Example sentences of "the [noun] [coord] [vb base] she " in BNC.

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1 But Inman said : ‘ The referee did not recognise the technique and let her off the hook . ’
2 I go and sit on the floor by the mattress and watch her .
3 Just under four hours , to phone in the money and let her off the hook .
4 You have one on each leg erm and one erm on the bridle and apparently they use special tools that er hobble the mare and stop her moving , so she has n't got any choice and when they lead the stallion in , they got these five guys there erm with these various tools and they make , hold the mare still to make sure the stallion can mount , because apparently very often the mares wo n't have it and th they kick or they walk away .
5 Not those kind of relaxants but something just to relieve the tension and make her feel calmer .
6 She recalled that she had at the time been a little put out by the prince 's interest in Joan — but now the important thing was to persuade Joan to join in the festivities and bring her a first-hand report .
7 She let him help her down from the carriage and lead her inside a shop where there was a strong , pastoral smell of grain , and Sarah wrinkled up her nose to sniff it .
8 The receptionist will ascertain the name and the room number of the guest , apologise to the guest for the oversight and reassure her that the matter will be dealt with immediately .
9 So we 'd got to take the card and show her the Mother , we 'd been .
10 Still holding her , he locked the door behind them , then released her wrist to take her by the shoulders and pin her against the wall .
11 And then later on the script she ha to say he had to say to her well , call her , you leave her and if she does n't come to you that 's not your dog and take her to the pound and have her put down .
12 Even more valuable has been the friendship and help she found while attending a young women 's support group .
13 ‘ No , the neighbour said she heard a noise and thought Minnie was being burgled so her son got through the window and let her in .
14 If you see her , tap on the window and tell her I 'm here will you ?
15 Yes , that was it — apprehension — because the moment Silas realised her true reason for being there he 'd turn on the ice and send her to pack her suitcase .
16 He was obliging , and liked to run errands for the girl and help her with the care of her old lady .
17 He indicated the corridor and cast her an assessing glance .
18 He parked two hundred yards from the precipice and let her walk the rest .
19 She heard a muttered curse , she saw a shadow across the french window at the end of the room , she felt someone catch her round the waist and drag her to the ground .
20 She sharply told Tilda , who had planted herself in a rocking-chair put out on the pavement , that she must come into the shop and help her speak to the man .
21 Yeah , but well you 've got ta go the shop and tell her .
22 Her eyes were rolling with terror as she began to struggle to free herself from the tenacious , sucking mud — struggles that only served to hasten the process and cause her to sink at an even greater rate .
23 And although other people were certainly present they seemed to have faded to some other level of reality , very far removed from herself and this bulky , swarthy man who was letting her know , without a word , not only that he had her , but that should he now refuse to open the trap and let her in she would plead with him to do so .
24 Some kind soul had forsaken the drama to escort Sandra out of the room and comfort her .
25 Babur also understands the mild-mannered little men who tolerate their wives ' infidelities for twenty years and then one day they simply leap across the room and strangle her and saw her head off with the breadknife and put her bit by bit down the rubbish disposal , serves the fucking slut right , the sloppy slag trollop .
26 He could hardly limp across the room and offer her a plastic spoon , especially as it had already been used .
27 Then , with Falkenhayn invading northern Romania , Mackensen 's reinforced army was free to cross the Danube and assault her from the south .
28 She was such a heroine in her own way because it was not possible to give her the attention and comfort she deserved yet she never complained .
29 She found she could get the attention and praise she wanted only by achieving , being good and caring for that pretty little monster she so resented .
30 With such diverse facilities and wide ranging activities , we have found that many young mothers attending the Sportcentre require a private room to feed or change the youngest member of the family — to satisfy that need we are pleased to provide a fully equipped Baby Care room to give mum the privacy and comfort she and junior deserve .
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