Example sentences of "a [adv] [adj] [noun] in " in BNC.

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1 The mind learns to hold the elements of a properly structured language in both peripheral and foveal zones so that particles are magnified in and out of the group instantaneously .
2 A properly harmonious order in the world , the argument ran , depended upon a just recognition of man 's God-given constitution , his rights and capacities .
3 Mr Darby himself , a professionally miserable man in his late sixties , handed Billykins down from the car and into the chapel and , as the mourners crowded in after her , as politely unaggressive as only mourners can be , there was a real , though muted feeling of loss in the air .
4 Aqib Javed , a vastly improved bowler in the last year , was perfect as a back-up to the two great bowlers .
5 The legendary Miller ski , made in the USA , was one of them and it became a rather hot seller in the upmarket ski boutiques of London .
6 I would of thought so Mr yes , yes , erm , alright well Mr Mr erm this is a rather odd exercise in a way and as you know my first thoughts were they were better to leave it to see what , how the , how the judgment came out of it , but erm , erm , I do regard the matter as er , as a , as a whole as of very considerable importance both to both sides of this case and erm , it did seem to me on considering it , er , from recovering from the dentist that er , an , an outline of erm
7 Yes , and there 's a rather odd smell in this room …
8 He sat quite still , looking like a rather odd god in a shrine or a waxwork in a box .
9 Examples include the attractive Devonshire Cup Coral , Caryophyllia smithi , which is a warm water species with a rather restricted distribution in the south and west ; or perhaps the attractive Leopard spotted Goby , Thorogobius ephippiatus a small fish know to be plentiful in the Mediterranean , but seen mostly by SCUBA divers .
10 Well , it was a rather dull start in the south of the area , but it was unbroken sunshine for Fife and Central regions .
11 Maxim looked round at his taxi-driver , who had parked two wheels on the pavement with the usual German disregard for the tyres , and got a nod and a rather strange smile in return .
12 In the event , Leeds chose to play a rather strange formation in which McAllister operated at right-back and Speed was anywhere but where he is most effective , on the left flank .
13 Wedgwood , traditionally more successful , experienced a rather worrying drop in profits , from I£17.9m to I£12.8m but will benefit from recent action to reduce costs by closing three old and inefficient production facilities — one of which is old enough to be subject to a preservation order .
14 Er we could talk about the customs , the English customs that have helped to er guide us as a rather new nation in our growth .
15 Ten years is a long time in the world of books , but I do remember there was not nearly such a fuss over the original 1983 list : a rather uncomfortable party in some medical establishment , a few diary paragraphs and that was it .
16 Belinda said hello to one of them , Judy Stack , whom she knew from the nurses ' home , then sat on a rather uncomfortable chair in the corner as Faye was examined by a junior obstetrician .
17 Even PhD students can be approached before they have finished their theses , though the publication of unrevised theses seems to me undesirable , common though it has become : a thesis is written , as a rule , for two examiners , whereas a book , however specialized , should have a rather wider readership in mind .
18 You see , I happened to be born in this house , so naturally I take a rather personal interest in its occupants . ’
19 I ran out of printed business cards over a year ago , and I 've now run out of my stock of the blank cards ( which in view of my handwriting have a rather negative impact in any case ) .
20 They are particularly intercsting because they produce several calls and each call is specific to a particular type of predator : a low grunt in response to eagles , a high chutter in response to snakes like pythons and a rather pure tone in response to leopards .
21 Had n't he shown a rather disquieting interest in all the details of the demolished cottage ?
22 Oh , well , please yourself , ’ he retorted indifferently , then , with a rather nasty gleam in his blue eyes , he murmured , ‘ Flying a bit high , are n't you ?
23 We sat facing across a desk in a rather denuded office in Carlos Lott 's building which resembles an unravelling hat box .
24 ‘ I think' , he said , with a rather savage look in Pike 's direction , ‘ that we are in need of Guidance .
25 They lived in a rather similar house in Harpenden , a village five miles further north .
26 Cunningham-Burley ( 1985 ) found a rather similar pattern in a piece of work conducted around the same time in Scotland .
27 A rather hard-line establishment in Southfields — the Islamic Academy of Learning — had been excluded as not being of ‘ sufficient weight ’ .
28 So she kept her doubts to herself , merely remarking that everyone knew what Frenchmen were like and turning the whole thing into a rather laboured joke in which Iris eventually joined .
29 It is a rather recent article in this publication and was drawn to my attention only a week or so ago .
30 Furthermore , it was difficult both to secure part of the surplus from self-supporting peasant households ( with a rather low participation in any monetary economy ) and to do so on a fair basis , that is , one which did not provoke revolt .
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