Example sentences of "a few [noun] have [be] " in BNC.

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1 Only a few authorities have been treated in this fashion and they are the councils which have substantially exceeded government targets for local expenditure .
2 The following Spring , a still shaken Khrushchev called a group of writers to his dacha outside Moscow and told them that the Hungarian rising could have been avoided if a few writers had been shot in time .
3 Although only a few cases have been studied , it seems probable that extensive infiltration and smooth muscle replacement by amyloid deposits occur in patients with AH amyloidosis , as shown in our case .
4 This is not an area where policies and procedures can be formulated after a few incidents have been experienced .
5 A clear run of four hundred yards was obtained after a few holes had been filled in .
6 Near one of the posts , a hammer and a few nails had been left behind .
7 A few stars have been known to undergo more than one major outburst ; the ‘ Blaze Star ’ , T Coronæ in the Northern Crown , is usually of about the tenth magnitude , but flared up to naked-eye visibility in 1866 and again in 1946 .
8 A few freaks have been discovered from time to time , one amazing animal tipping the scales at no less than 43 lbs and a dwarf specimen at as little as 3 lbs , but these were abnormal .
9 A few luxuries have been smuggled in by canoe from the Solomons , which Bougainville is geographically and culturally close to .
10 This infill bears few craters , and only a few craters have been partially obscured , indicating that the whole Caloris basin since its creation has suffered few impacts and is therefore comparatively recent .
11 A few things have been achieved , I suppose .
12 When examined in respect of his own involvement , von Keller denied that more than a few objects had been taken ; and stated that , as to his having appropriated the dormeuse for himself , there was never any question of sharing it .
13 This usually has no effect ( although a few users have been sick , in which case another form of abortion is offered ) and she 's then sent home .
14 It allows me to savour the end of the conflict , to enjoy it in a way I could not have done if it had really happened , that is if a few words had been exchanged , spoken with difficulty through the barbed-wire taboos that separate people in so-called intimate relationships .
15 A few co-operatives have been set up during the last 25 years .
16 " After seven hours we arrived in Ekondo Jundu , a village in a forest clearing , where only a few outsiders had been seen before .
17 Petrol , food and a few tools had been his biggest expenses so far , and if the budget started to tighten he 'd have to stop buying food and see what he could find in the woodland around him .
18 A few examples have been found where a number of graptoloids seem to have been associated together attached ( by the nema ) to a ‘ float ’ .
19 A few examples have been found made from silver , which was a metal commonly used for finger rings in the 1st century AD .
20 A few names have been bandied about the circuit , but I 'll predict that Ballymena 's Russell Morrow , the assistant manager for the past few years , will get the vote .
21 In practice a few frogs have been produced by killing the egg nucleus by ultraviolet irradiation , and replacing it with the nucleus from a cell of the gut of a tadpole .
22 The following evening , when everyone returned to the hotel , quite a few fish had been caught , even a couple of Naver salmon .
23 Beyond his office , where the desert stretches for miles to the Mazatzal mountains , a few fields have been scraped clear .
24 How often have you known it for the butler who is on everyone 's lips one day as the greatest of his generation to be proved demonstrably within a few years to have been nothing of the sort ?
25 Although a few jobs have been lost , the workforce today is nearly 200 , whose jobs are now more secure because of automation .
26 ‘ Would it be too suspicious-sounding to ask where we 're going ? ’ she enquired huskily , after a few miles had been gobbled up by the powerful car .
27 Only a few prosecutions have been brought under this Act .
28 After a few modifications had been made , based on Frank 's own playing requirements , this model emerged as a bastard offspring of the Saber — the family lineage basically intact , but with a wilder spirit and some distinctly antipodean overtones .
29 A few modifications have been made to it to accommodate foreign words but , generally speaking , it is the words rather than the syllabary that get modified and some get very thoroughly modified indeed .
30 ‘ Oh , I know a few Romanies have been sent to prison for poaching — but so have a great many gorgios .
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