Example sentences of "the [noun] [prep] [noun sg] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 This actual address will be identical with the key as transformed by the algorithm for home records , but will be different for synonyms , as the ancillary file used will allow all the records to be reached in a single seek , as if the file were self-indexed .
2 The difficulty encountered by the expertise theory in trying to demonstrate the legitimacy of corporate managerial power by showing that there are restraints on the discretion of the managers stems from its attempt to combine a deference to the judgments of business managers with an insistence that corporate managers are subject to fiduciary duties that prevent them from exercising their power for their own purposes or for other non-corporate ends .
3 The decision , regarded as inevitable due to the activities of Loop offshoots The Hair And Skin Trading Company and Main , puts paid to speculation that the band would reunite for a US tour .
4 The majority of studies have been in urban areas and have focused on the activities of building societies and finance institutions in the private sector ( Ford 1975 ; Boddy 1976 ; P. R. Williams 1976 , 1978 ; Short 1978 ) , and on the activities of housing managers in the public sector ( Gray 1976a , 1976b ; Paris and Lambert 1979 ) .
5 We have referred to the activities of building societies on numerous occasions already .
6 The activities of building societies and banks have been given prime consideration when assessing the appropriate definition of money and the problem of implementation of monetary control ( Bank of England , Dec. 1984 ) .
7 This , the Younger Committee , reported in 1972 and its report is still a classic ; it covered a wide range of activities and technological developments which might be intrusive , although it was precluded from considering the activities of government departments and other public sector organisations — a limitation about which it protested .
8 Public expenditure is also examined by Select Committees of the House of Commons , which study in detail the activities of government departments and require the attendance of ministers and officials for cross-examination .
9 These included moves to protect the Amazon rainforest [ see pp. 37202 ; 37528 ] , although the activities of gold miners threatening the existence of the Yanomani Indians , whose lands they had invaded , continued to be largely uncurbed [ see p. 37292 ; 37495 ] .
10 The activities of moth larvae feeding on the fur or feathers binding the pellets together result in their breakdown even in dry conditions , although it may take several years for pellets to completely disintegrate .
11 When we come to consider the activities of insurance companies as a form of financial intermediation this distinction between the two types of business will be crucial .
12 The word ‘ consumerism ’ has been coined to describe the activities of pressure groups in this area , and the term ‘ consumer protection ’ used to describe the efforts made by Government and other bodies to provide rules and codes of conduct for relations between commercial organizations and their customers .
13 These inequalities are managed through the activities of interest groups , market competition , educational institutions , enterprise unions and the state as they participate in constructing the national interest .
14 The activities of fund managers would suggest otherwise .
15 The rest of this chapter will outline the variations in deprivation and investment in the North Side and then explore the disparities between need and investment through the activities of community representatives .
16 Instead , Sisson maintains that the real reason is that in Britain multi-employer bargaining has increasingly been found to be incapable of performing what employers regard as its major function , namely the neutralisation of the workplace from the activities of trade unions .
17 The second notable point is the one which , when the remit was published , led to much criticism of it , and which is registered in paragraph 1 of the minority report signed by three of the nine members remaining from the ten who at the outset composed the Committee : Certainly , the terms of reference specified industrial democracy as an extension of the activities of trade unions into the control of enterprises , other than public sector enterprises , by which the members of those unions were employed .
18 He believed that the activities of trade unions should be restricted to the sphere of welfare , but he strongly supported the provision of education for working men and women , establishing a works library in 1848 , a new School of Science and Art in Oldham in 1865 , and a works school in 1866 .
19 The activities of finance houses in providing credit facilities are also examined .
20 The saga still continues but there has been a severe clampdown on the activities of babyfood companies , and undoubtedly millions of Third World babies ' lives have been saved .
21 There are , to be sure , competing and contradictory images most clearly seen in militarized public demonstrations , but these are frequently and misleadingly labelled as the activities of student radicals or Red Army factions .
22 As I said in Committee , the lack of redress in terms of the activities of bus companies compared to the activities of rail or ferry operators represents a great anomaly .
23 In the run-up to the country 's first multiparty elections for 43 years , scheduled for March 25 , the ruling Hungarian Socialist Party ( HSP ) was shaken by revelations during January that the Interior Ministry 's security police had not stopped covert surveillance of the activities of opposition politicians , despite the enactment during the past 12 months of laws and constitutional amendments creating a multiparty system [ see pp. 36399 ; 36960-61 ] .
24 At the point of final sales too , trading companies coordinate the activities of group members in retail distribution .
25 Attention has been heavily concentrated on national campaigns and the activities of party leaders , despite the fact that there is some evidence to suggest that local campaigns may be becoming more important in influencing election results .
26 The defence to power systems group is to become an equal shareholder with construction companies Trafalgar House and BICC in Eurorail .
27 The document also proposed the defence of state enterprises , the expulsion of " Yankee troops " and the rejection of government anti-drug plans to eradicate traditional coca leaf production , which threatened the livelihood of an estimated 60,000 peasant farmers .
28 These include caste systems , genetics and the defence of home territories .
29 They showed the Foreign Office keen to encourage talks between the Iraqi and Kuwaiti rulers over their border dispute — but also adamant that Kuwait was the one area in the Gulf where the defence of oil supplies would justify the use of force .
30 In other words rigidities and frictions in the response of money wages and prices to a state of general excess supply provide a practical justification for demand management policies .
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