Example sentences of "the [noun] have [vb pp] off " in BNC.

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1 In fact , it feels as if the skeg has dropped off .
2 ‘ Take a look behind , nephew , ’ came the answer , ‘ and you will see that already the litter carrying the prince has turned off for Westminster ! ’
3 Even in Wales , where gloom and doom should have been the order of the next year or two , the clubs have set off in a style which has brought , instead , a nervous smile or two .
4 The proposals have set off a heated debate within the milk industry , whose outcome is likely to have important ramifications north of the Border , where the Scottish milk boards are facing a similar fate to that of their English and Welsh counterpart .
5 SHe had lapsed into a doze , the drug having worn off .
6 He had been urgently summoned by the sexton , whom the vicar had sent off on horseback , and he was annoyed at being dragged from his bed in Kettlewell , so early on Christmas Eve ; especially as by the time he arrived it was all over .
7 Again the driver had dozed off .
8 Several hours later the bird 's relieved owner arrived at the station , explaining the parrot has flown off as she took it to her grandchildren for a treat .
9 The fuselage has broken off behind the pilot 's seat , the propeller shaft and gearing , having fallen away from the engine on impact , lie nearby .
10 It alleged the industry had paid off several Socialist MPs to block legislation in parliament that would have laid pachinko parlours more open to the scrutiny of the tax authorities .
11 Moreover , the investment has paid off handsomely in terms of increased use .
12 I do n't believe the programme has taken off here as rapidly as it possibly could have had all the judges been as enthusiastic as I was in the beginning , but I would say 5 to 10 per cent of the sentenced people now are at least given that option .
13 The aircraft had taken off from Prestwick half-an- hour earlier .
14 Almost everyone has a story to tell about dream incorporation — for instance dreaming about Arctic exploration only to wake up and find that the covers have slipped off and he is freezing cold , or dreaming of bells ringing only to wake up eventually to find that the alarm clock has been clattering for the last few minutes .
15 Long before 1914 the great symbol of the social triumph that the showmen had pulled off was the new purpose-built and well-appointed movie theatre , a structure already far removed from the arcade and the nickelodeon .
16 The work had dropped off yeah , and then I were on the , on the labour for a short time and erm then I got a job next door to where I lived , straight next door .
17 Every effort is being made to obtain compensation , but in the meantime the directors have written off the cost of the property as an extraordinary charge against profits .
18 stay with them until the effects have worn off
19 The Welshman had set off home in a cold fury .
20 The next day the fungus had dropped off and there were less white spots .
21 But £2.5 million of extra work booked in May — with no dithering — gives Foden the sense that , now the initial shock of the slump has worn off , business is returning to its normal rhythms , albeit in a lower key .
22 The campaign had paid off .
23 ‘ One moment we were all sitting outside the Art School discussing the latest models , and the next moment the boy had wandered off by himself .
24 Riding him the next day , it was as if the handbrake had come off .
25 In 1914 the art schools had all but atrophied ; the models had gone off to the munitions factories , and students had been replaced by retired businessmen seeking distraction from their troubles .
26 In a statement issued on Oct. 20 the Netherlands Transport Ministry said that the sequence of events leading to the crash began when part of a strut attaching one of four engines to the wing had broken off .
27 The wing had stopped off in Germany merely for some flaps to be fitted .
28 The effects of the raksi had worn off by now and Kalchu , quiet and subdued , went into the house to fetch the red bitch 's chain .
29 Nonetheless , France was a very demanding market , as both Laura and Bernard were well aware , and once the freshness and newness of the product had worn off , it was critically important that the merchandise was of the highest quality .
30 After the team had gone off , I decided to visit a needy church member first and only had time to knock on one door before the agreed time to report back .
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