Example sentences of "the [noun] from [adv] the " in BNC.

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1 The accused steals the grouse from both the poacher and the landowner .
2 He had found some fence posts slack and claimed that it was impossible to reach the lifebelts from outside the fence .
3 Around Holly there was a wail of anger that seethed across the illuminated strip and reached up to the watchtower from where the searchlight dazzled them .
4 ‘ And if we can shift one half of one per cent of the products from outside the area to within , that alone will be worth £2million to Darlington . ’
5 Endill was secretly relieved when Mould pulled the hook from out the water .
6 The existing knowledge about the employee from inside the organization makes it easier to decide whether he or she is able to perform the work well .
7 After processing , the light from just the reference beam , directed at the plate , will ‘ replay ’ the hologram as if the object were still in place .
8 For what seemed like an eternity both of them were suspended in mid-air , filthy fumes pouring into the carriage from inside the tunnel .
9 Money spins the wheel from where the Bonanzas sit , and nobody lifts a finger to do anything without figuring the percentage angle .
10 ‘ I looked out from the window from where the man had fallen and what I saw was unbelievable , ’ he said .
11 None of Offa 's immediate forebears had been king of the Mercians and Offa himself is another example ( like Aethelbald ) of an aetheling competing successfully for the kingship from outside the innermost core of royal power .
12 The room just along the corridor from where the Marshal had been waiting was stuffy and fetid with the smell of old unwashed clothing and mothballs .
13 ‘ A shot from Charlton , especially if hit on the run from outside the penalty area , is one of the great events of the sport , not because it is rare , which it is not , but because the power of it is massive and it erupts out of elegance , ’ Arthur Hopcraft , who followed Charlton 's career from shy schoolboy to elder statesman , wrote in his classic account of the English game , The Football Man .
14 The polytechnics of the new binary policy were to be a key group of partners for the CNAA from roughly the beginning of the 1970s : the Assistant Director of Hatfield Polytechnic spoke of the polytechnics and the CNAA as ‘ inseparable …
15 Without firm action to peg the dollar from either the Bundesbank or the Federal Reserve , such intervention is likely to have , at most , only a small and temporary effect .
16 Yoshida 's proposal was intended to achieve the best outcome in the circumstances from both the American and Japanese viewpoints .
17 The potential conflict in this species is removed because the flowers are pollinated above the branches by bees , the pedicels lengthening and becoming erect , to be lowered in fruit , when bats disperse the fruits from below the branches .
18 A pseudo-variable which points to the position within the file from where the next byte to be read will be taken or where the next byte to be written will be put .
19 Members of the Police Federation have admitted that ‘ anything short of total independence will fail to stifle the cry from outside the service that we are still judging our own ’ .
20 There was movement in the cage from where the old female 's voice came and a shadow came out on the floor of her cage , thin and gaunt , the silhouette of an eagle .
21 Schools have shown increasing interest in it , helped by such excellent organisations as the Institute for Contemporary British History , but there is limited room in the curriculum for the twentieth century , let alone for the period from when the text books end and memory begins .
22 In the case of L Rowland and Co ( Retail ) Ltd , the High Court found that the period of time for which the clock stops during an enquiry by Customs can only reasonably be limited to the period from when the local office initiates the enquiry with the trader to the day when a satisfactory answer is given by the trader .
23 If the husband elects that his " new " home is to be treated as his main residence , then the disposal to the wife of the former matrimonial home ( or his interest in it ) will give rise to a charge to capital gains tax ; this will be on the gain accruing in respect of the period from when the matrimonial home ceased to be his main residence until the date of the court order or date of agreement between the parties .
24 It is thought that this might give relief to the husband for capital gains tax for the period from when the settlement is established ( ie the court order or when the agreement between the parties was finalised ) until its termination , but the application of this section to such a situation is not wholly clear .
25 The second initiative came from the station from where the RAF VC10 fleet operate and are maintained .
26 But the distance from where the tank now sat blocking the way at the head of the stairs , and where it had to be , at the end of the landing , was too great for them to shift it .
27 In conclusion , the evidence from both the statistical correlation and the personal interview studies does not substantiate the state subsidy theory of strikes but it does not refute it either .
28 A terse statement late in the day from both the Bank of Edinburgh and the Heart of England stated simply that the directors of both had agreed not to proceed further with their merger discussions .
29 Their example is the fountain from where the vulgar draw their habits , action and characters . ’
30 It is a matter for speculation whether or not this would have been enough to cut the ground from underneath the feet of the DHAC , but in any case the situation had been radically transformed by the 5 October march and by the prorogation of Londonderry Corporation announced on 22 November 1968 by the O'Neill government .
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