Example sentences of "the [noun] [that] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 But first , bearing all these matters in mind , let us return to consider the activities that come under the heading of social research .
2 Part of the cause for derision is the accessories that go with mountain bikes .
3 The way to secure future prosperity is by embracing change not resisting it and as my honourable friend er indicates , by using our skills to best effect and competitively in a global market place were we to embrace the policies of members opposite in the European community we would shut the job , the door to the jobs which will come from that inward investment because we have opted out of the social chapter we do indeed have the opportunity that comes from being , if I may qui may quote er President Delors a pa a paradise for inward investment .
4 That 's one of the Acts that works against children in need .
5 He loved to watch the crowds that gathered at Waterloo Station to greet the actresses he brought over from the US for his productions .
6 Perhaps it was the name of Carmichael — the closest that London was to get to contact with the black revolt that year- and the name of Marcuse that pulled in the crowds that went to the Roundhouse for the fortnight .
7 Looking about him at the great press of people , the escalator that was a river of people flowing on and on , the crowds that streamed down the stairs so that if a train was held up there would be room for no more to squeeze on to the platform , he wondered why a terrorist group had never thought of putting a bomb in the tube .
8 It 's something off , it 's just the attachment that goes from ma , my mum 's Walkman and she nicked off with it when it was at when we were at her house and if I lo , if I keep it anywhere else I 'll lose it so I 've clipped it on to there so I know where it is .
9 And the law , it is suggested , should value the attachment that comes from working on land :
10 Similar stories could be told of many European kings , princes and nobles in our period ; it is possible to get some notion of the variety that existed among the upper classes .
11 Marx 's and Engels 's first concern with anthropological material was therefore to show the variety that exists in the nature of social relations , and the historical peculiarity of a society where one group of people treat others only in respect of the labour they provide , labour which then can be bought and sold as though it was any other useful article .
12 I got free in the end , after being presented with a sprig of basil , and walked inland along the bluff until I could climb on to the ridge that led to Bourani .
13 The blight that fell upon the valley was well illustrated in a television documentary ‘ The Valley That Died ’ .
14 But she clung on to the post , her body sinking to the floor , oblivious to the groans that issued from her own throat , and the words that formed on her lips .
15 We identify with Luke 's account of the change that came over Zacchaeus .
16 And ministerial statements have actually indicated that it 's not likely to appear , as a final version , until next year at the earliest , and so it would seem to me that there 's a great deal of thought to be gone into the precise wording of that P P G yet , and to rely on quotes from it wou is , is , is at best er , misleading , and I think we ought to bear in mind something that Mr Curtis mentioned this morning , that in fact the change that happened between draft P P G three and the final version , it is quite possible that the final version of P P G thirteen could be substantially different from the
17 If the accounts of British politics between 1832 and 1867 pointed to the sovereignty of Parliament , then the accounts that came to the fore after that period made the additional point that the sovereignty of the people was behind this and was now of the constitutional and political essence .
18 Real accounts — these are the accounts that deal with the assets or property of the business , e.g. fixtures and fittings ; kitchen equipment ; office equipment ; freehold premises .
19 The biggest problem is containing the number of speeches you have to give , because despite the fact the industry has contracted , all the institutions that relate to our industry are still flourishing .
20 ( i ) negation : The double negative " unwilling without ( 2 ) , for example , suggests a contrast between the willingness that seems to be expected of Pemberton and the reluctance that his own circumstances force upon him .
21 And the galleries that ran before successive doors , were at all seasons places of free air ; and in the summer season were places of mirth and glee , and active happy industry .
22 Beyond the glass there was a sporadically placed ring of guards and dogs who seemed uncertain as to whether to stare back at the distorted press of faces at the glass panes , or whether to watch instead the spiral column of smoke and the flames that played at its heels .
23 All of which explained that when I arrived at the BMC 's International Meet halfway through the week , the climbers that drifted into breakfast that morning looked like they 'd been on the receiving end of a very nasty artillery barrage .
24 A good deal of this book is about the inequality that exists in British society .
25 And those last months , when strike leapfrogged strike , were the catalyst that led to a Conservative landslide and the desperate recasting of Labour policies .
26 In the event it was only those six states in which agitation for closer political and economic integration had been strongest in the 1940s , with political support at the highest level , which entered into the discussions that led to the establishment of the European Coal and Steel Community ( ECSC ) .
27 The second aspect — talking with children — focuses on the discussions that occur in schools .
28 But the important point to remember is that we do not observe these sociolinguistic patterns directly : it is the speech of individuals in conversational settings that we observe and describe , and it is by analysing a large quantity of spoken language from many speakers that we can then demonstrate the patterns that emerge from our data .
29 The patterns that emerge from this table are that ( 1 ) the higher the frequency of discounting , the lower the yield ; and ( 2 ) the higher the frequency of payments , the higher the yield .
30 Richard Pryor ( who was never given another chance to explore this side of his acting ability ) , Yaphet Kotto and Harvey Keitel star as the workers who attempt to break the chains that bind with a break-in at their corrupt union 's headquarters .
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