Example sentences of "a time [prep] which [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 However , the outbound timing must be adjusted as necessary to comply with a time at which you may be cleared to leave the holding point .
2 For children , it is too short a time during which they have to build their bodies to the strength and size of an adult and learn all the skills they will need to survive without help .
3 Using that as a working theory , I 'd say there was some sort of time limit involved — I mean , a time during which it is imperative for people not to know that he 's dead , but a time that comes to an end , after which it does n't matter so much . "
4 As the protagonist in Kafka 's Conversation with a Suppliant confessed : ‘ There has never been a time in which I have been convinced from within myself that I am alive . ’
5 When the congregation of the Lutheran Church gathered to hear the Word of God expounded , they expected to hear it expounded fully , and the Pastor of Tappersdorf was ready to oblige , not merely comparing the German text for the day — a reference to the doings of an obscure Old Testament prophet — with the original Hebrew , and giving a learned half-hour to an explanation of the circumstances in which the prophet lived , suffered , and prophesied , a time in which it seemed a small group of people struggled for the truth and searched for God under the shadow of huge decadent empires to the East — and the West , but he , the Pastor , was perfectly willing to apply the prophet 's message to the present day — and to present-day socialist Germany , at that .
6 And they all confirmed what Alvar Fañez had said ; and the Cid thanked them for their love , and said that there might come a time in which he should guerdon them .
7 Nevertheless , a time by which they must be achieved should be stated .
8 A student 's life is ruled by the clock : there 's a time to be up and about if you want breakfast ; a time to be in college for a lecture or tutorial ; a time by which you must hand in an essay or project report ; a time to study and a time to relax .
9 He refused to set a time within which he would step down , saying he was giving diplomacy time to solve the crisis peacefully .
10 He refused to set a time within which he would step down , saying he was giving diplomacy time to solve the crisis peacefully .
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