Example sentences of "the [noun] of state [prep] " in BNC.

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1 There were nine new appointments in total , responsibility for Education and for Higher Education was split , that for Culture and for Youth Affairs was combined and the Ministry of state for Cabinet Affairs was abolished .
2 Corneliu Bogdan , a respected career diplomat and since Dec. 28 the Minister-Secretary of State at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and de facto NSF spokesman , died on Jan. 1 , aged 68 .
3 After the inquiry Mr Graham and Mr John Lindsay , a chartered surveyor and the second inspector , would prepare a written report for the secretaries of state with recommendations on whether the line should go ahead .
4 In April 1988 the Secretaries of State for Education and Science and for Wales appointed a Working Group to advise them on appropriate attainment targets and programmes of study for English .
5 1.1 The National Curriculum English Working Group was set up on 29 April 1988 by the Secretaries of State for Education and Science and for Wales to advise on attainment targets , programmes of study , and associated assessment arrangements for English in the National Curriculum for the period of compulsory schooling .
6 Our first Report , submitted to the Secretaries of State for Education and Science and for Wales on 30 September 1988 , made recommendations for attainment targets and programmes of study for English for the primary stages , and also contained a number of chapters relevant to the whole of the compulsory school age range .
7 The National Curriculum English Working Group was formally set up on 29 April 1988 by the Secretaries of State for Education and Science and for Wales to advise on attainment targets , programmes of study and associated assessment arrangements for English in the National Curriculum for the period of compulsory schooling .
8 The document then outlined what the Secretaries of State for Education thought should be the curriculum in primary and secondary schools .
9 We were helpfully provided by Mr. Lester with a schedule listing eight examples of government departments with corporate status : they include the Secretaries of State for Defence , Education and Science , Energy , Environment and Social Services .
10 This concentrated in the hands of one individual the control of foreign policy which had hitherto been entrusted , together with a vast range of other business , to the Secretaries of State for the Northern and Southern Departments .
11 In a consultation document issued before the publication of the Education Reform Bill that subsequently became the 1988 Act , the Secretaries of State for Education and Science and for Wales gave one example of how the national curriculum might be divided in practice .
12 In particular , will he reflect on assurances given by the Secretaries of State for Scotland and for Transport that the amalgamations of the King 's Own Scottish Borderers , the Royal Scots , the Gordon Highlanders and the Queen 's Own Highlanders will be further reviewed ?
13 My right hon. Friends the Secretaries of State for Scotland and for Defence have spoken in complete unison on this .
14 The Secretaries of State for the Environment and for Trade and Industry appointed the Advisory Committee on Business and the Environment in May .
15 It reflects the proposals which my right hon. Friends the Secretaries of State for the Environment , for Scotland and for Wales issued for consultation on 5 November .
16 On the hon. Gentleman 's request for a revenue support grant statement from my right hon. Friends the Secretaries of State for the Environment and for Wales , the hon. Gentleman is correct in intimating that statements on those matters are necessary , and I hope that they will be made very soon — I hope next week .
17 The proposals were welcomed by the Secretaries of State for the Environment and Trade and Industry , Michael Heseltine and Peter Lilley .
18 However , Mr Graham said the secretaries of state for energy and the environment would be fully aware of how many objections had been received concerning the scheme more than 7,000 .
19 It would not be compatible with the duty of the Secretaries of State to ‘ promote the education of the people of England and Wales ’ , or with their accountability to Parliament , to abdicate from leadership on educational issues which have become a matter of lively public concern .
20 A former Russian ambassador in London complained in 1803 that it had " more people than the offices of all the secretaries of state in Europe combined " .
21 M Beregovoy said : ‘ This morning the President sent letters to the heads of state of all the nuclear powers calling for a rapid conclusion to negotiations on strategic disarmament and proposing the suspension of nuclear tests . ’
22 Although the Social Charter as signed on 9 December 1989 by all the Heads of State of the EC , excluding the UK , is of no legal effect , UK companies can not afford to ignore it .
23 It is right to say to the House and to the nation that the Prime Minister is presently with the President of the United States and the Heads of State of most European Governments and others .
24 A summit meeting took place on Feb. 24 in Amman , the Jordanian capital , of the heads of state of the four countries which together composed the Arab Co-operation Council ( ACC ) , the organization set up in February 1989 under an agreement between Egypt , Iraq , Jordan and North Yemen [ see p. 36474 ] .
25 The Arab Co-operation Council ( ACC ) was founded by the heads of state of Egypt , Iraq , Jordan and North Yemen in Baghdad on Feb. 16 , 1989 , with the aim of achieving gradual economic integration through " plans and practical measures " [ see p. 36474 ] .
26 The Republic of Yemen was welcomed as a member of the United Nations on May 23 , and sent a unified delegation to the Arab League summit in Baghdad [ see pp. 37472-73 ] , where on May 29 it was agreed with the heads of state of the other three Arab Co-operation Council members ( Egypt , Iraq and Jordan ) that the Republic of Yemen would hold the seat formerly held by North Yemen .
27 The heads of state of Cameroon , Congo , Gabon and Zaïre met in Kinshasa , the capital of Zaïre , on Feb. 7 , noting that the Angolan situation had become " alarming " ; all four governments were members of the eight-country group charged with overseeing the Gbadolite peace process [ see pp. 36726 ; 36885 ] .
28 The meeting was attended by the heads of state of Botswana , Lesotho , Mozambique , Namibia , Swaziland , Tanzania , Zambia and Zimbabwe , and by representatives of the other two member states , Angola and Malawi .
29 A summit called for mid-October by Ivoirian President Félix Houphouët-Boigny , who supported Taylor , was called off after the heads of state of the five states contributing to ECOMOG — Nigeria , Ghana , Guinea , The Gambia and Sierra Leone — had declined to attend ; reports indicated a split along linguistic lines , with the minority anglophone states being the principal upholders of ECOMOG 's role .
30 The heads of state of Mexico and the other Central American countries of Guatemala , Honduras , El Salvador , Nicaragua and Costa Rica , together with the Foreign Ministers of Venezuela and Colombia , met in Tuxtla Gutiérrez , Mexico , on Jan. 11 .
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