Example sentences of "the [adj] [pron] have be " in BNC.

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1 A spooky tale about a woman who returns to the stately which has been home to the Stafford Dynasty for hundreds of years .
2 Among Sikhs , for example , many of the first male immigrants arrived in the 1950s , by the 60s they had been joined by their wives and children and by the 70s many of them had brought their elderly parents .
3 and we ’ ll be previewing the grand prix season in four weeks time … now next week the Oxford playhouse stages one of the sporting mismatches of the year … and cast in the unlikely role of trainer or coach is Alan Ayckbourn who after Shakespeare is the most performed playwrite of all time … the name of the game is a production about rowing called One Over the Eight which has been playing to packed houses in Scarborough
4 From the beginning of the seventeenth century to the beginning of the nineteenth there had been relatively little change in the age-distribution of the population .
5 Of the 35,000 who have been accepted , about 26,000 are expected to be at the start and these will include one of Britain 's most famous athletes , David Bedford , who has slimmed down for his first big race since he retired 11 years ago .
6 Since the mid-1980's there has been little or no growth .
7 While 39 per cent of those unemployed for up to six months were manual workers , this group made up almost half the unemployed who had been without work for between two and three years .
8 As our economy has declined as our recession has turned to a slump increasingly it is the low-paid , the sick , the disabled and the unemployed who have been forced to pick up the tab for the Tory policy failure .
9 The sergeant bumped over the sleeping-policemen and gazed at the neatly trimmed lawns and hedges with aggrieved jealousy in his eyes : the private estate was a symbol of a world from which he was excluded , a world of privilege and snobbery , a world that had turned its back on the poor , the sick and the unfashionable who had been swarming round their car only ten minutes before .
10 Hours passed and the wind worsened to the strongest it had been for days .
11 The youngest we have is two and a half and the oldest is around seventy .
12 Paul says it 's a sport for all the youngest who 's been in a raft is 5 … the oldest is 95 … anyone can come and see what it 's like playing in whitewater
13 One oil analyst described investor sentiment as a ‘ two-way pull between the Americans who are trying to be optimistic and the British who have been selling to them ’ .
14 Since the 1980's there has been a renaissance of interest in ethnography .
15 One of the main theses of the regulationist school is that in the 1970s/1980s there has been a decisive shift from Fordism ( named after the company in which its introduction is most famed ) to neo-Fordism .
16 While in the United States in the 1890s he had been heavily influenced by the Populist and Democratic Parties ' assault on the Gold Standard .
17 Even at the height of the strike movement of the 1890s there had been a certain amount of friction between workers and intelligentsia .
18 There was a great deal of space on the new site , but the station was less conveniently situated to the city than the old one had been .
19 The original school has been replaced by a modern one with spacious play areas , and the old one has been converted into a home for the elderly .
20 However , by the time of the debate in the Supreme Soviet on May 13 these fears appeared to have faded : in the light of the introduction by most Western governments of tighter immigration procedures for Soviet citizens , Soviet officials estimated that the number seeking to emigrate would be around 500,000 annually , little more than the 454,000 who had been permitted to leave in 1990 .
21 Trainer Peter Beaumont is keen to get a run into the seven-year-old who has been off the track since narrowly going down to 40-1 shock winner Sibton Abbey last month .
22 Twice Iorwerth 's warning signal had fetched them hastily to their pre-arranged places ; but on the first occasion Isambard had shunned the dripping copse and ridden away down the softer slopes eastward of Parfois , with his attendants strung out after him like beads on the string of darker green he left in the wet grass ; and on the second it had been a full-scale hunt with a dozen or more guests and very nearly fifty retainers , and Owen had held his hand , unwilling to venture against such odds .
23 Cranston 's wife was making herself comfortable on the bench whilst the gallant who had been eyeing Benedicta had now moved closer and was talking quietly with her .
24 It seems to be a leaking machine , not a negligent pollution — as the previous one had been when workmen emptied oil down the wrong manhole .
25 Later , while Rachel was checking supplies , Nina happened to mention that the new MO seemed to be proving more popular with the staff than the previous one had been , then added , ‘ Just as long as they do n't think he 's a soft touch and that they can come in here with a finger ache and think he 'll send them home . ’
26 In his speech on 26 March Gorbachev reiterated the Soviet proposals for the Mediterranean which had been issued previously following discussions with Malta .
27 I can have one of these now I 've been the worst I 've been for about six months I really !
28 By the time a Scots undertaker 's horseman and his widow were dead , ‘ the little they had was all gone ; ’ and this would have been typical enough .
29 After all , she now knew beyond reasonable doubt who her father had been , and she 'd warmed to the little she 'd been told about him .
30 To be told she would have to get rid of some of the little she had was not what she had expected — or wanted to hear .
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