Example sentences of "the [noun] [prep] [noun sg] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 And whilst derelict land supports the activities of man it provides a home for plants and animals .
2 I woke up frightened at having my knife and pill-bottles in the tent in case I should end my life during my night 's sleep .
3 When made with the addition of stock they Jose all character and cease to be what they were intended to be .
4 You have already second , but I was going to second it , and say how very pleased I am to have the opportunity to second it .
5 You were asked recently to vote on the forms of action you would prefer to take in support of the shop 's position on the reduction of pay differentials .
6 On the occasion of its 30th anniversary , the University of Novi Sad in Yugoslavia awarded him the Honorary Degree of Doctor of Science ; and this month at the annual meeting of the British Association for the Advancement of Science he is to receive an Honorary DSc from the University of Wales .
7 At the 1913 Birmingham meeting of the British Association for the Advancement of Science she was elected president of section K ( botany ) , thus becoming the first woman ever to preside over a section .
8 I hated the exams at school I did n't think I 'd have to go all through them again .
9 But the clog of sound she had never noticed in hospital was removed , as if a plug of cotton wool had been taken out ; that constant humming buzz of the working building like a machine or a living body around her .
10 ‘ I speak not only of the Army — although as Colonel Moore knows probably better than I , the acts of heroism you see there in the face of pain — wounds , cuts , torn limbs ’ — he looked at Mrs Crump ; she swayed slightly — ‘ severed arteries , gashed heads ’ — Mrs Moore was unaffected — ‘ and all the terrible lacerations and disfigurements received on the human body in modern warfare ’ — Miss D'Arcy nodded ; she was intrigued — ‘ but I speak of the self-inflicted torments of the Indian , the Negro and the Mussulman . ’
11 Part of the reliquary consisted of a gold inscription plaque which referred to the fourteenth year of a particular Gadhara king , enabling the experts to date it precisely .
12 We control the amount and the complexity of language we expose them to .
13 No two coalfields were the same , but if a general pattern can be discerned from the variety of experience it is that during the first half of the nineteenth century each region largely generated its own workforce from the natural increase of its population , but that the spectacular later developments drew not only upon local men who left the farms or rural crafts and industries in large numbers but also upon the surplus population of counties from all over the British Isles .
14 Just think of the variety of work you may have to commission : computer graphics or cartoon treatment for a commercial ; a glossy colour illustration or a strip cartoon ; action , fashion or food photography ; straight-forward shots of the client 's packs .
15 We begin this chapter , accordingly , by looking at the different types of literary essay it is possible to write , considering first the variety of focus they give to their subject matter and the different modes of argument they adopt .
16 Contexts which do activate more than one sense at a time give rise to the variety of oddness we have labelled zeugma :
17 Yes I mean basically we need to first of all decide , I think this is what we 're deciding in the first instance , which option for the provision of information you find the most helpful .
18 Erm the provision in policy I five does not include recycling land in in existing
19 The position had been reached where she could not make out the labels on the cans of food she was heating up .
20 ‘ I 'd have to say that given the change of government they ought to have a very good chance of preventing us assisting Huerter .
21 But the Note also made clear that the western democracies would not intervene to bring about the change of regime they advocated .
22 I mean , wha what I would like to go on and say is , that er , which the change of administration it has been necessary to er , adopt a different way of , of developing the budget , and I think you 're quite right to erm , pay credit to the effort of the er , budget review er , sub-committee .
23 He signalled to Yuan , and with the change in gravity he was at the entrance with his belt slung over one shoulder before Alexei started to cross the floor .
24 If we wish to know the heritability of size we breed together sets of parents of different sizes , and measure the size of the offspring .
25 If he held his own with other boys in the struggle for power he could hardly help behaving in ways which were unlikely to be lovable — a fact which assumed a definite importance when the only hope of affection came from those same boys .
26 The choice of texts should draw on reading material of the kind children will encounter in school through the programmes of study we have recommended .
27 Chuter-Ede advocated ‘ no rocking the boat ’ ; as deputy to the President at the Board of Education he was heeded by Labour colleagues who wanted a systematic change .
28 On the board of theology he was dominant , to reform the curriculum and the examinations .
29 ‘ Caledonian Mining remains interested in Monktonhall , but Macleod is no longer prepared to talk to the board in case it provokes further misleading comments to the press , ’ the source said .
30 The flood of gratitude she felt at Guy 's surprise appearance was as illogically powerful as the tide of resentment she 'd been harbouring earlier .
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