Example sentences of "the [noun] [be] [conj] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 I do n't know how big the uptake is because actually it does n't make a lot of sense you know , it 's not that much cheaper .
2 Yes , I mean my view is that we put it out for members we see what the uptake is and then we can always look at the list and ring certain other people
3 All the signs are that somewhere there is a warehouse full of unwanted red-blue 3D specs , going cheap and looking for an alternative use .
4 The reason they are hanging on until after the election is because both Labour and the Liberal Democrats are pledged to return opted-out schools to local authority control , with all that implies in terms of victimisation and possible closure .
5 The present is and always was a common law action for personal injuries caused by the negligence or breach of duty of the defendants , and it lies on the plaintiff to show what was this duty of the defendants towards the plaintiff , and how it arose .
6 The worry is that as international interest wanes and other disasters compete for attention Somalia will be allowed to slip back into starvation and anarchy .
7 You should enquire what the rules are and additionally , to give you a better idea of what size pension you might realistically expect , you could ask for some practical examples — say , over the last five years — of retired individuals in a similar earnings bracket to your own .
8 One of the damaging implications of the recession is that very few employers are now able or willing to offer employment to trainees .
9 The finding is that roughly 25 per cent of Italy 's total dog population of around 3.5 million is made up of animals which , if they are not all precisely strays , are at least ‘ free-ranging ’ and not under immediate human supervision .
10 The hope is that unusually fruitful conferences such as this one , in which a course in the basics of immunology preceded seminars on the latest developments , and in which the participants in most part came from areas badly affected by the disease , will show us the way forward .
11 The point of the story is that even though it was I that programmed the computer , telling it in great detail what to do , nevertheless I did n't plan the animals that evolved , and I was totally surprised by them when I first saw their precursors .
12 YOU can do you part to help this project by making known to class members when and where the course is and PLEASE do hold membership drives in your classes , many of you have had excellent results in the past , although we know that others do find it very difficult to ‘ sell ’ membership , but you can still ‘ whip up ’ some enthusiasm if you try .
13 The Indemnity Fund was established ( pursuant to s37 of the Solicitors Act ) to provide indemnity against loss arising from claims in respect of any description of civil liability incurred : ( 1 ) by a solicitor or former solicitor in connection with his practice or with any trust of which he is or formerly was a trustee ; and ( 2 ) by an employee or former employee of a solicitor or former solicitor in connection with that solicitor 's practice or with any trust of which that solicitor or the employee is or formerly was a trustee .
14 Biologically , the jury is still out , and my blanketweed crop on the pond is as yet undismayed by the combined nitrate-removing qualities of Siporax and the small integral magnet within the entry pipework of the NBS .
15 There are currently only two workplace nurseries in the North — Queen 's University and the Royal Victoria Hospital — but the irony is that even in this extremely limited provision most women workers can not afford to use these facilities .
16 The irony is that often they do have the liturgy although they have not woken up to it .
17 The irony is that all too often one needs the very best people to deal with the very worst industrial situations , which are seldom of their own making .
18 But the side was as yet inconsistent , the combination unbalanced .
19 From mid-May to late June , though , the bats were nor particularly concentrated round the street lights .
20 The clergy were and still are in a special position , holding power over the laity because of it .
21 The thinking is that once all the mucky bits have been moved out , Singapore 's well-educated workforce will specialise in research and development , marketing , finance and other services .
22 In her second album , which takes a sensibly modest manifesto for its title , the mix is as before ; you will hear all the tracks over the next few months if you follow the charts .
23 The result is that instead of trying to recover the often indeterminable illocutionary force intended by the author for this or that character , the actor finds himself inventing someone who might have wished to express this or that speech act by means of the speeches assigned to him in the text .
24 The result is that today a recording is seldom the transcription of a single musical event .
25 The result is that today 's population contains not only Arabs , the majority , but Kurds , Turks and Armenians .
26 The result is that about 25% of total radiation is reflected from leaves , compared with 10–20% from bare soil and about 5% from water .
27 The result is that often illnesses are considered to be purely physical when in fact they have an emotional trigger , as in the case of the lady who developed rheumatoid arthritis after her visit to Flanders , or a mental or possibly even spiritual precipitating factor .
28 The result is that more working-class sons can move up while fewer middle-class boys need to move down ; the middle-class boy still has four times the chance of getting a managerial or professional job compared with a manual worker 's son .
29 The result is that only those negative regulations , restrictive in nature , contained in a s.52 agreement may be enforced against successors in title who have notice of such an agreement .
30 The result was that sometimes members of the family or others who went to her for help came away empty-handed , however great their needs or deserts might be ; Addy never used need as a yardstick But on the other side of the medal were the occasions , such as this one , when she volunteered something you 'd never have dreamed of asking for , and you were free to accept it because you knew she 'd be disappointed , not relieved , if you refused .
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