Example sentences of "the [noun] [conj] over [art] " in BNC.

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1 In a letter to the Secretary of State , I outlined my deep concern over the case and over the way in which the allegation by Mrs. X had been investigated .
2 He ran down the field and over the brook to the cattle-wade .
3 He watched curiously as the Men and the People followed him across the field and over the fence which the tree was beyond .
4 His teaching , or the teaching that over the centuries has been ascribed to him , brought into being the highly influential religion of Christianity .
5 There is one thin spine-like apical papilla flanked by 3–5 oral papillae , occasionally there are many supernumerary papillae on the side of the jaw and over the adoral shields and jaw plates .
6 It can be approached from a path made of gravestones laid end to end through the churchyard and over a brick-built bridge .
7 Designed initially as an all-day alpine suit , the Nevada jacket and salopettes can be worn next to the skin or over a thermal wicking layer .
8 ‘ Not two miles from Atholl Castle — across the ford and over the hill .
9 A white terrier bounds through the grass , down the steps and over the daisies .
10 Gently slide your hands over your partner 's face starting from the chin , circling the eyes and over the forehead .
11 They came from the big houses down the loch or over the pass towards Loch Lomond , or the castle at Inverary , from miles and miles , little girls in furred and caped coats and dresses gathered into heavy bows behind the cascades of ringlets .
12 Mine comes from peaty moorland and the pH is too low with the result that over the years copper pipework corrodes in places , especially at low points .
13 Finally a continuous length of baler twine is threaded under the legs and over the top , pulled quite tight and tied halfway up the load .
14 Apart from the pictures from the camera trained on the area of primary interest , others images , were recorded on the same tape and when played displayed on the three other quarters of the video screen contemporaneously , were from cameras situated in other areas of the club and over the entrance door .
15 A path leads from the car park through the brambles and over a rock slap stile to enter open fields and descent to a lesser ruined mine building .
16 As they come to the final fence Second Schedule being pressed by Ebony Jane and Bishops Hall on the nearside and over the last Second Schedule and Bishops Hall on the nearside , Ebony Jane in third , in fourth place is Joe White and racing into the closing stages it 's Second Schedule with Bishops Hall on the nearside Graham Bradley again as they go to the line , Bishops Hall wins it for Harry , Second Schedule is second , Joe White is third , Ebony Jane four .
17 The deeply moated site of the former manor house marks the edge of the old settlement ; sheep now graze peacefully over the remains of the village and over the ridge and furrow patterns of what were once the communal arable fields .
18 Although the High Stewards still had the surname Fitzallan , they had become known as The Stewards and over the generations adopted the name Steward , and later Stewart .
19 She came to a familiar boulder ; it had fallen where the river met the hollow that over the years had become the pond .
20 Roll out the marzipan on a surface dusted with icing sugar or cornflour into a large rectangle and use to cover the base , smoothing into the hollow and over the corners , and trimming away excess from around the bottom .
21 Roll out two-thirds of the marzipan ( about 225g/8oz ) to a large rectangle on a surface dusted with icing sugar or cornflour and cover the rectangular cake , smoothing into the hollow and over the edges , and trimming away excess around the base .
22 ‘ Nearby there was an old hermit — Servanus , who became St Servanus — and he took in the child and over the years the child became his dearest friend , his Myn Ghu or Mungo .
23 Possibly the test is , ‘ Can it be inferred from the facts of the particular case that the occupier had such control over the licensee or over the circumstances which made his act possible that he ought to have prevented it ?
24 The polemic in the newspapers had begun not over the kidnapping but over a fight that had broken out a few days previously in a bar much frequented by the young Sardinians who hung around the city and by the city gangs who sold them drugs .
25 League is concerned , is the amount of money coming into the game and the danger that over a few years it could widen the division between the haves and the have-nots .
26 Making a retail price was Sotheby 's lot 278 , a fine Meissen Augustus Rex bottle vase of 1725–30 , estimated at £20–30,000 , it was contested in various places in the room and over the telephone , selling in the room for £42,000 ( $63,000 ) .
27 It was wrapped around the body and over the left shoulder where it was draped in folds which nearly reached the floor .
28 Using your middle fingers , make tiny circles on the cheeks at either side of the nostrils and over the upper lip ( see Fig. 15 ) .
29 He was polite but distant after that for the rest of the week , and there was no suggestion that they should get together in the evening or over the weekend .
30 Then they were running another way , running , not to the warren but over the fields in the cold , and Bigwig dropped the berries — blood-red drops , red droppings hard as wire .
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