Example sentences of "the [noun] [vb past] [that] his " in BNC.

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1 As for confining his work to under 6,000 people areas , he would remind the Board that the terms of his appointment stated ‘ he will be expected to exercise general supervision over the work of the Board in Norfolk and in particular to assist in the development of Adult Education in rural areas ’ ; he would also remind them that the Board decided that his Statutory Tutorial Class should be in Norwich .
2 The authorities denied that his arrest in 1987 was solely because he had met pro-North Korean people in Japan and claimed that he had acted on North Korean orders to collect documents on South Korean opposition groups , and to infiltrate dissent groups in order to create social unrest .
3 In Berchtesgaden , where Hitler had his home on the Obersalzberg , and where he had enjoyed special veneration in former days , the SD reported that his speech on New Year 's Eve merely elicited the response that it ‘ brought nothing new ’ , and there was ‘ hardly any credibility worth mentioning ’ left for his last broadcast speech on 30 January 1945 .
4 A few days after Hitler 's repetition of his ‘ prophecy ’ on 30 January 1942 , the SD reported that his words had been ‘ interpreted to mean that the Führer 's battle against the Jews would be followed through to the end with merciless consistency , and that very soon the last Jew would disappear from European soil ’ .
5 The schoolteacher realized that his guests were tongue-tied in this strange place and , after a few openings had brought no more than murmurs of self-conscious or self-absorbed politeness , he did what he had found best to do on such occasions .
6 The punishment left six-inch weals and heavy bruises but the judge ruled that his parents had over-reacted .
7 After some questioning of the driver , the constable concluded that his objection to providing a specimen of blood was invalid and treated him as having failed to provide a specimen under section 7(4) .
8 He had survived for only three days at Craigtoun Maternity Hospital , St Andrews , and the parents maintained that his death resulted from damage done by forceps before the birth .
9 The senator meant that his son was dumb , but psycho-babble made stupidity sound respectable .
10 The military claimed that his killing , in the national penitentiary , was the work of Aristide supporters , but this version was disputed by analysts who thought it marked the settling of old scores between Lafontant and his opponents within the army .
11 The Shah realized that his Western friends wanted above all a stable , friendly Iran .
12 When the Shah realized that his hosts family was at such risk , said Marenches , he agreed to leave within three weeks .
13 Provided the landlord ensured that his serfs ' poll-tax did not fall too far into arrears , he was left to his own devices .
14 The court heard that his daughter Deborah Anderson had last seen him alive when he had visited her on December 22 .
15 More than one unwary member of the garrison found that his bed had vanished while he had been defending the rampart against a sepoy assault .
16 Bob , the LAC electrician who was trying to get the show off the ground admitted that his main ambition after the war was to be the conductor of a classical orchestra .
17 HARMONY IN MY HEAD Brian May I spoke to Brian May on the day the news broke that his guitar had been mistakenly despatched to France by a roadie , to await an uncertain fate at the hands of ‘ lost and found ’ …
18 A poll taken after the debate showed that his performance had converted about 1m previously undecided voters — 4% of the electorate and enough , perhaps , to swing the election his way in a close race .
19 The pilot radioed that his navigation systems had failed .
20 The pilot radioed that his navigation systems had failed .
21 The mirror showed that his face was smeared with mud , and it had stuck in his beard also .
22 When I called him to object , the reporter said that his editors intended to invite me to write a rejoinder .
23 The man radioed that his engine broke , ’ Bellybutton grumbled , ‘ so I have to fetch the idiot in Starkisser . ’
24 But Graham Robertson , McKenzie 's counsel , told the court yesterday that the report emphasised that his client came from a stable background in the west of Scotland and had felt lonely for the two years he had lived in Dunbar .
25 The assumption grew that his purpose was to announce martial law for Northern Ireland .
26 The LTTE commented that his remarks " distort the truth of circumstances " .
27 A fellow staffer of the time joked that his methods were ‘ street corner based ’ .
28 The rumours said that his bride was already pregnant when he married her .
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