intention permanently to deprive .
19 On the facts of Lamb [ 1967 ] 2 QB 981 the accused could not be guilty of reckless manslaughter when he shot his best friend not realising how the chamber of a gun revolved on pressing the trigger .
20 The following should not be subject to commision by the manager :
21 However , the worst may not be over for the embattled Chancellor .
22 They concluded that the mother 's diet ‘ may influence the likelihood of infantile colic in breast-fed children , but that the source of the colic can not be attributed to a single dietary component [ ie milk ] .
23 The MDC can not be held responsible for some problems .
24 The 1970's can not be concluded without a reference to some of the societies who have enjoyed a special relationship with Henley and which started in this decade .
25 Selling houses to the poor may not be compatible with minimising the losses to taxpayers , which requires selling assets at the best price available .
26 The value of cash benefits to the poor should not be minimised or dismissed , but it does not mean that relative deprivation is removed .
27 Gentleman , this is to quaint you all of you cor Serning the Billing of this workhous think to starve the poore theare Stephen Wite Stratford Lews of Barfield Wile of TataSon Loyd hintlesham but let them tak care of thin Selves for farit that is hap on shall there Brains be Blown out and that as sure as death and fail not and the hous shall not be bilt a toyle for theare shall be 500 planted soon and will di all it and pull Wiles hous down .
28 The collapse of trust in government that occurred in the 1970s can not be attributed entirely to Watergate ; the trend was established before 1973 .
29 For example , the width of the five grades is not consistent , and grade 3 not only accounts for about half the land , but also covers a much wider range of possibilities than , say , grade 1 ( Gilg , 1975a ) , and even the subsequent sub-division of grade 3 in the 1970s can not be applied objectively ( Worthington , 1982 ) .
30 The pupil-teacher ratio ( PTR ) and the contact ratio ( the time teachers spend directly teaching as opposed to preparing and marking work ) might be regarded as inputs and , in addition to the examples taken from the Audit Commission report , outputs might include punctuality and values and attitudes acquired by the time the pupils leave school — though the latter would not be easy to quantify .
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