Example sentences of "the [noun] [prep] [noun sg] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 They are particularly unable to cope with the intimacy of marriage and , if bewildered by their spouse 's demands , may flare into violence .
2 On the fateful night he ascended the stairs , passed through the barrier and greeted the porter on duty and then he walked down onto the track .
3 A Supreme Court judge , Justice Louis Harms , on Nov. 13 published his report into the activities of Army and police counterinsurgency units .
4 They do not determine the activities of teaching and learning , but on the contrary are themselves required to conform to the changing perceptions and experiences of the teacher and learner .
5 In the final article in this section , Rosemary Clarke compares the activities of teaching and Gestalt therapy , drawing parallels and pointing up interesting distinctions , as well as offering some of what she has learned in the course of being both a teacher and , subsequently , a therapist .
6 In particular it has been argued that any body which has no power over financial matters is impotent as a check on the activities of government and that a new " upper chamber " should have some control over financial matters .
7 In addition , the activities of management and labour can influence key decisions over investment and productivity , and these in their turn will have an influence on plant profitability .
8 And by and large the activities of church and state would be separatist .
9 As I said in Committee , the lack of redress in terms of the activities of bus companies compared to the activities of rail or ferry operators represents a great anomaly .
10 Suppose that the actual inflation rate is 10 per cent and that this has been expected by all economic agents , with the result that it has been fully accounted for in wage bargaining , in the activities of borrowing and lending and in the tax system .
11 For that reason we include information about the activities of Convocation and the Association of Alumni .
12 Getting itself involved in access so deeply has turned it from a benign , vaguely representative organisation into one whose role is increasingly to police the activities of climbing and climbers .
13 It is involved in all the relations , institutions and structures which are implicated in the activities of production and reproduction in the life of societies ’ ( Held , 1984 , p. 235 ) .
14 It became the defence of peace and culture from the warmongering philistinism of fascism .
15 From the opposite camp , the Defence of Literature and the Arts Society supported a similar test of outrage by proposing to Williams that :
16 Outrage condemned Shostakovitch , and it is an odd test indeed to be proposed in the defence of literature and the arts .
17 The poem , and the editor of Gay News , Denis Lemon , were vigorously defended in public by , among others , the National Secular Society , the Rationalist Press Association , and the Defence of Literature and the Arts Society .
18 In this way a mostly desperate body of art , which had at first shocked the American public , was transformed by speeches , articles and the context in which it was displayed , into an ideological weapon for the defence of Individualism and the right to express oneself .
19 Many of the signatories were associates of Mehdi Bazargan , the first Prime Minister of the Islamic Republic or , like Mohammadreza Nezameddin Mohaved , members of the Association for the Defence of Freedom and Sovereignty of the Iranian Nation , which was reportedly dissolved on 14 June 1990 .
20 This renamed the country the Republic of Albania ( i.e. dropping the adjectives " Socialist " and " People 's " ) , and defined it as " democratic and juridical , based on social equality , the defence of freedom and the rights of man , and political pluralism " .
21 If ‘ home ’ means , though , the defence of self and close kin for what Rainwater calls the ‘ lower class ’ , it means something quite different for those who have managed to escape from this class and who have achieved a degree of economic and emotional stability .
22 The strategy adopted for the defence of absolutism and reason is firstly to protect philosophy from the intrusion of the sociology of knowledge and secondly to assert that there is simply no other way than having the absolute standards of reason .
23 He presided at the councils of Piacenza and Clermont ( 1095 ) , and preached with fervour war against the infidel , for the defence of Christendom and the recovery of the holy places .
24 Legitimate war , however , was concerned not only with the defence of sovereign or historical rights to territory .
25 Subsequently , endosonography and computed tomographic examinations were performed every two or three months to assess the response to treatment or relapse .
26 As with primary bone tumours , MRI should be regarded as the investigation of choice before surgery for soft tissue sarcoma and is also helpful for monitoring the response to treatment and detecting any recurrence .
27 The CRP value is a surrogate for direct assessment of cytokine generation , and is valuable in confirming the presence of inflammation , assessing its severity , and monitoring the response to treatment and the development of complications .
28 Endoscopic ultrasound has been considered the best procedure for assessing the preoperative staging of oesophageal carcinoma but few studies have considered its efficacy in evaluating the response to chemo or radiotherapy .
29 The generation of these cytokines by macrophages is an extremely early event in the response to infection or traums — for example one of the strongest stimuli to macrophage production is bacterial lipopolysaccharide .
30 This is obvious from the fact that the response to beer and wine is many times higher than that to corresponding concentrations of ethanol .
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