Example sentences of "the [noun] [coord] be [adv] " in BNC.

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1 We are pleased to report that Alastair Channing , Deputy Managing Director of Associated British Ports has accepted an invitation to join the TPC and was officially welcomed on the committee in November .
2 A gutsy but vulnerable underdog who swiped the prince and was still one of us at the end of it .
3 The chair had spun out of the central track along the ridge and was now skewed at the precipitous edge of what would be a steep and stony career .
4 Tom Newman , who had managed the Manor and been so instrumental in the creation of Tubular Bells , was among those urging Oldfield to seek an improved arrangement .
5 Its funding originally came from the EEC and is now provided by NACAB .
6 It has been recommended by the Board and is hereby agreed between the Shareholders of [ name ] Limited ( ‘ the Company ’ ) that steps should be taken by means of the distribution of an Information memorandum ( ‘ the Memorandum ’ ) in the first instance to identified prospective buyers of shares in the capital of the Company , to establish whether an acceptable bid can be obtained either for the whole of the shares in the Company or for the shares held by [ ABC ] Ltd .
7 In our UV Exposure Timer example , a major factor to bear in mind is that a.c. mains voltage is present on the board and is also switched through a relay .
8 Breaks in ‘ sleeping ’ probe coverage , most clear for YAC probes , correspond to the groups of clones probably belonging to other regions of the genome and are usually hit by only one cosmid probe .
9 Thirty MPs prefixed their names with Bo , indicating that they had been in the BNA and were now active in the PVO .
10 It had taken a bad beating from the RAF and been widely rebuilt , much of it as copies of the original high-pitched medieval buildings .
11 In 1941 I was trained as a Navigator/Radio in the RAF and was eventually sent to an OTU where I crewed up with a Canadian pilot , Bob Tidy of Toronto .
12 It was under the protection of the Estates and was also known as the Estates Theatre .
13 The poison preys upon the vitals and is only extinguished by death or , by as fatal a cure , the accomplishment of its own desires .
14 The flowers opened in the afternoon and were strongly scented .
15 He had seen the colour of the money and was already halfway across the room , parting the throng like the Spanish Armada .
16 One of the bottles made its way back to the Brewery and is now a feature of the Guinness museum .
17 The boy was going to the boxroom and was clearly excited at possessing a room of his own for the first time .
18 Braintree prevented the try but were offside in doing so and went in at half-time 6–0 down .
19 What is not clearly stated in the text but is easily deduced from the tables is that most of the proposed ‘ preventive ’ measures in these 39 cases/ 1000 are not really preventive at all but , rather , treatments carried out after birth : 15.7 are neonatal surgical procedures for congenital heart defects , pyloric stenosis , and inguinal hernia ; 15.4 are standard orthopaedic procedures for congenital hip dislocation and club foot ; and 1.8 are postnatal treatments for a variety of other conditions .
20 We have seen how coherence is created by our interaction with the text and is jointly created by both sender and receiver .
21 Other illustrations may be incorporated in the text and are often called ‘ cuts ’ or ‘ figures ’ .
22 We can assume that Jacques not only played the oboe but was also likely to have been a woodwind maker , as was his brother , Jean , who is noted in the Livre commode ( 1692 ) as being among the most highly regarded master makers of woodwinds .
23 This question is made somewhat difficult to answer because one of the effects of the emphasis on the facts and merits of the particular case in Fleet Street Casuals is that the issue of standing now often receives little or no attention from the courts and is sometimes the subject of concessions by the respondent .
24 Chicno ( E1 5b ) , Royale ( E3 6a ) , and the two E2 5cs of Tecnofrite and Cocaine on adjacent faces of the stunning white pillar at the extreme right of the crag , are all worth three stars ; but Ginette , at E3 6a , must be the route of the crag and is surely worth five !
25 Parish councillor Rex Goodban said yesterday : ‘ The donkey pranced around the field and was quite frisky but nothing happened .
26 Er G E C Marconi 's are the leader of a consortium , a four nation consortium of companies that are supplying the computer and are also contributing to the software .
27 A shoaling wave begins to ‘ feel the bottom ’ when the water depth becomes equal to about one quarter of the wavelength and is thereafter capable of moving the seabed sediment grains .
28 Portsmouth manager Jim Smith spent part of the game jumping in and out of the dug-out and was obviously disappointed with the result .
29 In the end , their palace ( 1697–1708 ) was built slightly behind that of the archbishop and is now the magnificent National Gallery of Czechoslovakia ( 15/57 ) .
30 Available on or off the bone , the meat is usually from only the breasts of the birds and is lightly smoked , moist and quite delicious .
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