Example sentences of "the [noun] [noun prp] look [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In the mid-1970s Cramlington looked to be succeeding in its industrial and environmental modernization , which simultaneously resolved the ‘ post coal ’ problems of South East Northumberland and provided a pleasant over spill mechanism for reducing residential densities in the Tyneside conurbation .
2 After three weeks out in the field Skipper looked like an overgrown teddy bear .
3 Humber brought him into the Small Ward to look at my patient 's injured leg .
4 In the hall Sophia looked around her with unconcealed curiosity .
5 In the hall Thomas looked at Mary and Mary looked at Ethel .
6 After a dozen years in the business Keener looks with particular affection on the recordings he has done with Leonard Slatkin , especially the Elgar and Vaughan Williams Symphonies .
7 Is he aware that next week my hon. Friend the Member for Motherwell , South ( Dr. Bray ) will visit the United States to look at the latest technological developments in steel production — thin slab casting ?
8 Neighbours who were unwary enough to let the Misses Lovelock look after the chickens in their absence rarely found any eggs awaiting them on their return , and in some cases a plump chicken had died .
9 Right from the outset Wales looked in a mean mood , determined to put behind them disappointing performances in winning their previous five games .
10 Right from the outset Wales looked in a mean mood , determined to put behind them poor performances in winning their previous five games .
11 The West Indies looked in control , chasing 102 for victory after a damp wicket and early afternoon rain delayed the start of play .
12 Paddy was sitting with his back to the Land Rover looking at the map .
13 The Lady Prioress looked as if she was going to refuse but Corbett stood his ground and glared back .
14 The Lady Prioress looked after all her needs . ’
15 I saw the way Rohan looked at you .
16 He liked the way Michael looked at his home .
17 I 've seen the way Louise looks at you , and Roger and Amy obviously approve .
18 Rincewind did not glance around for fear of the terrible things he might see , and by the time Withel looked for him again he was on the other side of the Plaza , and still accelerating .
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