Example sentences of "a number of [noun] [art] " in BNC.

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1 We have already mentioned Equity , and for a number of reasons the entire question of how to enter the actors ' union needs discussion at this point .
2 Mr Collin added : ‘ Obviously , if people have a number of creditors the poll tax could be a casualty .
3 In a number of countries a distinct shift took place during the course of the boom .
4 Doubtful if he ever dented a heart ; more than likely he gave quite a number of hearts a new lift after they 'd imagined the ball was over for them .
5 In a number of instances the government has ‘ fixed the odds ’ in favour of private provision .
6 In a number of instances the Romans took over a Greek theatre ( for example at Taormina ) and adapted it to their requirements .
7 Further , in a number of cases the variant was transmitted accurately in its new form to younger recruits so that a recognizably coherent group of like singers developed . ’
8 Though the onus of proving entitlement to the benefit claimed is normally on the claimant , in a number of cases the burden of proof is placed on the adjudication officer to satisfy the tribunal on the balance of probabilities of particular facts .
9 In a number of cases the courts have , as said , simply treated natural justice and fairness as synonymous ; the former is regarded as the latter writ large , the content of which will vary in different areas .
10 In a number of cases the jurisdictional facts will be expressed in terms of a subjective open textured discretion : the if X element will be ‘ if the Minister thinks fit , necessary , etc. , he may do … . ’
11 However , in a number of cases the courts began to indicate that some control over subjective discretion might be attained .
12 Nevertheless the matter is not entirely theoretical , for in a number of cases the courts have been faced with the need to analyse the juridical nature of a shareholder 's interest in order to determine the principles on which it should be valued .
13 However , in a number of cases the variables on the right-hand side of equation ( 6.5 ) account for rather a small proportion of the variance of the left-hand side variable , suggesting that some important influences on have been omitted from the estimating equation .
14 In a number of cases the Revenue did seek to argue that the beneficial user was a taxable benefit for the purposes of Case I and Case II ( and indeed Schedule E before the specific legislation was introduced ) .
15 However , in a number of cases the courts have required special notice to be given to individual terms .
16 You 're summoned for a number of offences the first of which is that on the twenty first of June nineteen eighty eight you , on the public road namely Acrington Road Worley , used a mechanically propelled vehicle when there was no excise licence in force .
17 According to a number of reports the plan 's main objective was to restore the credibility of the PLO in the West in the aftermath of the Gulf war .
18 Vigorously opposed by a number of clubs the IRFU has stood firm but ironically the flow of foreigners has continued , albeit in a different direction .
19 Nevertheless , for a number of writers the essential point is not so much that these ideas on unemployment and social welfare were new , as that a broad political consensus developed around them which achieved its apotheosis in the triumph of Keynesianism in 1947 [ Booth , 1983 ; 1984 ] .
20 It is a bit like asking a number of students an exam question .
21 In a number of provisions the 1977 Protocols seek to restate the principles of the laws of war so as to make as clear as possible the unacceptability of ‘ total war ’ .
22 It contains a number of impurities the sum of which are known as water hardness salts .
23 Right throughout the year we will attend er a number of bonfires every single month .
24 But although long-nets have a number of uses the nets are exactly the same for each purpose .
25 We plan to plant the seeds to improve a number of fisheries every year . ’
26 In Britain this is reinforced by such practices as attending a number of dinners a term in the Inns of Court while they are students for the Bar ; in both Britain and the United States there is the shared experience of dealing with problems from a legal perspective and extensive contact with other lawyers .
27 It seems clear that in a number of places the word for professional soldier has been misunderstood as meaning " thousand " .
28 my Lord we have said in a number of places the claims are erm unlawful and we refer to the fact that the claims come out of the central fund bi-law
29 ( 2 ) The authorities show that in a number of situations the ex turpi causa defence will prima facie succeed .
30 In a number of situations the costs of the products will be a basis for setting prices , e.g. where the market price does not predominate over the pricing decision , as in the case of a monopoly or an oligopoly .
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