Example sentences of "a state [noun sg] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Using the milk/newspapers context has made them seen trivial : few people would find sensible the idea of a state monolith in milk supply or rigorous persecution of small-time dealers in newspapers by some all-seeing agency .
2 In addition to his failure to secure major deficit-reducing trade measures , Bush 's visit to Japan was marred by his spectacular collapse at a state banquet on Jan. 8 .
3 Educated at a state school in Hampstead , he went on to study at Oxford University .
4 Having no wish to repeat the experience we had had with our son at Liphook Junior School , our daughter , having left Liphook Infants School last summer , now goes to a state school in Haslemere .
5 An anti-homosexual initiative was passed in Colorado but turned down in Oregon ; California rejected proposals to give the Governor greater control over the budget and to allow doctor-assisted suicide for the terminally ill ; an equal rights amendment to give women statutory equal rights with men was rejected in Iowa ; environmental proposals on mandatory recyclable packaging and an excise tax on hazardous substances manufactured in the state were defeated in Massachusetts ; and Arizona voted to observe a state holiday in memory of the Rev. Martin Luther King , the 50th state to do so , and decided to switch its method of execution from gas chamber to lethal injection .
6 A monarch 's speech at a state opening of parliament , though spoken , is far from the reciprocal end of the scale , but a scribbled memo from one teacher to another , though written , may trigger off a series of replies and counter replies , and is thus highly reciprocal .
7 This scheme was replaced in 1946 by a state scheme for victims of industrial accidents and prescribed industrial diseases .
8 Deep breathing calms the mind and relaxes the body , thus creating a state inducive to prayer and meditation .
9 In 1940 , Lola Hahn-Warburg and Elaine Blond for the RCM joined with the Council for German Jewry to appeal for a state support for Youth Allyah .
10 Nonetheless , the pluralism of programme companies , the coexistence of private and public radio stations — in the 1930S as in the 1980S — has led some to observe : perhaps the period 1945–81 , of a state monopoly of transmission networks and of programming , was a hiatus , an aberration in the tradition of French broadcasting .
11 If all else fails and the European Court finds that a state beneficiary of grants has failed to correct its administrative deficiencies , the report concludes , the relevant grants should be withdrawn .
12 Prisoners in Nebraska are paid 17.5 per cent commission — the same as outside employees — but the inmates have to pay $1.25 an hour back to the prison and another five per cent of their wages to a state fund for crime victims .
13 King Juan Carlos and Queen Sofia paid a state visit to Poland on Oct. 3-5 and González visited Hungary on Nov. 9-10 .
14 Yeltsin , who was due to make a state visit to South Korea on Sept. 16-17 , stated that all ideological ties between Russia and North Korea had been severed .
15 Years of struggle for legitimation and equal status with West Germany were crowned by a state visit to Paris and a historic official visit to West Germany .
16 Also in January 1950 , Sukarno paid a state visit to India which was returned by Nehru in June : in a typically ruminative speech ( so different from Sukarno 's declamatory style ) Nehru told his audience , Politicians are accustomed to making this kind of speech on a foreign tour , but we may believe that Nehru , with his almost mystical sense of Asian-ness , meant every word .
17 President Suharto of Indonesia , accompanied by his Foreign Minister Ali Alatas , Economy and Finance Minister Radius Prawiro and Minister of State and State Secretary Moerdiono , made a state visit to China on Nov. 14-19 , the first by an Indonesian leader since relations were suspended in 1967 [ see p. 22482 ] .
18 President Ganilau made a state visit to China on April 22-29 , 1991 , during which he held talks with Chinese leaders .
19 President Timakata made a state visit to China in October 1990 .
20 In the summer of 1924 , during my first year at Eton , Ras Tafari , later to be Emperor Haile Selassie but at that time Regent , paid a State Visit to England and invited my mother and me to call on him in London .
21 Two goals remain — a state visit to Britain ( little hope there , but a visit by some crowned head to East Germany remains a burning ambition ) , and to the President of the United States in the White House .
22 When President Shagari went on a state visit to Britain in March 1981 , the large press corps accompanying him included no representative of any ‘ opposition ’ newspaper or broadcasting organisation .
23 The Sultan who 's thought to be the richest man in the world , is on a state visit to Britain .
24 He travelled abroad incessantly , making at least two major foreign visits a year : in 1989 , for instance , he carried out official visits to Britain , France , Finland and West Germany , visited Cuba , East Germany and China , took part in the first-ever summit between the Soviet Union and Ireland during a stop-over at Shannon airport , and still found time to meet the new US President George Bush in December after a state visit to Italy and a first-ever meeting with the Pope .
25 There was also speculation concerning the health of both Taufa'ahau Tupou and his aged Prime Minister , the former having cancelled a state visit to Japan in order to travel to Australia for medical treatment , the latter having been incapacitated for a number of years after suffering a stroke .
26 In May 1968 , Charles de Gaulle paid a state visit to Romania , the first by a Western leader .
27 With this hope , he and Eugénie set out in August 1867 on a state visit to Austria to meet the Emperor Franz-Joseph at Salzburg .
28 Russian President Boris Yeltsin paid a state visit to Finland on July 11 after the CSCE Helsinki summit [ see pp. 39030-31 ] .
29 When Queen Elizabeth , on a state visit to Germany in May 1965 , arrived in Stuttgart for a formal lunch , John took care over his clothes but either forgot or did not think it necessary to find a pair of socks less obtrusive than the bright reds or blues he favoured at that time .
30 Queen Elizabeth II of the UK paid a state visit to Germany on Oct. 19-23 .
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