Example sentences of "the [noun] have [vb pp] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The defence have said medical evidence gleaned from tests on Mr Harris ' brain shows he suffers from a rare abnormality .
2 Although the basic position of the continents had remained unchanged since the Mesozoic , variations in the sea level might have opened up land passages between areas now separated by shallow seas .
3 Meanwhile as my visits to South Africa showed me in such a traumatic and depressing way the conditions of the majority have got worse there 's economic recession lay-offs , high inflation rate and growing violence more people have been killed in South Africa in the last two years than in any previous two years that you look at .
4 Piggy felt that everybody else had held onto their civilised upbringing like himself and he was always very surprised when nobody tried to steal the conch , right to speak , from him , but everyone else knew that democracy and civilisation on the island had ended , and the conch had lost all of its power and worth .
5 However , over the decades , while the terminology has remained constant , the meaning of the term community care has undergone a subtle transformation .
6 Recently the experts have deemed this unlikely .
7 The crowds had seen some legendary events .
8 In the last three years , the Ombudsman had judged 13 complaints in which decisions to allow development were ‘ perverse , arbitrary or inconsistent . ’
9 Although an official inquiry had found in October 1988 that there were no grounds to conclude that the DTI 's handling of the affair had caused the investors ' losses , in his report the Ombudsman had identified five areas in which there had been significant maladministration by the DTI of the Barlow Clowes affair .
10 Richard Rampton QC , who is defending Lord Aldington 's libel action against historian Count Nikolai Tolstoy and property developer Nigel Watts , suggested that the peer had given false evidence because it was ‘ essential ’ to his case that he was not in Austria on 23 , 24 and 25 May .
11 ‘ I was aware needless to say that the prince had become infatuated with you .
12 The Prince had become older and wiser since his previous attacks .
13 When he had gone up on deck again he found that the Prince had lowered two small rowing boats and was systematically scouring the river .
14 The Prince had had all the men up on deck scanning the river with the aid of oil lamps .
15 The prince has suggested two possible constitutional mechanisms to achieve this end .
16 Guided by his new-found friend , Charles studied Jung and also the work of economist and philosopher E. F. Schumacher , who wrote a book entitled Small Is Beautiful ; over the years the Prince has found many of the answers he was searching for .
17 The dry-stone walls have been repaired in the traditional way ; fences in the fields to keep the animals back are wooden post-and-rail , there is no barbed-wire to be seen ; and where the Prince has planted new trees in the parkland , they are all protected from the livestock by solid wooden guards , not the plastic sort most farmers use .
18 In many areas of social policy , local authorities have been given permission to provide a service , then , when the need for the service has been clearly demonstrated and resources for it are more widely available , the provision has become mandatory .
19 Over the past few years , the Pentagon has invested several billion dollars in technology related to defences against ballistic missiles , including guided anti-ballistic missiles , particle beams and high-energy lasers .
20 Over the last five summers the Amarilis has become one of our favourites which is no surprise as it 's ideally located , less the five minutes walk from the nightlife and 170 metres from the beach .
21 The writer had used 4 oz in 80 oz of 32 index fluid and , although I would have carried out a similar treatment as that ten years ago using saline , I consider this type of case nowadays has to be treated in a different manner , with up-to-date fluids and up-to-date knowledge — there are many first class fluids on the market today .
22 The writer had found this and 12 others in a cupboard , and would be glad , she wrote , if they could be ‘ used to bring in some lolly ’ .
23 For the purpose of this research the writer had identified three basic curriculum stances in the arts ( Musgrove , 1968 ; Bernstein , 1971 ; Pring , 1976 ; Kelly , 1982 ) .
24 The writer has collected three instances of this practice : two in the Stowmarket district and one near Mendlesham where the farmer who recalled it made the comment after the cold and wet spring of 1963 : ‘ I do n't know how those owd bors who used to set on the seed-bed would get on today : I reckon they 'd get themselves right chilled . ’
25 Three of the four previous league clashes between the clubs had ended goalless , and this game appeared to be heading the same way .
26 Three of the four previous league clashes between the clubs had ended goalless , and this game appeared to be heading the same way .
27 The clubs had experienced this violence since the early sixties .
28 It has just told me that the trial has proved successful and that it will shortly make the address service available nationwide .
29 A statement charged with murder the trial having lasted five days .
30 The break-up has given new regimes in Ukraine , Belorussia and Kazakhstan a say in what will become of the nuclear weapons on their soil .
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