Example sentences of "the [noun] [modal v] [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 The trial continues tomorrow when the defence will begin their evidence .
2 Counsel for the applicant advised that the examination be limited to the issue of the applicant 's fitness to plead and that the defence should instruct their own forensic psychiatrist to report on other possible defences .
3 Another round of the park would kill me — there was not a shadow of a doubt about that .
4 The depths of a recession is hardly the best time to make such a move , but a substantial redundancy package has helped to cushion the risk and Mr Wise could not be certain the opportunity would come his way again .
5 The last highlighted expression in the Russian back-translation , ‘ the opportunity will make itself available ’ , illustrates the use of the reflexive , which is particularly common in Russian and is generally considered stylistically equivalent to the passive in English .
6 He says of the liberals that they were placed in a predicament by the fall : ‘ A democracy can not be imposed by force , the majority must favour it , yet the majority wanted what Khomeini wanted — an Islamic republic . ’
7 At last , my abilities became so much celebrated , that the house-steward used to employ me in keeping his accounts .
8 Simply from examining the bones the experts can tell us that she suffered from childhood illness and spent a lot of her life sitting on her heels using her left hand , perhaps grinding corn .
9 ‘ There they are sorted and put back on the vehicles and re-delivered so that the franchisees can deliver them first thing in the morning . ’
10 If it does not , the TPC will make its own recommendations .
11 Jackson 's Paris agent confirmed that a visit had been discussed , but explained that ‘ the crowds might put him off ’ .
12 The portraits were hung outside the hospital on all feast days so that the Milanese could admire their benefactors and those portrayed could bask in the glory of it all .
13 All in the TAS would receive one .
14 Immediately the caveman must prepare himself for two possibilities .
15 And then , conclude by what have you learnt about the talk , make sure the and then the appendix should include your transcription which a key .
16 And , lastly , the definition of rules for housework establishes a mechanism whereby the housewife can reward herself for doing it .
17 Former Middlesbrough defender Owen McGee was the pick of the new boys and McHale must be hoping the trialist can repeat his debut display .
18 The prince used to tease her about her efforts to get people taught to read and write ; it became a household joke , Constanza joining with her father , though she herself was much taken by Fabian Socialism as a girl .
19 Nevertheless , such a post had its drawbacks : the prince could detain his musicians at will , and , on one occasion , Haydn was obliged to drop his patron a heavy hint — in the form of the ‘ Farewell ’ Symphony — that the court orchestra members had been kept away from their families in Vienna for too long .
20 If necessary the Prince will keep him in close ward until he sees reason .
21 I think the people who live around the base will miss it .
22 Their family reputation may be thought to be at stake ; the parents may fear lest care of the grandchild should become their responsibility ; the prospect of the girl 's becoming a " bad girl " may weigh heavily ; punishment — of the girl , the man concerned or both -may be a primary demand .
23 About twenty minutes and the hurricane would have them in its grasp .
24 The fuse would destroy itself , the gunpowder explode , poor Cosmas 's legs would be shattered , and even if he wanted to , the fire spread so quickly as to prevent his escape .
25 The Pentagon can clear anything they want .
26 I still get the louder gusts of laughter and the odd thump and clunk , but the mike will tell me when someone comes to the door .
27 She wrinkled her nose in irritation , wishing that her father had had the foresight to warn her that it had not been fully completed , instead of waving her on her way with a cheery remark about how the change would do her good .
28 I thought the change would do me good !
29 He would have to build himself up , because the change would take it all out of him .
30 We are writing to all existing claimants to let them know how the change will affect them .
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