Example sentences of "the [noun] [pers pn] [vb past] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 However , I think the minister had something to do with the essays I wrote and the natural history notes I kept day by day besides the almost daily entries in a general diary …
2 Lydia was also faintly disgusted by tears , by the weakness they evinced and by the viscosity of their substance .
3 Writing in the mid-1970s we suggested that ‘ one suspects that , in 1951 , it would be potentially more disturbing for the victim if the world knew she had been ‘ intimate ’ with her boyfriend than it would today .
4 Erm certainly I think all of our quarry , the quarry , I think we were overwhelmed with the support because it was really in our place that the dispute started and a lot of other people who I 'd spoken to you know they they were amazed at the support we received and , seemed to be the shyer the people you know the , some of the lads they never spoke much at lodge meetings , but after a while they 'd be getting up and saying their pieces and , you know I think it 's just because you knew you had backing , and people helping and urging you on , advising you , and the union helping and you know they leant over backwards in various fields to help us .
5 The Convention of Scottish Local Authorities ' education committee opted not to continue the support it gave when the Government withdrew funding for Scotland 's only adult residential college in 1988 .
6 Well you should save the programmes you recorded and watch them on a Saturday .
7 At one point in the trial he agreed that " other books may be considered , for two reasons , firstly , upon the question of the literary merit of a book which is the subject matter of the indictment … ( where ) it is necessary to compare that book with other books upon the question of literary merit .
8 At the trial he lied and lied .
9 At the trial it appeared that the defendant was not in fact owner of the houses .
10 After the trial it emerged that the foreman of the jury was not only a member of Sir Joh 's National Party but had in fact raised funds for his legal expenses .
11 When I went to Germany with the RAF I found that all the lads used prostitutes .
12 At one level this meant giving each town or neighbourhood the cinema it deserved and having a range of cinemas in down-town areas .
13 ‘ You eased her mind and the blow she took as she fell did the rest .
14 Anyway our Darren came in , and I 'm gon na forget Darren came to the caravan and I was telling him about these wet sheets and beds and the mirrors done and what I was doing there and Oh he said and about the mattress he said and I said to him mattress , it 's still the same mattress .
15 With a sickening lurch of the heart she realized that unless she freed her tortured hand , she must go with it .
16 In the afternoon they separated and the former again returned to Shields …
17 All through the afternoon they sat and drank and talked about the trip .
18 I had er I sent the dimensions to the firm at Oxon and er I had to go to the bank and borrow the money , because you see the money I paid if I do n't pay cash I 'd got ta have six months delivery .
19 He said er we had a big hoo hah he said er I borrowed some money off him he said some time ago to do something with and I had n't got the money he said and when I sold the plot of land he said I paid him back what I owed him cos borrow the money .
20 It has its new smell still — the perfect red plastic smell , the smell of writing numbers in arithmetic books ruled in squares ; the smell it had before it got mixed up in the dust and plasticine and tangled electric flex in the toy drawer .
21 Simmo , who has become a favourite of pupils of Hurworth Primary School , near Darlington , described the slow build up to the conflict and the dangers they encountered as they came within four miles of the Kuwaiti coast .
22 The trade unions , trades councils and local Labour parties informed their members about the dangers it presented and energized their opposition — albeit in the form of peaceful protest .
23 Ur was amongst the cities they conquered and sacked at this time .
24 In every case the farmer reporting evidence said he was not against badgers in principle , but wanted either adequate compensation for the damage they did or someone to control them , because they had no natural predators .
25 Their tangle gave Dare Say the advantage he needed and , despite jumping a path only 100 yards before the line , the nine-year-old held on to win by half a length .
26 In the Preface we suggested that , as a minimum level of activity , you go in with ( i ) some ideas about what you hope will happen , emphasizing pupil and teacher activities ( ii ) some questions that you want answered about the unit , and ( iii ) some paper to note what actually does happen in detail , and in general .
27 Wölflinn wrote Renaissance and Baroque in 1888 , which in the preface he described as follows :
28 Mairi was furious when after a while Luch started to take long to return with the bucket , but it did her no good ; the wee lass often vanished for hours at a time , in spite of the scoldings she got when she returned late .
29 The use of the contract army , however , placed the king in the position of debtor to the military captains , most of whom were members of the titled nobility , and the sums owed by the crown to individual nobles might often be very substantial : in 1386 , for instance , the Earl of Northumberland reached agreement with the Exchequer whereby in return for £700 he discharged the king of all debts owing to the earl ‘ from any time past until the making of this indenture ’ , and the earl was discharged of the debts he incurred when he held the office of Admiral .
30 However , as soon as we reached the interview for the home/school post a debate on the school and the community began again as shown from the notes I took where the main participants in the discussion were Phil Barlow ( the Deputy Head for Curriculum ) , Chris Cousins ( the Deputy Head for Community ) , Ann Thomas ( the Community Adviser for the LEA ) and Father Curtis ( the Chairman of the Governors ) .
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