Example sentences of "the [noun] [prep] [noun sg] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Finally , in July 1937 , at the height of the Spanish Civil War , Nizan attended the Second International Congress of Writers for the Defence of Culture held in the beleaguered and bombarded city of Madrid .
2 The defence of necessity succeeded in the trespass action as the police had not been negligent in creating the emergency .
3 Thus the addition of phosphatidylcholine prolonged the nucleation time by two mechanisms : ( A ) shift of biliary cholesterol to the more stable carrier ( non-vesicular ) and ( B ) a decrease in the cholesterol/phospholipids ratio of the metastable carrier ( vesicles ) .
4 While the concrete is still wet , a more natural effect can be created by the addition of rockwork set into the concrete to create the faces of each small basin .
5 The forms of protection described in 4.9.2 and 4.9.3 are valid where horizontal barriers ( shelves ) or vertical barriers ( bulk-heads ) are not present .
6 This is followed by a brief and selective representation of the forms of racism identified within the education system .
7 Through all these processes , more people are socialized into the forms of behaviour deemed appropriate for their sex ; in such a way people learn to become ‘ gendered subjects ’ .
8 Very frequently he was away from home , sampling the forms of service offered by the various high-church ecclesiastics in the area , driving determinedly over the countryside in a little red Mini that had become used to the eccentricities of his driving technique .
9 Indigenous working-class cultures of racism have thus been internally fragmented by strong sexual and generational divisions , as well as being externally mirrored in the forms of resistance mobilized by immigrant communities against them .
10 All the forms of training used in the experiments described earlier in this chapter will produce stimulus differentiation .
11 The proportion of conventional medical treatment that is unproved is large : more than half the forms of care offered in pregnancy and childbirth were judged to have ‘ unknown effects which require further evaluation ’ ( 31% ) or ‘ should be abandoned in the light of available evidence ’ ( 21% ) .
12 There has been progress in the integration of community languages into the mainstream curriculum but the progress is pitifully slow , with a number of factors compounding a lack of confidence amongst those campaigning for greater sensitivity towards and encouragement of the forms of language brought by pupils into British Schools .
13 The persuasion rests on the assumptions that the forms of consultation practised and of participation prompted by the best employers are a measure of industrial democracy , but not enough : that the representation of employees on company boards is necessary to establish complete industrial democracy ; that total industrial democracy , in this prescription , will so far improve industrial efficiency as to benefit materially the general interest ; and that the implicit loss or diminution of the rights of ownership should not be allowed to preclude the realisation of that benefit .
14 Unfortunately , the majority of energy used in homes is for space heating ( heating the rooms and the people ) and this is mostly needed in the winter when there is not sufficient sunshine in this country for solar energy to be feasible .
15 In reality , owing to the fact that the majority of stock retained by a builder may well be surplus materials returned from completed contracts , valuation on the basis of net realisable value will be the most frequent method adopted .
16 As the ideology of motherhood strengthened during the early twentieth century in response to the high infant mortality rate and the implications it was feared to have for the health and welfare of an imperial nation , so the pressures exerted on working class mothers increased .
17 In the PLO 's case this was compounded by its mercurial and ambiguous policy statements , and by the acts of terror committed by members of the Palestinian movement .
18 In the United States the Supreme Court , in Marbury v Madison ( 1803 ) 1 Cranch 137 , declared that it had power to decide whether or not the Acts of Congress conformed with the Constitution .
19 The ‘ depoliticization ’ of the popular press , according to Curran and Seaton , can be seen in the reduction of space allocated to ‘ political affairs ’ , namely , political , social and economic news , over a period of decades .
20 With the reduction in content required to keep them infallible , it seems unlikely that any interesting beliefs about the past , the future , the unobserved or even the present material surroundings could ever be justified by appeal to the basic .
21 Then , the reduction in fitness caused by a loss in performance at various ages reflects the mutation rates to genes affecting those ages .
22 I do n't know enough about computer animation to comment on the complexity of experimentation involved ( a colleague who works in electronic arts was mildly dismissive ) , but the sentiments are too predictable to command lengthy involvement .
23 I loved the rituals of housewifery passed from mother to daughter , which remained untarnished by a young commercial television .
24 The link with crime found by Eysenck was that when prisoners were tested for extroversion , more extroverts were found than in the general population .
25 Need I remind council of the fact that the funding for grant maintained schools will be entirely in the hands of fifteen people that are nominated by the government and nobody else .
26 They say King Henry is the Dark One , he is the Mouldwarp , the Prince of Darkness foretold by Merlin , the great wizard of King Arthur 's court .
27 This project attempts to answer these questions , concentrating on computer programmers and systems analysts and building on the base of information gathered during the past few years at Bristol .
28 The Government adverted to this problem in its White Paper , recognising that ‘ it is not easy to define in a manner which conforms with the normally precise definitions of the criminal law , but which at the same time is sufficiently general to catch the variety of conduct aimed at .
29 The nature of the work and the environment in which you operate is a matter for your choice , but few careers offer the variety of opportunity provided by the solicitors ' profession .
30 A music group adds to the variety of music used in worship and it may help a congregation to experiment and explore new possibilities .
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