Example sentences of "the [noun] [pron] [modal v] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Though pandas ' ancestors were carnivores , they eat a high proportion of vegetable matter including bamboo and various roots , shoots , fruits and fungi ; and in the park they will sometimes be seen grazing grass .
2 Where the value of the investment falls below the completed cancellation notice is received , an amount equal to such fall in the purchase price will be deducted from the refund he would otherwise have received ; therefore he will not get a full refund of the money paid by him .
3 The result can be that all the experts who would otherwise be suitable are " conflicted out " , in today 's inelegant but pithy expression .
4 Other pieces showing the variety which could now be accommodated under the title ‘ canzon ’ are a ‘ capricio ’ in a number of short , sharply differentiated sections by Giovanni Battista Grillo and a composition for sixteen trombones by Tiburtio Massaino .
5 After a few hours ' walking along the ridge we could clearly see Koitobos , one of the peaks surrounding the crater rim — a long , flat-topped buttress with a steep cone at one end , composed of large , dark brown , vertical columns .
6 Seventy-one per cent of respondents wrote and said that the change they would most like to see was ‘ equality of opportunity ’ .
7 The attribution itself can either be total , e.g. , ‘ Claire is such a good girl ’ , or partial , e.g. , ‘ Henry has a vicious streak ’ .
8 This did n't stop the rock press from gnashing its teeth and a prize was certainly in the offing for the writer who could effectively belittle the Morrissey figure .
9 He wins universal applause from his followers and admiration from the reader , despite the fact that he is going to take away the paradise which may still have been ours .
10 The 13-goal marksman 's chances of being fit have improved since he started the treatment and his manager Ron Atkinson said : ‘ If he does make it and this machine has done the trick I 'll gladly pay out Pounds 25,000 myself to buy one . ’
11 The sentencer regarded the case as an exceptional one The Court considered that it had many exceptional features which would allow a sentencer to reduce the sentence which would otherwise have been imposed , but it was seldom in such a case that a sentence of less than seven years would be appropriate .
12 It is not , indeed , ruled out by the logic of the naturalistic fallacy that degree of goodness and degree of pleasurableness might coincide , it is just that once one is free of the fallacy one will no longer see any reason to hold this .
13 Round about four o'clock in the afternoon he would sometimes forget Morris and sprawl back in his chair with his hands behind his head , yawning and looking at the ceiling , just as he had before Morris 's arrival .
14 Some have received large capital grants to improve their buildings , while others have been able to put to good use the money which would normally be spent on local authority overheads .
15 They had bought them in the local sex shop in the hope of saving the money they would normally spend on E. So what were they like ?
16 Got the money we might just as well
17 But the point that Anna failed to grasp was that without the money it would never have occurred to him to marry her .
18 Roma wanted to buy Rune a couple of years ago for about £5 mill — but he said no ( ! ) , i guess he have all the money he will ever need … )
19 By a whiff of the smell you can plainly tell
20 A Government seeking to minimise awkward questions will try to railroad the the Bill through , hoping that by the time that Back Benchers have woken up to what is happening and their constituents have understood the dangers it will again be too late .
21 For the system to work you would need to ensure that your colleagues had a copy — and if that were the case they might even read the book .
22 If they lose the case they will also face substantial legal costs .
23 The case they should never have tried The Blue Arrow trial , the second longest in English criminal history , has been widely condemned as a travesty .
24 If this were the case one would also expect to find increased basal secretion in smokers — in our study this was not the case .
25 When this is not the case there will almost certainly , however , be periodic attempts to reconcile the two sets of accounts , by comparing the profit shown in the financial accounts with that revealed in the cost accounts .
26 If this had been the case I may possibly have been offered some cosmetic surgery , but this wo n't happen because it 's a natural part of pregnancy .
27 and he says no I , I reckon I had a word with our Margaret she said no it do n't matter , but if that 's gon na be the case I 'd rather give it to him back , I mean I 've got it
28 ‘ If that were the case I 'd hardly have accepted your invitation , ’ she pointed out with some asperity .
29 Having stated the case you may legitimately put it into its historical setting in order to show what advance it made on the previous law ; and you may also indicate the trend of development that it started .
30 the risk is one against which , in all circumstances of the case he may reasonably be expected to offer the ( non-visitor ) some protection .
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