Example sentences of "the [noun] [adv] that all " in BNC.

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1 The third row followed suit and before long enough people were laughing and questioning that Beecher raised his hand and told the story so that all could hear .
2 In the latter part of the 1980s , the government has initiated a more wide-ranging change in the curriculum so that all secondary school pupils should do one or more ‘ practical ’ subjects .
3 Thus , where the subsidy solution is adopted there is a pressure for the government to take over the entire running of the industry so that all operations can be carefully monitored .
4 The process starts with a hand-coded classification of the core vocabulary , and then the propagation of these structures throughout the dictionary so that all sense definitions are included .
5 The chairman of the High Council of the Republic ( HCR — the transitional legislature ) , Mgr Sanouko Philippe Kpodzro , and 38 other HCR members were held hostage by the troops until Oct. 23 when Kpodzro agreed to unfreeze the RPT 's assets , called for by the troops so that all contributions made by the security forces to the RPT could be reimbursed .
6 How could the passengers be placed in the circle so that all the Turks would be thrown overboard and all the Christians saved ?
7 He was expecting a visit from the young woman he had been wooing assiduously and he had carefully orchestrated the evening so that all his housemates were out and he had the house to himself .
8 Stan was away , cleaving a path through the traffic so that all Jack had to do was follow him .
9 The rest of the children were seated on the ground so that all five of them were now very exposed .
10 They are , personally , bearing all the costs of the ride so that all monies raised will benefit the Fund .
11 It went pop , and Signe leaned forward into the candlelight so that all the customers could see her , and sipped at the champagne and narrowed her eyes at me in a gesture of passion that she had seen in some bad film .
12 Pinching the centre of the long folded edge with one hand , bend the side corners of the triangle round into the centre so that all the corners meet together , to form a long pointed cone .
13 But perhaps a more interesting effect — and the one that might offer scientists the first chance to test Kulsrud 's work experimentally — is the ability to suppress D-D reactions by polarising the deuterons so that all the ions line up parallel to the magnetic field .
14 The architecture is such that processing begins in each module as soon as data becomes available , i.e. partial results flow along pipelines between the modules so that all may work simultaneously whenever possible .
15 There is also a smattering of modern traction which helps break up the feature so that all railway enthusiasts will find the film worthwhile .
16 ‘ We should get six top international players and a number of international referees and sit down with the law-makers so that all points of view are aired . ’
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