Example sentences of "the [noun] [pers pn] 've just " in BNC.

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1 It 's always essential to view the ridge you 've just conquered , for the serious purpose of hugging yourself with glee , and a wonderful view of The Grey Corries can be savoured from the war memorial on the A82 north of Spean Bridge .
2 I was particularly close to one girl in there , very close indeed , and we were having a relationship during the sentence I 've just finished .
3 ‘ And perhaps I should remind you that the contract you 've just cited binds you as securely as it does us , unless you 're willing to face interminable legal hassles in an effort to extricate yourself . ’
4 Right , no sorry I just wondered is we want , are we happy with the decision we 've just made , or do we want .
5 I do n't like the way I look , most of the time , for all the reasons I 've just given .
6 ‘ I feel I must show somebody the parcel I 've just had , ’ she said , greeting Ianthe on the doorstep .
7 If one is inclined , as one may well be , to doubt the validity of sets of distinctions of the kind I 've just made , they are at least based on a separation which Proust placed at the centre of his own critical theory .
8 ‘ And you can point out all the ponies you 've just showed me who allegedly played in it , ’ said Ricky drily .
9 ‘ In the car you 've just come from , madam , ’ I answered helpfully .
10 ‘ You mean that 's the monster you 've just been telling me all about ? ’
11 The elements I 've just mentioned .
12 I trust the exercise you 've just a carried out has at least given you an insight into the format and use of this document .
13 Like the noises we 've just heard . ’
14 Any illustrations for the scene we 've just been doing and the things we 've already been talking about , or any new ideas .
15 An encore function for instantly repeating the last ten seconds of the scene you 've just watched .
16 It 's almost mesmeric as well is n't it , this repetition of now , now , now between between the but as as you were saying , it 's sketching all the details in so you , if you were sketching a fox , you know you begin somewhere and say you begin with the nose you 've just got a little detail the nose and the eyes but eventually you 've got to put the whole sketch in .
17 Well at the moment we 've just started a new patrol programme and er we two two sergeants wal patrolling the the walkways .
18 Erm science at the moment we 've just covered erm things like angular momentum erm it just tends to be stuff like that we 've done simple harmonic motion er
19 ‘ In the early days we worried a bit about comeback , but over the years we 've just got more outrageous , ’ he says .
20 You know this sort of thing and all British wildlife has got its own little characters , every species is different er and you know thousands of animals we 've taken in over the years we 've just learnt different things about different animals that suit different animals .
21 The business I 've just bought is on the rocks , and you tell me that 's lucky ? ’
22 Because of the point I 've just made , if you want to use a balancing method , you have to move your head , and take before and after readings .
23 People ring up about the match they 've just been to and complain or say who they think should be the next England manager , etc .
24 The place you 've just written about helps you to feel at ease , to feel nourished , warm , loved .
25 We are sure this end that the Pikes would n't be a party to exporting the virus to ( or in even the slightest way aiding ) the place you 've just been .
26 I think , if we 're going to be realistic , there are practical dangers for that , that can put in danger erm some of the things we 've just been talking about .
27 Erm and it 's talking about this er accommodation theory Giles ' accommodation theory which has one main assumption erm that all the things I 've just mentioned about pronunciation and speech rates and things , erm they all occur in in order to encourage more interaction between the two speakers .
28 ‘ If we do n't hurry we 're likely to meet Florian and Nicky in the lift , and right this minute I do n't think I could bring myself to keep quiet about the things you 've just been saying . ’
29 In a more general sense I am fascinated by some of the things you 've just mentioned in your introduction , the question of continuity in German history , how we , how this marvellous nation , the nation of Beethoven and Wagner and Marx and Freud , actually finishes up going to war twice against its European neighbours , and in the Second World War in particular committing these awful atrocities .
30 All the things you 've just said .
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