Example sentences of "the [noun] [to-vb] [det] [is] " in BNC.

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1 and he had the nerve to say that is the first time I 've ever been said about it
2 If an investor wants to keep the shares acquired under the transaction in question but to recover the difference in value between the shares and the price paid , the remedy to achieve this is not , in my judgment , a restitutionary one but is compensatory and can not be obtained under subsection ( 2 ) .
3 I do n't think our contact is halfway strong enough , but the proposal to handle that is something that we we 're working on a the moment .
4 The battle to achieve these is perhaps the most important one facing Britain 's doctors during the 1990s .
5 Anyone who has had the courage to do that is ready for the next stage .
6 The evidence to substantiate this is limited to very few conditions .
7 He is a real part of the age to come that is available to us here and now : he will never be supplanted .
8 So one of the ways to overcome that is to set yourself a target to do more
9 establishing the position of the authority to ensure that is has significant local authority : and
10 A cross-party group of 58 MPs have signed a motion asking the Government to support That 's Life ! star Esther .
11 The best way for the government to achieve this is to keep a tight grip on the tigerish tendencies of the economy .
12 So , too , do we hear and see frequent examples of the pressure to conform that is put upon those who have parliamentary ambitions .
13 The item to covet most is the earliest and the most extended , the whole of the Lucia di Lammermoor mad scene in the recording Sutherland made in 1959 soon after her first Covent Garden triumph when her voice was at its freshest .
14 Fill in and return the claim form as soon as you get it , even if you intend to continue working ; there is space on the form to say this is what you 're doing .
15 But if Mr 's argument is that windfalls and recycled land are as it were free of any environmental penalties and can be added to his thirty one thousand , then I think that er the way to treat that is to come to a higher number which takes them properly into account .
16 The decision-making age must truly be shifted from 16 to 18 ; the way to do that is to increase the number of A-levels to six for university entrance , and require passes in all of them .
17 There is no need for control , no need to save , one must express oneself to the fullest — and the way to do that is to shop .
18 You 've got to live in the moment and the way to do that is to think they do n't know and really enjoy it .
19 And the way to do this is to ensure that libraries stock material of the widest possible range to reflect all opinions .
20 The way to do this is to be a worshipper at home .
21 The way to do this is :
22 For the individualist , the way to do this is clear : a complementary individualist story must be told .
23 The way to do this is to see that patients bear some responsibility for the cost of services .
24 The way to do this is to look at products from the customer 's point of view .
25 So that 's that 's the way to use that is not to talk to it but to have a silence while you 're writing er and then to stand at the side while you making the points that are that are associated with what you 've written up .
26 The object is to win — and the way to achieve this is to knock out the opponent .
27 4 ) The way to achieve this is by following the Noble Eightfold Path — right views , right thought , right speech , right actions , right employment , right mental discipline , right endeavour , right meditation .
28 The way to overcome this is to sail slightly high of your intended course and you 'll end up in the right place .
29 In our model strategy sets are the continuum and there are a continuum of types , this provides much greater opportunities for self-screening by different types and the tendency to do this is much larger .
30 They 'll just think it 's a pair of boots er have n't got a clue what , what unison is or what it 's gon they know they 're gon na try and amalgamate the unions to strengthen that 's what I never managed to get through .
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