Example sentences of "the [noun] which [vb past] for " in BNC.

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1 The defenders were unsuccessful in their arguments on the interpretation of the clause in the contract which provided for payment of 75 per cent of the price on delivery .
2 However , most of the cases which arose for decision were concerned with payments extracted ultra vires by persons who in virtue of their position could insist on the wrongful payment as a precondition to affording the payer his legal rights i.e. they were payments colore officii .
3 The parties which voted for Pawlak were the three which had proposed the no confidence motion against Olszewski [ see p. 38921 ] , namely the Democratic Union ( UD ) ( except its Democratic Right faction ) , the Liberal Democratic Congress ( KLD ) and the Polish Economic Programme ( PPG ) , plus his own PSL , the KPN , and the Democratic Left Alliance ( SLD ) .
4 Considerable efforts were made to fill the gaps which existed for earlier decades , notably by the acquisition of a large collection of Richelieu 's papers in 1705 , while in 1710 Torcy had most of the archive moved from Versailles , where it had hitherto been , to the Louvre ( the papers covering the years since 1698 remained at Versailles to be used in the daily business of the ministry ) .
5 You could see the filth heaving with them as you peered through the crudely cut holes in the wood which served for seats , and sometimes they would crawl out through these holes and invade the neighbouring parts of the camp .
6 They came to the bank of the stream which had for some time been running unseen beside them .
7 Conditions were no better , and possibly worse , on the Ettrick which made for Canada with 220 RCM boys on board .
8 A West German car exported to the UK which sold for DM 36,000 in WG would still sell for £12,000 at the exchange rate £1 = DM3.00 .
9 ICL Plc has been been ringing the changes , not only with boardroom shuffles ( CI No 2,125 ) , but with a push towards what it calls more ‘ autonomous business groupings ’ and a greater emphasis on software and services , the area which accounted for some 60% of UK sales in 1992 .
10 Dozens of popular tourist spots across the world were represented at the exhibition which ran for five days .
11 A move to restrict the use of juries in libel actions was defeated in 1981 , largely as a result of public satisfaction at the performance of the jury which sat for six months to hear the claim for libel brought by the head of the " Moonies " in England against the " Daily Mail " .
12 Possibly the last attempt at such a use of newspaper power — Cecil King 's 1968 ‘ Enough is Enough ’ article in the Mirror which called for Harold Wilson 's resignation as Prime Minister — resulted in the dismissal of the ‘ abuser ’ of power , Cecil King himself .
13 Training has been completed for the week , and the platoon which paraded for its Pass-Off today has now left the barracks for ten days ' leave prior to posting to various battalions in England , Ulster and around Europe .
14 The minority which voted for a ‘ sovereign party within a renewed Soviet Communist party ’ arranged to meet last night to consider its position .
15 Mounted on a white horse , he rode into the city which had for so long defied and denied him .
16 At Sudeley ( Glos. ) , for instance , which Gloucester held between 1469 and 1478 , the key offices went to John Huddleston junior of Millom , initiating a family connection with the county which endured for several generations .
17 At Sudeley ( Glos. ) , for instance , which Gloucester held between 1469 and 1478 , the key offices went to John Huddleston junior of Millom , initiating a family connection with the county which endured for several generations .
18 In place of a new catalogue , the Whitney Museum republished Calder 's Universe , the book which served for its more comprehensive retrospective exhibition of 1976 , the year of the artist 's death .
19 Do we really want to go down in history as the generation which sold for a mess of pottage the finest British companies , which have successfully built brand names and franchises of high repute over a century or more … ?
20 It was ancient conservatism dressed up in nineteenth century costume and , incidentally , hard to combine with that other biological image of the century which stood for change and progress , namely ‘ evolution ’ .
21 The United Kingdom had consistently expressed reservations over intervention , in contrast to the stance of the USA which called for preventive bombardment of Serb positions ; however , on Dec. 20 outgoing US President George Bush and UK Prime Minister John Major agreed in Washington to support a UN resolution enforcing the flight ban .
22 I would not wish to underestimate the capabilities of my fellow countrymen for self-deception ; but it is difficult to believe that there can be further instalments of the saga which began for the people of Great Britain with the successful revolt of the American colonies .
23 Was it the prosperity of an acquisitive society prepared to forsake children , or the depression which accounted for the inter-war population trends ?
24 Leaders of the three main ethnic groups on March 18 signed an agreement , negotiated under the auspices of the EC , on the future of the republic which provided for its division into three autonomous units along ethnic lines .
25 It has been suggested that guidance should be given to the profession relating to receipts which are being issued for redemption money on the redemption of feuduties in terms of Section 4 of the Land Tenure Reform ( Scotland ) Act , 1974 , the section which provided for voluntary redemption of feuduties at the terms of Whitsunday and Martinmas .
26 We were still confined to our trenches due to the bombardment which continued for some time .
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