Example sentences of "a year [coord] a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 What we do is prompted by what we believed a minute or a year or a century ago .
2 After a year or a month or possibly half an hour , God 's face looked in .
3 That was when Fernandez was hired from Miami for $195,000 a year and a basket of pension plans that would excite a baseball player .
4 At this period Lewyn was paid £13 6s. 8d. a year and a robe worth 13s. 4d .
5 On William Herland 's death in 1375 he received the office of disposer of the king 's works of carpentry at £18 5s. a year and a robe .
6 Were you surprised how soon you got into the RSC — and that you have now ended up after only just over a year and a half in the profession playing Juliet and Hermia ?
7 The most damaging feature of the August figures , however , is that they showed no sign , after a year and a half of severe monetary tightening , that the worst was over .
8 My wardrobe may not be as current these days , and I hardly saw a movie for a year and a half while I was getting myself back on my feet financially .
9 Mick Ronson : ‘ It was a really exciting period then because Tony DeFries got involved , which was about maybe a year and a half after I first played with David .
10 ‘ I went out with him for a year and a half , ’ she replies .
11 He maintained he had never received replies to letters or acknowledgement of seeds but the dispatch of the eighth edition of the Dictionary ( April 1768 ) awaited direction and then , with an unusually personal note , he excuses himself , ‘ … having had the misfortune to dislocate the ankelbone of my leg above a year and a half since gone … confinement and want of usual exercise has brought many maladies upon me , but I am in hope of proper remedies to prolong life a little longer . ’
12 I spent a year and a half in a kibbutz then joined the English army for five years .
13 A deal of Tony 's documentary work seems to involve some form of danger , ‘ I went to Asia twice ; in 1986 and when the Soviets began their pullout and stayed for a year and a half in Peshawar , Pakistan .
14 This phase was to last a year and a half and it was a period of general ineffectuality .
15 Nor was there an explanation as to why the letter , which was dated 10 June 1965 , had waited for over a year and a half before being revealed .
16 It is nearly a year and a half since David Howell , the then Secretary of State for Energy , announced that Sir Frank would be the inspector at the public inquiry into the plans of the Central Electricity Generating Board to build a pressurised-water reactor ( PWR ) at Sizewell in Suffolk , and there has been a veritable deluge of documentation from all sides in the past 18 months , giving Sir Frank more than enough preliminary reading .
17 In a year and a half of reading the literature on small schools , I have come across very few studies of any kind which purport to empirically test any aspect of these three assertions .
18 That only lasted a year and a half .
19 Now he wished he had waited a year and a half and done the same thing here .
20 Some land involved was not bought until a year and a half after the find .
21 Following this direct action , BP Coal flew in its executives to meet LAG , a meeting that LAG had been attempting to organize for a year and a half .
22 She left without a murmur although she had only a year and a half to go to complete her secondary education .
23 A series of bad falls , a year and a half on the sidelines , and a promising career suddenly headed for oblivion .
24 ‘ I had n't worked for about a year and a half , and I was about to compromise — to take a part in a stupid comedy .
25 Says singer Brett Anderson , at No. 25 with Metal Mickey : ‘ We lived in squalor for a year and a half .
26 After a year and a half of desultory contacts , none of the parties to the conflict has shown itself able to give enough to elicit a useful response from the other side .
27 Waste Minimization and Containment Services Inc ( WMC ) of Cleveland , Ohio , has spent a year and a half and $750,000 harnessing the intriguing physics of CO2 .
28 San Francisco self-funded start-up Metron Technology has been working for a year and a half to develop some innovative , object-oriented , automated testing and performance debugging software for developing multi-processor and distributed Unix applications .
29 It is offering its 3,000 employees over the age of 50 a voluntary early retirement programme under which they will get full retirement benefits and a year and a half of extra pay if they leave the company and start their own companies in businesses related to IBM .
30 I have only just plucked up the courage to write to you after a year and a half of reading ZZAP !
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