Example sentences of "a important part [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 In planning terms , Liphook plays quite an important part on the district map , said chairman Mr. Croucher .
2 He says the two companies will form a strong group which will play an important part on the international stage .
3 An important part of the weekend will be the auction of tools , books and other objects .
4 They followed this up to show that affected leaves had lower concentrations of magnesium , an important part of the chlorophyll molecule .
5 As well as being profitable and actually paying a dividend back to Detroit for the first time in years , Vauxhall is an important part of the GM empire for political reasons .
6 Because of this , community policing is an important part of the work of Easton 's police , and the next chapter focuses on this mode of routine policing .
7 His odyssey thus brought the history of an important part of the British intellectual left full circle .
8 Jewish boxers were an important part of the London sporting scene .
9 As we shall see , this can be an important part of the battle against jet-lag .
10 Letters avoid this , which is why writing them becomes such an important part of the daily ritual .
11 It follows that the law which regulates the modes in which landowners can exercise this power of alienation — the law of conveyancing — has always been an important part of the land law .
12 The Forest revenues were an important part of the king 's income .
13 They were also tired and when Bath turned again to the Campese option an important part of the Gloucester defence lost concentration .
14 An important part of the process towards self-realisation is a programme which teaches levitation .
15 All excess grass was dried and cubed at a local factory with the cubes forming an important part of the winter diet .
16 Secondly , the budget is an important part of the choice process .
17 In the Old Testament or Hebrew Bible , which is an important part of the sacred literature of all three religions , God is likened for instance to a judge , a king , a midwife and a mother eagle .
18 If they can not make a living from the Herdwick the breed will disappear , which would be an irrevocable loss of an animal which is such an important part of the Lakeland landscape .
19 17.30 An important part of the composing process is the choice of appropriate and lively vocabulary .
20 He promised an end to serfdom , reform of landholdings and an extension of the suffrage , a programme which in turn alienated an important part of the Magyar gentry and rendered them much more favourably disposed to suspending national demands in favour of outside intervention to protect existing social relationships .
21 For those who regard ethnic origin as an important part of the explanation , this might have seemed odd , for Lenin was , despite recent disputes , solidly Russian , whereas much of the intellectual leadership of the rest of European Social Democracy was drawn from minorities — Rosa Luxemburg was Polish and Jewish , Piatakov was Ukrainian , Bauer and Karl Kautsky were Austrian and Jewish etc .
22 Such ‘ retrofitting ’ will be an important part of the changes needed to save energy fast .
23 This arrangement is an important part of the social relations of production .
24 It is worth noticing the use of the frame as an important part of the composition , as with the later Madonna from St Vitus ' , c.1396 .
25 A station featured as an important part of the design of Le Corbusier for the New Punjabi capital at Chandigarh , but there the station with its ramps , car-parks , and adjacent bus station was mainly designed to benefit the internal combustion engine .
26 Many buildings make a significant contribution to the local scene and may be an important part of the townscape .
27 Some buildings are larger and better known than others , and have had a great deal of publicity ; others are perhaps more modest in both scale and workmanship , but still deserving of attention as an important part of the local scene .
28 Going to the toilet is an important part of the day 's activities , and is likely to be the first thing the patient does .
29 Sitting in a good position for meals is an important part of the patient 's recovery of sitting balance and control of his head movements .
30 On inland waters and in offshore winds at sea , wind shifts can play an important part of the upwind leg .
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