Example sentences of "the [noun] and [vb past] that " in BNC.

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1 I should hope that anyone of lesser climbing ability that Mr Lee would have taken one look at the gully and decided that conditions were unfavourable .
2 Instead of the class struggle enunciated by Marx he externalised the struggle and insisted that all Indonesians could live in harmony in a gotong-royong ‘ mutual help ’ society .
3 Germany 's science council , the Wissenschftsrat , was called in to evaluate the work of the institutions and recommended that 6,700 staff be retained in newly created institutes ( in fact 7,200 are not employed ) .
4 One " secret witness " , subsequently identified as a German of Iraqi origin , recanted his testimony during the trial and claimed that he had been forced to make a false testimony under duress .
5 Mr Cole appeared before the Board and acknowledged that the Coffin was not made according to his Contract whereupon he was strongly cautioned by the Chairman as to his future conduct .
6 On May 13 Don W. Wilson — who , as the head of the National Archives and Records Administration , was generally accepted as the custodian of the Constitution — declared his support for the validity of the measure and stated that he was preparing to certify its adoption as the 27th Amendment .
7 After about a year I gave in to the pull and discovered that fatherhood has made me a much more serious person .
8 Valeria had asked us for the afternoon and suggested that we should stay on for the evening , as her mother had gone to spend the night with a friend .
9 They adjourned the case and directed that it be heard before a differently constituted bench of three justices .
10 Following his comments Shoob on Oct. 5 acceded to requests by the authorities to withdraw from the case and admitted that he had reached " certain preliminary conclusions " concerning the evidence .
11 The Office of Works examined the damage and reported that the houses were in an ‘ extremely defective and unsound state ’ and should be rebuilt as soon as possible , but still nothing was done .
12 After the election the new government in November 1990 again expressed its support for the ban and confirmed that it remained in place .
13 He said that he was generally optimistic about the plans and thought that Bassetlaw 's combined hospital and community trust was well set up to implement them , not least because the trust has good information systems .
14 He asked her to go into the fo'c's'le and as soon as she was inside closed the hatch and said that she could come out when she was ready to apologise .
15 The NCCK welcomed the decision and said that it signalled a new era of reconciliation , justice , tolerance and brotherhood .
16 The U.S.P.G.A. reconsidered the decision and announced that Louis ' entry would be approved as one of the 10 allowed to the local sponsors for invited amateurs .
17 Numerous opposition legislators denounced the decision and stated that they would appeal against it .
18 The opposition vehemently condemned the decision and maintained that the government was legally obliged to go ahead with the local polls during the first half of the year .
19 Galarrwuy Yunupingu , chairman of the aboriginal Northern Lands Council , welcomed the decision and predicted that the federal government would face a " barrage of litigation " unless it moved quickly to negotiate a treaty with the aborigines .
20 When on Monday before Christmas 1991 I stepped on the scales and found that I 'd done it , I almost died of happiness .
21 You may have seen them walking through the woods and thought that they have a nice easy job .
22 When Ian Thomson and the current editor of The Ley Hunter , Paul Devereux were doing fieldwork for their book The Ley Hunter 's Companion , they visited the crypt and found that the needle of their compass maintained a strange rhythmic ‘ jigging ’ motion .
23 During the Second World War , when cattle food supplies were necessarily restricted so that the supposedly early maturing breeds were deprived of some of their rations , it was the Devon and the related Sussex which came to the fore and proved that , even under difficult conditions , they were able to produce good beef quickly .
24 I looked down at the chart and saw that the island was not so very far off our course , and I knew that the Beechcraft was brim-full with fuel .
25 I have always used a magnetic board and marker to follow the chart and found that I did n't even have to look away from it whilst punching , thus speeding up the whole process considerably .
26 Yanto stretched himself full length on the settee and felt that lovely feeling of total contentment creep over him .
27 Antonietta sat beside her on the settee and explained that a doctor would be along soon .
28 Sudrajat was announcing the findings of a special military council investigating the massacre and said that a further five officers were being investigated for indiscipline .
29 But the dead man 's father , Bernard Cleary , was angry with the verdict and revealed that he would be consulting his barrister to see if further action could be taken .
30 Edinburgh District Council have been consulted and officials from their Planning Department have looked at the route and agreed that it has good potential .
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