Example sentences of "the [noun] [conj] it have " in BNC.

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1 ’ there not being in force in relation to the use of that vehicle ‘ The proof of insurance falls to the defence once it has been established by the prosecution that the motor vehicle has been used on a road ( Philcox v Carberry [ 1960 ] Crim LR 563 ) .
2 Cos the st er you could , you might be able to take the stand cos it 's got ta be pretty er hefty .
3 ‘ The county council has to make up the remainder but it has already limited the amount it intends to spend . ’
4 If there was a swell on the east side where the the grating but there was also a gully landing which you get into the gully but it had to be a very fine day to get into the gully and there was a derrick there er you could a crane there that you could take everything out of the boat but it had to be a very fine day to get into the gully .
5 The Change Coordinator will inform the person who requested the change that it has been implemented .
6 A CRE spokesman confirmed to The Scotsman that it had begun an official investigation ‘ which arises from our view that there may have been discrimination in some of the things being done by the education department of Strathclyde Regional Council . ’
7 A CRE spokesman confirmed to The Scotsman that it had begun an official investigation ‘ which arises from our view that there may have been discrimination in some of the things being done by the education department of Strathclyde Regional Council . ’
8 Ratagan took it from her wordlessly and held it in the flames till it had caught .
9 Being part of C&P has softened the blow because it has enabled many employees to switch to other growth areas of the chemicals business .
10 The hon. Gentleman is treating me as though he were talking to someone from Louisiana and wanting to finish the sentence before it has been started .
11 There was a lot of straw in the mattress and it had been filled recently so that it was pleasantly responsive .
12 If the colliery were allowed to overcome that problem , it could soon continue to earn the money that it has earned ever since the pit was sunk earlier this century .
13 But then what he then went on to say was , that since only the wife would be able to spend from that account , then put the money after it had been dealt with for the wife 's tax purposes , into a joint account , on which both could draw .
14 We made the mistake of not putting in the trees before the hedges and it 's taken them seven or eight years to get going because it 's so exposed .
15 Marketing manager Rob Lucas said : ‘ We are fortunate that everyone knows the brand and it has always been popular , particularly with children . ’
16 The foundation brought the case after it had examined government records showing that the companies had exceeded pollution limits consistently since 1984 .
17 Ideally , of course , one hopes to get the case before it has reached this stage .
18 Of course , it might be the case that it had been settled long before that .
19 It is noticeable that the Russell-Copleston debate became embroiled in a discussion of necessary propositions , a discussion made necessary by Copleston 's desire to show Russell that the world is such that it must be the case that it has a Creator .
20 Classical elasticity assumes this to be the case and it has been very successful with continuous media .
21 Whatever the case if it has become too much of a habit , this can be devastating .
22 Whilst this system has the advantage that it has no moving parts it is very much more expensive .
23 Will the Minister commend Lagan college in my constituency for the progress that it has made in the past 10 years ?
24 These substantial resources will enable the executive to continue the progress that it has made in recent years in improving housing conditions in Northern Ireland .
25 It had been David 's most miserable year on the field and it had a devastating effect on his private life . ’
26 If anything happened to the computer and it proved impossible to get at the data inside , you could go to your back-up diskettes and simply copy the data back into the computer when it had been repaired , or replaced , or put it onto another computer .
27 But still the habit of flying north for the summer persisted among the birds and it has remained to this day , even though the journey is no longer a few miles , but several hundred .
28 To achieve a reduction , however , the burden of proof rests upon the buyer to show that the seller would have been unable to comply with the essential terms of the contract if it had not been terminated , Gill & Duffus v. Berger & Co. ( 1984 H.L. ) .
29 There was an attempt to push the balance back in favour of the consumer , but privatisation has achieved the opposite because it has resulted in a major shift of power away from the consumer to the producer .
30 Suddenly Anne thought of the kitchen as it had been throughout her childhood , a warm , secure and loving haven .
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